By the way, apologies if anyone already came up with 'Keir Theory'. It's so good, I can't believe it's my own invention.

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I was calling him Queer Starmer.

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So was I!

And joking that if he believes in Queer Theory he can just self-ID as the first female Labour leader, Keira Starmer.

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As in: Nobody really knows what he means?

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We named our cockerel Sir Keir Starmer because he looks the part, but when the hens need defending he runs away.

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It'll have to be selected according to context. I like Keir Pharma for certain circumstances.

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I always call him Red Scare Keir. Not nearly as funny, but there is more than one axe to grind on him.

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It's not that good.

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I don’t like Drag Queens. They always make me feel like they are taking the piss out of women. On top of that they tend to be lewd, crude and sexually explicit. They shouldn’t be anywhere near small children. Ever. Its just totally inappropriate. They are never getting near my Grandchildren. Nope.

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I just don't get Drag. Its not funny and I agree, it feels like it takes the piss out of women...and its ubiquitous.

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"And groomers don’t just groom children, they groom everyone, social groups, families, organisations… The grooming of the BBC and the NHS led to the grooming of the UK. "

I remember seeing JS running in a marathon and a group of us JW's were going to our meeting and clapping him for his great charity work!!! (cringe) (the marathon was going past our KH).

The BBC now know that appearance's are deceptive...so seriously men in women's clothes in women spaces...men rolling around with kids(drag!) right in front of everyone…they are now complicit!

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I honestly think the propaganda is detrimental to the movement and the TQs will drag gays down with them. I hate this phrase, but it *is* being 'rammed down our throats'. It's pure brainwashing. People who support gay rights generally are heartily sick of hearing about it, esp older friends of mine who aleady began accepting gays in the 80s.

I was called a homophobe recently for moaning about the intensity of Gender Ideology promotion because they've been so intertwined. The conversation was not even about homosexuals!

A while back I actually wrote a novel (no longer for sale) about a closeted gay man in the 60s/70s & about the prejudice he experienced until he eventually overcame it, so to be called a homophobe because I don't like constant TQ messaging is galling.

I've ranted about it on my blog, but I decided to have a gendercult-free day. I stayed away from Twatter & went on Facebook only to find Historic Royal Palaces pushing a dubious transgender story for LGBT History month. People on the thread said 'go away if you don't like it.' But when you do retreat from it, gender will hit you elsewhere.

I went on Spotify and there was an advert about trans victimhood. Next, the 'feminist' host of a podcast I was listening to kept trying to bring Non-Binary and gender fluidity into a discussion ABOUT WORKINGS OF THE HOUSE OF LORDS. I went on Instagram where I am part of the doll collecting community (don't judge me !!) and my explore page had 2 images of a mum and her three daughters a decade apart. The eldest is now a scarred transman and everyone was praising it. I left the house only to walk past my bank and see the transified new pride flag on the door.

'If you don't like it, look away' doesn't work when Queer Theory is blasted at you from every direction. Sorry for the long rant.

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Yes! The other day I was enjoying reading my RHS magazine about gardening. Nice relaxing read,

traditional mag, looking at plants and ideas for the garden. Nothing could invade it, right? Wrong. Got to the very last page and there was an article about gardening drag, with a guy dragged up, talking about how he wants to make gardening queer and how he enjoys getting a reaction when he goes to garden centres dragged up. No words.

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That's fucking ridiculous!!!!

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My thoughts exactly. Nowhere seems to be safe anymore

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From the BBC: "Drag Queen Story Hour is the first of its kind and is a step towards "making children know they are accepted", Aida said."

Why do we need drag queens reading propaganda to make kids know they are accepted? That is the job of the PARENTS and their families. They're young kids. They shouldn't even be introduced to sexuality and all the baggage that goes with it. They should be left to grow up and find out from their parents and through educaiton based in reality and to discover who they are as they grow up, not have confusing issues that they are not cognitively capable of processing and understanding thrust on them dressed up in appealing rainbow colours and cartoons. Why are they trying to take the role of acceptance from children and families? The parallels with the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang are hardly hidden! It's grooming, plain and clear.

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Who decides /sanctions it's LGBTQ+ month and all the many other events on their calendar? And why do people comply with it?

