I found his interview on the Guilty 'Feminist' (bullshit podcast) utterly appalling. He cares not one bit for women.

Filia did a fantastic interview with 3 women from South Lanarkshire who lost services that were set up by women for women due to the need to include men to obtain funding. Highly recommended listening.

Quoting from their website -

“The reality is that you cannot simultaneously have a gender-neutral approach and a feminist approach to anything. Power in our society is not gender-neutral. Safety is not gender-neutral.”

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This larping man with no GRC , no surgery - not that that should make a jot of difference, anyway - was appointed to a job that should have gone to a woman. Sorry, but I would have expected just what we got from this creature whose contempt for females is beyond doubt.

It is the salivating, crawling females who appointed him and who run after him like puppy dogs who need to be booted out with him. I don't care of they would have been defunded. The law says otherwise and the law was there to be used, you morons. Defunding organizations because they do not toe the line is illegal in itself when the line they are expected to toe is illegal in the first place.

These dumb females who enabled this also need to be forcefully dragged along, under a court order, to a re education programme based on truth and reality and on bhiow to be humane human beings, because they most patently are barbarous fools.

I utterly despise these disgusting females who would crawl over hot coals for some lying man. Putting aside his sadistic and narcissistic behaviours towards clients and staff, which conditions he displays in spades, he lied on his CV, an offence that normally leads to dismissal, but they actually promoted him and, then allowed him to bring in his partner to suck up public monies.

These two men - and any man who sleeps with another man is GAY, not 'trans' anything, 'trans' being a felling in someone's wee head - are showing their complete contempt for Scotland's laws, customs and for human decency. What has been done is illegal - totally, utterly illegal. The Scottish government and Rape Crisis Scotland must know this or they are so stupid and ignorant that they ought not to be allowed out on their own. I despair at the gullibility and stupidity of the people who think they can govern us. Get this larping creature and his other appendage out of ERCC now. Out now and charge him/them with anything that can stick.

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I despise the women who allowed and encouraged this man to become CEO as well. What handmaidens do when they say "I don't mind" is ignore the well being of every other woman and girl that might mind. Which in the setting of a Rape Crisis Centre will be most of them.

For this man, it was the ultimate power play over women.

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I wrote a letter to them when he was appointed, detailing how his appointment was illegal under the Equality Act. Needless to say, it was totally ignored. These people listen to nobody except Stonewall and its vile, vicious, venal tentacles.

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I've realised thinking about this that the women who appointed a man in drag to a women's role need to go too. Anyone who puts virtue signalling above the needs of females victims should not be working in this sector

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Lundy Bancroft has said that when women’s shelters began hiring college graduates with social work or women’s studies degrees instead of survivors of male violence, they began to fail in their mission.

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Yes! That's an important point; so many of our best institutions are being ruined by managerialism. (Is that a word? - well it is now!)

The railways used to be run by men who love railways (so I'm told); now they're run by managers; same with the BBC, the NHS - all top-heavy with bureaucrats who suck away all the money from the actual services.

We mustn't forget the role that Class plays in the gender struggle as well.

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Yes, you're right and yes managerialism is much studied and seen as part of the rot in many areas of society. Like 'contracting out' where so many layers are created that it distances those who are responsible from any accountability. Women's services unfortunately suffer from both these. Pretty much every sector does. There is a current very heated debate on whether and how NHS managers (who may or may not also be professionally regulated as nurses or doctors too) can or should be regulated. I'm sure you can think of famous NHS failings recently that prompted that, and 'we must be better regulated' is asked for whenever there is harm and loss of life.

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What worries me, is that there might not be any reckoning. That all this might be the new normal.

I am suppose to ask people what is their assigned sex at birth at my new job🤨 It is never going to happen, I know that this is it for me, let them come, I am ready😎

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Are you in HR, Brixtonian? All HR departments need to acquaint themselves on a daily basis with updates and clarifications to the law that have come about through court cases. A lot of work, but it beats having to go to court as a witness and be made to look like a complete lemon. People are scared for their jobs, but management needs to be given the truth about what the law actually is, not what Stonewall says it is. These people will bring businesses, corporations and public organizations to their knees if they are not stopped.

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No I am not in HR, but where I am at, is completely captured, I have one word for you , 'Epic', whatever you have heard, is million times worse😐

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Dear God. Brixtonian, I have never been convinced that this is purely indoctrination and a bunch of p**n-addled men, although that is certainly part of it for the hoi pollioi. Something else, much bigger, is going on here and we are seeing only the bit that we are allowed to see. Strings are being pulled behind the scenes, and they are concerned with the overthrow of the Western societies, much of it from within by the hard left, post modernists, but it is, I think, even bigger than that. Whatever it is, it should scares the bejesus out of us all.

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Follow the money?

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Oh, yes, that a part of it - a huge part - but it seems to be more than that, more than validation, more even than p**n addled behaviours. I think there is a seam of deep resentment, hatred even, of all that women have achieved in the past two to three decades that is a big part of this. It is playing out in Afghanistan, Iran, etc. - to a far more destructive level, of course - but the same underlying feeling appears to be present: don't let the bitches get anything at all or they won't do as they are told. Same old coercive, controlling, violent behaviour in a new form and nodded through by the virtue signallers and boneheaded.

