It's not clear who wrote this, but there's an issue with it that immediately jumped out at me.
Once persons under discussion have been introduced by their full names and titles in a piece of journalism and similar writing, it's standard style to refer to them by their last name when they're mentioned again. Upon second reference, males …
It's not clear who wrote this, but there's an issue with it that immediately jumped out at me.
Once persons under discussion have been introduced by their full names and titles in a piece of journalism and similar writing, it's standard style to refer to them by their last name when they're mentioned again. Upon second reference, males in this piece, Magnus Hirschfeld and Jack Turban, are called Hirschfeld and Turban, not Magnus and Jack. But the one female, Reed Erickson, is repeatedly called Reed, not Erickson. Why the double standard?
It's not clear who wrote this, but there's an issue with it that immediately jumped out at me.
Once persons under discussion have been introduced by their full names and titles in a piece of journalism and similar writing, it's standard style to refer to them by their last name when they're mentioned again. Upon second reference, males in this piece, Magnus Hirschfeld and Jack Turban, are called Hirschfeld and Turban, not Magnus and Jack. But the one female, Reed Erickson, is repeatedly called Reed, not Erickson. Why the double standard?
Malcolm Clark wrote it: