Thank you for this.

I work in the medical industry and certain things have always puzzled me about the capture of my otherwise sensible peers.

Imperative that medicos learn the information in this excellent article.

Imperative your information is delivered way more broadly than just this platform.

Imperative that this is stopped.

Or countered with equally passionate education to support the science that actually represents true 'best practice' to support a patient's 'best outcome', with evidence backed up by 'true case studies', or better yet, people who have been harmed already by this appalling medical practice.

Using the words 'gender critical', or 'anti- trans' immediately sets medicos- caring intellectuals at best- on the defence of the marginalised.

Better to deliver it as 'Best Practice science'/'best outcome' science.

In the same way Total Knee Replacements are delivered in a safe, economically viable and timely manner. With a 'watch and wait' protocol that delivers surgery only when the risk of surgery is met by the loss of function/ ability to walk.

When the patient is less likely to need a second replacement, at an age where the wearing out of the new prosthesis is less likely, hence decreasing the risks associated with surgery by AVOIDING UNNECESSARY SURGERY.

No doctor argues with that!

Knee pain patients are sent to the Orthopoedic specialist after MANY, many visits to the GP, and YEARS and years of referrals to physiotherapists, BEFORE being to be sent to an orthopoedic specialist.

Who in turn knows the risks of surgery and avoid it at all costs.

And if he or she needs to address the problem with surgery, they do so at least resort, and in a way to minimise the chance of ever having to do repeat surgery.

This is not argued.

Young doctors do not argue with their superiors when patients attend in pain, begging for a knee replacement.

Now I understand better why my young colleagues move past their timidity to speak up against their mentors when it comes to this ideology.

Young doctors (essentially many were marginalised by things including high iq, vulnerable, biased against, bullied as children, autistic, raised in florin countries etc etc) who are ripe for having their naive, sheltered, caring natures taken advantage of, are already being trained to be flying monkeys for the pharmaceutical industry.

They are trained to exhaustion, have no space for reflection, let alone to study information outside anything that will be on an exam, or delivered in sponsored lunch meetings that offer only a chance to sit, breathe for a moment and eat nutritious, tasty food provided by sponsors while the sponsors speak.

These tender, naive 'kids' who will become doctors, are sitting ducks for mass recruitment toward the definite harm of affirmative care.


And appalling.

This is direct, state funded abuse on a massive scale.

I listened to Andrew Gold's interview of Andrew Wallis of 'Unseen'.

What's happening with this addition to medical training, is just like all the limos waiting outside the orphanages, in the country where state funding for orphans ceases at a certain age. The kids come out, are seduced with golden promises into the waiting cars, and taken to a trapped future of bondage and slavery.

Except this is WORSE.

Happening in the bright light of day, in plain sight, funded by governments, actively targeting the vulnerable in an extreme abuse of power, orchestrated by mass marketing (internet access- not just social media- captures the insecurities of minors), delivers the vulnerable person- by direct concern of sincere caregivers- to the help they think they will receive.

Instead, are captured in an imbalance, where the doctor's revered knowledge is bowed down to.

If the GP has any quiet doubts or pangs of intuition,

the capture is often enhanced by the GP's quick google on the RCGP website's page 'management of gender dysphoria'.

Where a tidy list of 6 steps, gives the time-pushed GP a quick way to get the patient's concerns addressed quickly, in a way that addresses the GP's conscience. Either a referral to a paediatrician follows (where the above process is repeated) and a referral to the gender specialist clinic, satisfies both the GP and paediatrician's consciences.

And they are done.

This process either separates the vulnerable minor from the equally vulnerable caregiver, by browbeating the carer to conform to the 'greater knowledge' of the all- knowing medico, or justifying the removal of the carer who knows their child better and listens to their intuition rather than following the doctor's advice. Which doesn't go down well if it is done openly.




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Thanks for this insider account. I am a parent who has been on the receiving end of MANY medical health professionals ‘advice’. My daughter was identifying as a boy and was hell bent on full social and medical transition. I naively and trustingly brought her to camhs to get her assessed for autism but instead we got the full treatment. She got her affirmation and I was bullied, berated and subtly threatened.

I got this treatment from psychiatrists, psychologists and our local GP (who I dropped immediately and never saw again).

It is like talking to robots. As soon as gender is mentioned they get this strange light in their eyes, a missionary zealous light where I can sense their excitement at recruiting (in their minds rescuing) another trans child. I call them collectively the child catchers.

Luckily, I no longer have any respect for medical professionals and so I ignore them for the most part. I certainly do my homework before I see them and after Covid “vaccines” who can blame me? A very damaged, compromised profession.

