Reading the quotes from HoL got me thinking about how societies treat children.

You look back through history thinking, I'm glad I didn't live in ancient Greece where I could have spent my adolescence being buggered by a Spartan or Victorian Britain where I could have been stuffed up a chimney, down a pit or crawling around under looms. It's embarrassing to think that I live in a time and place that makes those options sound like a summer camp.

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Feb 14Liked by JL

As always 🌹

I keep telling myself that the wheels of the trans bus are coming off ( ever the optimist ) but while big pharma and politicians are lining their pockets it’s not going to happen 😡

As a wee aside I had little petal at the weekend and we were cooking and singing ‘ bonnie wee Jeanie McCall ‘ scottishland readers will know this song ( don’t ask me to sing it you’ll wish you were deaf 😂) and I’m just happy that she’s being taught this in school rather than the shit that’s being peddled elsewhere

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Liked by JL

Thanks JL - that House of Lords debate was a breath of fresh rationalist air. Whatever the shortcomings of the HoL, it is a place where politicians don't have to worry about upsetting press barons or donors or lobbying groups, and that's why it's the only significant public forum where you'll hear two politicians openly-acknowledge that we're dealing with a cult.

As our piss-poor Government continues to increase Stonewall's annual funding, I'm very grateful that the House of Lords exists.

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Thanks for the great news, JL, particularly for the UK.

Also, was delighted to read yesterday that the lovely Simon Fanshaw has been appointed Rector o Edinburgh University! Simon has been a great advocate for women and an outspoken critic of stonewall https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/simon-fanshawe-selected-for-top-job-at-edinburgh-university-ztx0ggqzr

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Many thanks as ever JL. That H of Lord’s debate was heartening, to hear GI called a cult …amazing. Glinner going to NZ and Oz. 👏 I hope he’s sold out everywhere. And PoW, brilliant. I hope KJK makes Starmer squirm.

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Feb 14Liked by JL

Thank you for good news JL and what a gorgeous musical video at the end. Also I'm really delighted for Glinner to be going down to Oz and NZ!

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Feb 14Liked by JL

Thanks so much for this amazing list, I'd missed that Shahrar Ali had won, so great to hear!!

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Fabulous round-up of quotes! You have made my day! Sunshine!

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Feb 14Liked by JL

Thanks JL! So good to hear all the good news at once. Makes me feel optimistic that we’ll get out of the crazy one day…. On another note, if I ever manage to tear myself off Xwitter, I could stay up to date with Gender happenings simply by reading your two weekly newsletters. Thanks for this fabulous service.

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Is that from Zulu JL? that made me giggle thanks!

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I'm starting to have hope again.

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Have a great time in NZ and Oz, Graham!

Have you seen the new film "American Fiction" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Fiction_(film)? This is currently on general release in UK and world-wide. It tackles "critical race" ideology - the ideology which Americans DO acknowledge - in a genuine and genuinely funny way. Reviews: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/american_fiction/reviews?intcmp=rt-what-to-know_read-critics-reviews

You'll make it back to comedy, Graham. I know you will. I'm rooting for you.

See my current travails in the Westminster Magistrates Court: @STranswidows.

Very best wishes


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Wowzer, JL, what brilliant reading this made. Those Lords and Ladies are on fire. Not holding back and ripping this bullshit!t to shreds. And Posie's party finally registered. I will be joining it. Good luck in your tour down under, Graham.

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Feb 17Liked by JL

Great news this week! I reeeeealllly needed it because I visited the wonderful Charleston in East Sussex this week. They were feminists, suffragettes, liberals, same-sex lovers but the place has been taken over by trans nutters. It's tragic! I was buying something in the shop and the lady apologised for saying Thank you Madam. She said "oh sorry, we are not meant to say "Madam" we have all been on a course". I said that I was fine to be called Madam since I am obviously a woman and gave her a piece of my mind about trans ideology. The male staff member next to her kept a stoney silence - he was obviously part of the cult! They sell pro-cult literature in the shop but none to counter it. I left the place absolutely fuming and won't be renewing my membership next month. Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant et al must be screaming from their graves to know the trans cultists have taken over their home!

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This is the Green Party England and Wales 'official response' to losing the Sharar Ali case....

"The Chair of the Green Party executive, Jon Nott, said:

“We are pleased that the court has recognised that a democratic political party has the right to select those who speak for it on the basis that they can and will communicate and support party policy publicly.

“We welcome the findings in the judgment that members of political parties have ‘fundamental party rights’ which include the right to disagree, to advocate for and against policies and positions adopted or proposed in the party, and to organise for those who agree with them and against those who do not, and that the Equality Act is not intended to interfere with those rights.

"The party acknowledges that there were procedural shortfalls in how we deselected one of our spokespeople. We apologise for failing in this instance to live up to the standards that both we and the court expect.”

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Thanks as ever for the relief of the GNS, JL.

I think the Labour Party need to read the Shahrar Ali judgment!

Shame Kemi B had to write that great letter since the info has been known for years and Kate Osborne and Caroline Blokes should have known it. What is their committee called - the Men's Rights Committee?

Great debate in the Lords!

Party of Women! Go, Kellie-Jay!

Best of luck Down Under, Glinner. Can I come? 😂

Great flash mob. I do like a good flash mob but but my favourite flash mob recently was at a pillar at London Bridge station 😎


Thanks again


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