Thanks JL, i’ve already written to Wez and my MP saying its a great thing.
Plus you know the toxicity on both sides… I imagine Wes might get what Rosie and JKR have been having to live with from the nut jobs for years. Obs i don’t want him to receive death threats at all, but be good for a male MP to get to know what its like. Learn first…
Thanks JL, i’ve already written to Wez and my MP saying its a great thing.
Plus you know the toxicity on both sides… I imagine Wes might get what Rosie and JKR have been having to live with from the nut jobs for years. Obs i don’t want him to receive death threats at all, but be good for a male MP to get to know what its like. Learn first hand the ‘toxicity on both sides’ my arse protestant or otherwise. Might even register on the leadership’s radar if a man receives that kind of online abuse. Its just awful the lack of support RD’s had from labour. Unforgivable.
JL, its poor material but could you not have worked in something like… on the sunny side of the streeting? Bloody hell Petal’s going to bollock me for that.
Ach,you’re grand cb , I’m bored shitless emailing corrupt govt ministers and am awaiting the d day for the ex first minister and her cohorts …. Oo get me !
me too Petal. I think i have that ADHD thingy. or i could just be thick as shit. But if there is an acronym i can adopt to explain everything i’ll take it. I find booze helps with attention span or at least helps one glaze over activities. BIt grim. I’m actually attempting a night off the booze. I got a glass of ribena instead of two pints of lidl’s best.
Bloody hell Petal, i get given loads of home brew off a family member that doesn’t drink- made from apples. Its proper minging. I’m sure yours is excellent though.
Yep. I agree it could substantially change things if men get a dose of what women have gone through in this battle, and in so many others, in the eternal fight for women's rights and freedoms to matter to men. Here's hoping!
Thanks JL, i’ve already written to Wez and my MP saying its a great thing.
Plus you know the toxicity on both sides… I imagine Wes might get what Rosie and JKR have been having to live with from the nut jobs for years. Obs i don’t want him to receive death threats at all, but be good for a male MP to get to know what its like. Learn first hand the ‘toxicity on both sides’ my arse protestant or otherwise. Might even register on the leadership’s radar if a man receives that kind of online abuse. Its just awful the lack of support RD’s had from labour. Unforgivable.
JL, its poor material but could you not have worked in something like… on the sunny side of the streeting? Bloody hell Petal’s going to bollock me for that.
Ach,you’re grand cb , I’m bored shitless emailing corrupt govt ministers and am awaiting the d day for the ex first minister and her cohorts …. Oo get me !
you get ‘em Petal!
I’m trying my best to watch the James Dreyfus vid ,but I’ve the attention spy of a flea
me too Petal. I think i have that ADHD thingy. or i could just be thick as shit. But if there is an acronym i can adopt to explain everything i’ll take it. I find booze helps with attention span or at least helps one glaze over activities. BIt grim. I’m actually attempting a night off the booze. I got a glass of ribena instead of two pints of lidl’s best.
Fuck that I’ve home brew 🍷😂
Bloody hell Petal, i get given loads of home brew off a family member that doesn’t drink- made from apples. Its proper minging. I’m sure yours is excellent though.
I’ve made loads of home brew over the years , worst one was pea pod , looked and tasted like a sample
Ba doom tish 😂
Yep. I agree it could substantially change things if men get a dose of what women have gone through in this battle, and in so many others, in the eternal fight for women's rights and freedoms to matter to men. Here's hoping!