Apr 3, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

And in other news I understand The Tavistock Centre has announced that it is to rebrand to the

Patch Adams Medical Emporium

Specialising in the illusion of biological alchemy

All their doctors will be up-skilled in the art of the possible and expected to adopt an individual clown persona. It’s hoped this will ultimately reduce waiting times as the power of laughter is known to help patient recovery, getting them out of the door quicker releasing beds for more patients.

They also hope to be rolling out their pioneering non-invasive medical assessment technique, which involves throwing either two plums or two melons at a patient and observing the patient’s response. This is thought to tap into a patient’s subconscious which determines whether they catch the relevant fruit or not. The results of these test are then be compared to the patient’s stated desire for which ever medical procedure they believe will alleviate their pain. It’s especially exciting as now parents can catch the fruit on behalf of their child, which eliminates earlier problems of very young children actually being able catch anything.

The Patch Adam Medical Emporium - mutilation with mirth :0)

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

the one about trying to breastfeed made me so sad. Sorry but any kid can wear a binder until they are 18. I can't imagine being someone who transitioned at 12 or so and carrying the guilt that "I did this to myself" because there were no adults there to protect me from myself. Even though, rationally, kids know that they were kids I bet the guilt and self-blame is horrible, even though anyone going through this should know the adults in their lives failed them. I'm sure the ghouls in this horrible industry just look at these mastectomies as possible future breast reconstructions/augmentations and thus, profits.

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That's great. Thank God for a bit of humour at last.

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Wow. Is that really the prick news?

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This did make me chuckle, albeit it also made me so angry too, for it tells the truth of the sheer horror of Transworld and what they are promoting. So many young, innocent souls, very vulnerable youngsters, believing what they are being told, being led into hell, for the rest of their lives in some (way too many) cases. When The Cult is over, the battlefield will be littered with so many severely injured believers, who no longer believe, who have finally awoken and who want their old, healthy bodies back, which is, tragically, an impossibility.

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The original isn't massively different to be honest with one of the largest slices of the pie being "worried about homelessness" (I think that goes for all of us not just trans folk)

Then there's "pronouns", "bathrooms", "uneducated medical professionals" (think we can all relate to that too seeing as doctors tend to assume all female health issues are stress ), "inaccessible mental health care" (again, that goes for everyone), "trans existence being constantly debated by others", "difficulty accessing legal documents with correct name/gender", "violence against trans people", "surgery costs" and finally, "long waiting lists for surgery".

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It’s all such a bore and still all about men and their tedious obsession with sex, violence, power and controlling others. Frickin infantile.

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"Living in fear of tiny women........"! PMSL! There DOES seem to be a lot of shorty terfs actually - I'm only 5'2". Although I don't feel short: sometimes - mostly actually - I feel I and the terven tower over everyone else with our morality, intelligence and courage (perhaps the size of my ego is inversely proportionate to my stature.......but I speak about you lot just as much as about me!)

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