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Stonewall. All Stonewall captured organisaitons are pushing it. We've had a month of it at work and gender ideology pushed at us. International Women's Day is 8th March and they have included talks on how to be a gender ally. I was spitting mad when I saw the agenda.

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As irritating as it is that the BBC thinks it has to comply - practically noboby else does. The historiography could be interesting from a critical point of view. I'm sure there is some very good research buried underneath the ideological rubbish I am afraid makes up most of it. (And by ideological rubbish I primarily mean the tradition of historiography based on great personalities. This has little to do with LGB issues as such, but it's rather predictable that this history month focusses on well known gay people and ends there. Not much to be learned from that.)

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And I'll bet, Chris, that you're like me and don't think the BBC is the terrific news outlet that so many people on here, including Graham, think it is. I haven't been watching the news lately because the propaganda is so nauseating. If people don't like BBC pushing gender ideology, maybe it's time they think about all the U.S. propaganda they constantly broadcast as though it's news.

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According to Google …

The surname Starmer comes from the Old English words sterre, or starre, which mean star, and would have been given to someone with a bright personality.

Mmm 🤔

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He does try to come across as cheerful. Not that this ever strikes me as sincere...

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I've put in three complaints to BBC today - a dismal record! The last one was the " LGBTQ+ History Month: Have attitudes really changed?" - I concentrated on the grooming of the child because of the excellent video about "Drag queen story time - child grooming in plain sight" by Sonia Poulton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuMic0cVw4Y

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I don't see the BBC piece as negatively. I mean, there is nothing positive to be said about it. It's a textbook example of bad journalism. It's also a texbook example of bad propaganda. It offers nothing of substance at all. Some people telling us that things are bad - but not a single example of why things are bad. Nothing that has happened to them, just highly theoretical musing about things not being the way they ought to be. Yes, we should ask why a drag queen reading to children features in this piece at all, and if so, why not a critical question has been asked. But this piece doesn't give us any clue that the guy "identifies as trans". Maybe he does, and there is a lot to be said about how absurd this, and while we all know that trans ideology just appropriates drag queens, I don't think the general public are aware of this. To them, that guy featuring in the article is just going to make them ask: Wtf has he got to do with any of this? I really think in this case this does little to normalize drag queens reading to children but backfires. And given the overall quality of the piece, I think the authors just had no idea what they were doing putting him in there. I don't think they had any specific intention, they just used the contacts they were given by, probably, Stonewall.

I fully agree, this is unethical, btw. And makes for a very tedious read no one who isn't exceptionally interested in gay or trans issues will ever finish reading.

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Dr. Joanna-Kennedy-Olson-Mengele got a $6 million grant (from makers of Lupron, I think, to poison children as young as 8 (if I understand correctly, she was instrumental in lowering the age to 8) and cut off their 100% healthy body parts. Exulansic includes in this video a few mainstreamMedia news clips from pre TransLaLaLand days, featuring women who had been Rxed the "extremely dangerous...toxic" Lupron for endometriosis, and were terribly disabled as a result. It's interesting...where are these people now?


Also, great article from SafeSchoolsAllianceUK on "Drag Story Queen Hour" in public libraries and schools. "queerness’ is not a concept that is relevant to any child in any functioning school that correctly follows non-discriminatory, non-sexist policies. Drag is a form of adult entertainment, and as such can never be appropriate for the age, developmental stage, or background of pupils. The conflation of sex and gender results in greater confusion for children and encourages them to believe that a boy may be a girl if only he puts on a dress – another breach of government guidance, which specifically states that teaching should “not reinforce harmful stereotypes, for instance by suggesting that children might be a different gender based on their personality and interests or the clothes they prefer to wear...Seeking to keep one’s biological sex from curious children is both abusive and dangerous – children must always be allowed to ask questions so that they may correctly sex a person, no matter how embarrassing that question is or whom it may offend. The needs of adults come a distant second to the unqualified right of children to safety."

We've become a savagization.


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Keir Theory, so alliterative. It is child abuse. The abusers overpopulated by sex predators. The balance the Be Nice enablers.

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I'm surprised that's on BBC Wales rather than CBBC or Newsbeat.

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Feb 18, 2022
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The trope that gay means rainbows, glitter and unicorns is so tiresome. More and more it feels like an expectation from straight people.

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These days, I shudder at the sight of a rainbow.

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