To finish my story, I deprogrammed my daughter myself and got her out of the cult. It wasn’t easy but today she is a happy and healthy lesbian.

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When was the teaching of ethics removed from the medical training syllabus? Hippocrates must be spinning.: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/first-do-no-harm

What other illness, condition or whatever is accepted without question on the basis of self-diagnosis? Women die of ovarian cancer because GPs don't take their pain and symptoms seriously, but a 10-year-old is believed when (they have been indoctrinated) to declare they are in the wrong body?

"If you believe that even bodies aren’t factual, but are just complex social constructions, you have no business treating or advising others." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/um-yes-this-is-interesting-but-how

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The gender activist doctors have been allowed to redefine the meanings of the words care, harm and professionalism. It’s insidious and very Orwellian. They have been put in positions of power in which they have been allowed to redefine these.

Extract from one of my articles below which features another Mermaids trustee (Dr Katie McDowell) from the organisation GLADD (Assoc for LGBTQ+ Doctors and Dentists):

‘The General Medical Council’s Guide for LGBT patients was produced with GLADD and Stonewall, while GLADD is also a member of the GMC’s Strategic Equality, Diversity and Inclusion forum. In 2022, the GMC also invited GLADD to participate in the review of Good Medical Practice, the GMC's professional guidance and standards document for doctors. Considering the level of professionalism shown by a certain GLADD committee member in recent months, this is somewhat ironic and alarming. Bizarrely, the same committee member - Dr Joseph Hartland - recently led a teaching series about professionalism (p.18) for ASME (Association for the Study of Medical Education) which intimated that ‘traditional models of professionalism’ are ‘outdated and no longer fit for purpose’. This fits with gender identity activists’ belief that reality can simply be changed by ‘queering’ the definition of words such as professionalism, care and harm. Words mean whatever I want them to mean.’


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One of the truly terrifying aspects of all this crap is the miseducation of tomorrow's doctors who are medical students now. As an older woman, when I am being cared for by the medical system, I need to know that health professionals are reality, not fantasy based practitioners. It is absolutely Orwellian.

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Horrifying stuff. Children and vulnerable young people are not safe in the UK.

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Or anywhere else.

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True enough!

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Thanks Rebecca. (The power of the behind the scenes pound & lobby groups… 😱😡😤🤮)

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A petition initiated by someone with a large following on social media is my suggestion. Matt Goodwin or Graham Linehan have the social muscle to get this off the ground imo. There must be others. JKR? Retired GP here. The basis of the petition should be: any medical professional involved in mutilating children in this way to be arrested, charged and convicted of child abuse. They should be stuck off and named and shamed. Similarly any individuals, any organisation that facilitated this must get the same treatment.

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A large petition is an excellent idea.

Delivered for numbers of support to medicos like yourself who are not yet captured, and others who are able to answer in support, anonymously.


With the purpose to educate and counter the current narrative with nuanced, scientific fact and information such as in this article...

Therefore delivered equally to current med students, interns, doctors newly entering/yet to enter the college of GPs etc... in order to counter- educate them BEFORE capture, or newly as they are being captured.

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Great idea.

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As a retired midwife and trained nurse who spent my whole adult life working in the NHS ,I am utterly appalled by the fact that they have either allowed themselves to be captured by this unscientific ,body mutilating, cult or they are too cowardly to stand up and speak the truth." First do no harm" has been thrown in the bin by these quacks and I long for the day when they will face the consequences of this Frankensteinian " health care". I am totally ashamed of them ,and my trust in the medical profession has been seriously eroded. Thanks ,Graham 👍👋

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Great piece, Rebecca though shocking that another medical association is captured!!

Have cross posted the cross post 😊



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Thank you. There is a lot more that I still need to write about, including the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Nursing. Also Radiographers…

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OMG Shocking!!!

Well done for all your hard work...and happy Christmas


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But Wes Streeting banned all this didn’t he?

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All that he’s done is to ban puberty blockers for under 18s with a review in 2027. But he still doesn’t fully understand the issue because he talks about ‘trans children’ and how the trans community is marginalised and is more liable to suicide. Gender clinics are being set up and trials of blockers are going ahead.

There’s no such thing as a trans child, just children with problems which need to be explored. Gender ideology has a stranglehold in every institution and organisation across the West and with so many ideologues in the Labour Party and a health minister who doesn’t really understand, we’ve got a long way to go yet.

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Thank you for the explanation. I hope Mr Streeting gets sone sone good advice.

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Exactly. He used to be fully onboard with gender ideology so we can only hope that he carries on following the evidence.

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I think not. This needs to be brought to Mr. Streeting's attention forthwith.

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