The statistics that they use to show how high trans suicide rates are were taken from some students in a university and those numbers were lower than 80.

Those stats have swayed the police, the gov, schools and unis. And now suddenly they have issues over figures when its against them?

The whole thing is like some bad, tasteless joke.

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It usually is when you're defending the indefensible.

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"And now suddenly they have issues over figures when its against them?"

I think it was on This Mess We're In or something else I watched recently, but I recently learned the phrase "Fact shaming." Figures that disagree with these people are just "fact shaming" and should be ignored like all other forms of "hate."

It is unreal.

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No words.. im just standing here shaking my head 😅

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Revolting, predatory, mentally-disturbed, sinister misogynists.

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So so so so angry about this. I even wrote my own substack post about it just now because my brain was about to explode with fury. HOW DARE THEY? Vile rape apologists. Thank you for pushing and pushing and pushing this issue. Those poor women ... Standing up bravely to tell their story, and then having vile creeps like OJ and AS bleating, 'Oh, but ... ' BLEARH! (*vomit noise*) If anyone needs to be cancelled, it's those two.

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Karen is genuis.

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Yes, she is.

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Owen Jones is having a Foxtrot November.

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" Finn MacKay casting doubt on the testimony of 80 lesbians"

Same old, Same old - never believe her.

A man rapes a woman. She is not believed.

A woman is sexually harrassed in the workplace, she is not believed.

A lesbian coerced into sex with a man indulging in "womanface" - she is not believed.

Its the same story, as old as time. Never believe the woman.

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I have written to the BBC and told them it’s time to step it up and cover the lot. Do loudoun county next. They are protecting rapists.

They have nothing to lose now right?

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And I was just about to have my tea 🤮

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'Bout bloody time, too.

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Unsurprising that Finn MacKay misrepresents the text of the item, but appalling that she went as low as mentioning that lesbians sometimes experience abuse from their female partners. And so low that she did it in the guise that because it happens, she wouldn't write an article declaring this is something all lesbians do. No one has suggested that *all* transwomen think it's acceptable to pressurise lesbians into seeing them as potential partners, but clearly some do. They are the ones responsible for creating a problem that MacKay would prefer to dodge, seemingly on the grounds that transwomen are a minority. Who cares? This is about behaviour not numbers.

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So sad to see rape victims referring to their attacker as " she ". Can't imagine myself ,in any circumstances , ever referring to a man as "" she" ,especially not a rapist !! I prefer to stay in the real world and use proper ,accurate , language to describe everything and everyone . .People need to acknowledge the truth, that words matter, and stand up to the " pronoun police "! We could win this war quicker if we did. Gaslighting is a large part of the problem here and most of the trans activists appear to have successfully gaslit themselves into believing their own fantasies. Well done to the BBC for finally allowing lesbians a voice in this " debate " and letting them tell their stories. Better late than never. Of course ,predictably ,the tra mob are outraged that their opponents ( aka victims ) are actually being given a platform to tell their stories ,and ,again predictably , lie and deny everything ,hurling abuse at them in the process. No surprise there !! Karen's video was great. Very clever and entertaining ,while at the same time exposing what's happening to some lesbians due to this deeply damaging " ideology " It would appear that some ,if not all ,trans activists don't understand what sexuality actually is ,although we all have one. It's as real and almost as immutable as biological sex and ,as a result ,almost everyone has " genital preferences " which are neither misogynistic ,homophobic nor transphobic !! It seems you're only allowed to " be your true self " it you say you're " trans "!!

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I find the Mary Emily O'Hara piece at NBC weird. She gives no definition of queer, non-binary, even gay (the last would imply she wants to date gay males or in her mind is it another word for lesbians?) and apparently Tinder ignores or has no interest in those definitions either once you register you are interested in women, but is glad to push straight men her way. No straight men or gay men for that matter or trans woman should be recommended to her, and the response from Tinder was obviously deliberately contemptuous. Also, they don't seem to have a category trans men, whom she dates, or at least it wasn't clear from O'Hara's article, but I wonder if she would get to where she wants to go by simply describing herself as lesbian. What am I saying? Assuredly not.

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Love the music video :-)

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Totally off topic and a strange question but I’ve tried listening to the Nolan Investigates podcast through my Echo Dot device via Spotify.. however it just won’t play, it does through other media devices but not that?? Am I being overly suspicious or has the wonderful Amazon somehow banned/stopped it??? 🤔🤔

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There's several groups complaining en masse to the BBC about their 'bigotry' - tra groups, a group of journalists, women who claim to be feminists and I'm sure plenty of other people who want to silence lesbians.

I was asked to use multiple email accounts to register complaints.

I hope the beeb are aware that this is going on and isn't representative of how their expose is being received.

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Something I ponder on occasionally; did stonewall never see that taking TWAW/TMAM to its logical conclusion would one day mean calling being gay or lesbian bigoted for not wanting to sleep with the opposite sex? Or did it just not care?

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