Here's some comic relief for a Saturday- Aidan's hilariously terrible story.


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Yes, he's the gift that keeps on giving, isn't he? My only explanation is that this must be some really long form performance art. He can't possibly be a real person.

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Oh he's real alright. Spend a bit of time on boards.ie as I did years ago and you'll see the place is overflowing with identikit Aidans- full of righteous anger and hatred towards women.

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I am of course blocked by him, but have a secret account so was able to read this little vignette. I am wondering if perhaps he and his wife (the illustrator of the story) might have a personal investment, possibly a trans child. I believe one is autistic. Whatever the link, he is tightly focused on the gender issues, one might almost say obsessive.

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I think it's fair to say the boy in the story who dressed up in his mothers clothes is Aidan himself

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This is just frightening. Even an apology is not enough and they want blood and people to be unemployed. We really do live on frightening times and I wish everyone would get peak transed already. Where will it all end?

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Bloody hell! They should listen to Posie/Kellie-Jay: Never ever ever ever ever ever ever apologise. E.V.E.R. Never.

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The mob seem determined to crush them into the dust come what may. If they'd held their nerve they'd have had the GC troops by their side. But they have people's livelihoods to consider and I totally understand they're having to submit. It's so sad.

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I thought they made a grovelling apology, but that doesn't appear to have placated the mob who are now looking to crush them out of existence. They are really biting the hand that fed them. Eating their own.

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This is beyond depressing. It's frightening. But I'll continue to support the LGB Alliance. Maybe it should be renamed the LGB Resistance.

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Is this happening for real ? And ofocurse David + Benji + Owen - all gays and yet homophobes, strange. The disaster mixture of 3. Where did Freddy get lost and chase ? Or trans men are not men enough.

LGB Alliance is on hit list, this has happened thrice in same week now and once with LGB Alliance Ireland. Why are they pushing this much hate towards them , I mean they had to face lesser while they were fighting self id

Thanks for the collation JL, very effective one.

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I think it's called internalised homophobia

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Yes, that. And, like the women who are happy to throw their 'less fortunate' sisters under the bus, you'll notice that the gay men leading the charge are all in a position of privilege. It is unlikely that Jameela Jamil, Nicola Coughlan, Ash Sarkar et al are going to need a scholarship or a grant or a place in a women's refuge or find themselves in prison. So they can blithely give away female spaces and female opportunities etc to males, safe in the knowledge it won't make a difference to their lives. Similarly, the gay men attacking Boyz and the LGB Alliance etc are already established and have enjoyed the rights and spaces secured by those who went before. They don't care about the young gay and lesbian people whose lives are going to be adversely affected by this pernicious ideology - they just want to hang on to their own privilege and position. 30 years ago I was fighting tooth and nail against Clause 28. Now the people whose rights I fought so hard for are trying to strip me of mine and calling me a TERF.

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I think that's the saddest thing about this. Young libfems thinking that women older than them or out of touch and set in their ways. They don't realise that they too will find themselves politically invisible one day. In Ireland the Twitter libfems think that repealing the 8th amendment was down to them and their sweaters and hashtag but they forget about the women who fought for decades. We can all see that the pendulum of woke culture is going to swing against them when they too find themselves having the 'wrong' opinion someday down the line. It will happen, just a matter of when.

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*are out of touch

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OMG, the state of this! Just because Colm O Gorman is a victim of child abuse does not mean he should be above criticism for his shameful treatment of women


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No. Being the survivor of CSA should not render one immune from criticism as an adult. It's ridiculous. Have any women "bullied" him about it?

Thought not.

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Welcome to the real world experience of women especially the poor or working class.... trained by male mob mentality to “keep their heads down” . We see a slight glimmer of their underhanded arrogance, complete detachment from reason and reality and viciousness in action here when their entitlement to male privilege TO DO ANYTHING THEY WANT no matter the consequences for others, no matter how selfish and ridiculous, are threatened.... screw anyone else. Literally. Off with their heads I say they’re criminal. But women will be blamed... no matter what. Women have had second class citizen status for centuries and had to be busy in the kitchen working for everyone else.They want to be called woman? Really? Get into the kitchen and shut up then. That’s still the reality for the vast majority of women and worse much much worse. How dare they totter in and invade our platform in their ridiculous high heels now we are finally getting one. Men can’t stand women having ANYTHING of our own or any autonomy or rights they are so insecure and need power over women’s reproductive and other labour to maintain their fragile illusion of control. Anyone who aligns with MRA’s like this have to admit they are not interested or fit to claim to be progressing anything but literally holding women back and sustaining no progress for over half the population they don’t understand the reality of at all nor can they empathise with us or have any inkling of our lived experience and reality. All Governments must stop discriminating against women start enforcing our rights and this bunch of sex obsessed narcissist’s need to STFU and sit down so we can get some work done to save ourselves and the planet. I’m so bored by this and other associated patriarchal bullshit. Just ask a Mother what’s what. If you can find one that isn’t so marginalised and oppressed that she can actually speak freely. Many just accept their oppression as normal day to day reality and the best they can do is warn their daughters about what is in their future if they don’t “comply”. Many others won’t have words let alone time to think about or explain female oppression they experience day to day. So pleased these blokes are getting their rocks off and now arguing over our reality and attempting to appropriate a superficial version of “woman”. Erasing our words,our ideas, our labour, our DNA and whakapapa, our reality and us all the while. Crazy and very, hysterically, male.

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Whakapapa is such a good word for this, Kath. And people have the fkn nerve to accuse us of being "obsessed" when so much is at stake!

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Gay men having an issue with SSA people advocating for themselves is as sad as it is unhinged.

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