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I read something only this week from an anon who works where these systems are rolled out. And the patient harm and numbers of deaths caused by the introduction of new ones. It was eye-opening as everyone knows there are serious issues and in one place they had only a week to be trained. It seems pot luck. Good luck :-)

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The ‘new left’ have no right to condemn violence against women here or in any country where women’s rights are dire, when they are so happy to applaud the ‘women’ ie men, who are destroying our rights and taking everything from us in the name of inclusion. Their hypocrisy is off the scale.

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It is sick, I feel like we are now in a position where we are worse than the witchfinders of old.

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I especially loved the "fuck TERFs needs context" bit he said in open court.

I bet if someone shouted "fuck trans" he wouldn't need any contextualization.

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Thank you for setting this out clearly. It is shocking that a Counsellor can be forced out of her job for supporting her clients and speaking the truth. As a (now retired) Counsellor myself I am horrified, but perhaps not very surprised. I hope this Counsellor goes on to work again and isn’t put off by this horrendous process. Surely she win her case in the court. Wadhwa is just proving he is a misogynist and a bully by treating his colleague in such an appalling way. Not to mention the damage he is doing to vulnerable victims and the Counselling profession. I am surprised that the rest of the staff have not walked out in support of their colleague. He needs to go.

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I understand Ms Adams works for Beira's Place now.

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Good! Thank you

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excellent news, Jeremy

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I feel like I've just read a really bad story by George Orwell!

Why does a man want to run a women's rape centre anyway? We all know the answer to that of course, so my real question is, how was he not stopped somewhere along the way by all the women or have they enabled him? I suppose the law has allowed it, but still .... Thank God for JKR setting up Beira's place! Love her so much.

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For me, this demonstrates the takeover of the women’s sector by the professional classes. The original organisations were set up by survivors who knew what other survivors needed, at the very least a single sex safe space. Now, too many organisations employ middle class, university educated, do gooders who cannot relate to the average service user. We need to go back to basics.

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And they will tell us they are smashing the patriarchy.

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Undoubtedly, MJ.

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Indoctrinated zealots are being turned out from universities captured by this then let loose in all our institutions. It’s everywhere. We are winning little battles bit by bit. Where common sense is, is anyone’s guess.

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Just imagining a BME led organisation employing someone wearing face paint who submitted made up personal details 🤔

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so upsetting. I can’t believe the ceo of a rape crisis centre for women is a man pretending to be a woman. How insensitive. I can’t imagine or will ever try to imagine the pain and trauma of sexual assault and abuse.

Surely we can all agree that this is a space where there is no place for a male bodied human being. To play social politics with the victims of this most awful crime is just so sick and insensitive. Beyond upsetting.

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Note also that ERCC have a policy of not referring to Beira's Place - the only women's single-sex rape/sexual abuse centre in Edinburgh. The "non binary" woman referred to in the report here referred to the opening of Beira's Place as "terrible news" in an email that was presented in the tribunal...

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Terrible news that some women will be able to get away from us?

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This man is being allowed to get away with his hatred of women burning everything female in his path. This, all for the 'principles' of so called inclusion, while practising the rank betrayal of same---- hence, cowardice smothers truth.-----

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I see it as contempt of women. He demeans us.

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A male ceo of a rape crisis centre is the most offensive virtue signalling i think i’ve come across. How dare they use the suffering of others to progress their agenda.

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It makes me apoplectic.

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i’m afraid i had to google that word MG and i can confirm that i am also apoplectic

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Hah, it's one of my favourites 😁

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Utter wanker.

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Today's session, where witnesses for the respondent have started to give evidence, seems even worse. You should have put "To be continued..." at the end.

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Every single thing this person does shows he is A MAN, and the worst kind of man. He has ZERO empathy for women and ZERO understanding of women's lives and real suffering. In his head, as is invariably the case for domestic abusers too, he is the bigger victim BY FAR than any raped woman could ever be. He got the job under the falsest of pretences, sex self-ID is not law in the UK, he has no GRC, so yes: HE has to go.

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Yes and his willing allies have been encouraging him as he breaks laws, publicly throws slurs at and victimises the vulnerable women in the 'care' of his service, targets them, excludes them, calls them bigots and orders them to 'reframe their trauma'. And the wider chilling effect that has had on staff and service users, or potential service users in all women's services. It is galling how confident he is and how long the structure of provision in Scotland has allowed him and his cabal to continue. He's been saying these nasty, aggressive, twisted things for years and it is astonishing that he is still there. Now look at those who've been responsible in this sector slip and slide to get out of accountability. Again.

I've been reading the litany of things he's done and said again and the really frankly bizarre statements on camera that if you are his definition of 'transphobic' you are also therefore racist, ableist, homophobic and misogynist. Oooh Mr self-appointed and self-identified Top of the Grievance Pyramid of Perceived Appropriated Vulnerability gathering every form of ammunition he can pretend to have. That's a man informing women we're misogynistic. He sure is confident and has had total free rein which beggars belief. Then a clip of his pal Sturgeon saying almost word for word the same thing like a script. This can only be money and power they get from spouting this as it's clearly unsupportable, baseless bollix.

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He's appalling.

And those photos of him ooze narcissism. I've seldom seen a man so in love with himself.

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