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The original isn't massively different to be honest with one of the largest slices of the pie being "worried about homelessness" (I think that goes for all of us not just trans folk)

Then there's "pronouns", "bathrooms", "uneducated medical professionals" (think we can all relate to that too seeing as doctors tend to assume all female health issues are stress ), "inaccessible mental health care" (again, that goes for everyone), "trans existence being constantly debated by others", "difficulty accessing legal documents with correct name/gender", "violence against trans people", "surgery costs" and finally, "long waiting lists for surgery".

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As regards "surgery", it's neither compulsory for trans status nor desired by the vast majority (except for the massive boob jobs -#NotAFetish though) so that's moot.

Violence - rare

Legal documents - correct sex

Existence - "enjoy your erasure" said Shon Faye, TranswoMAN, to a real woman

MH care - classed as "conversion therapy" by the T lobby

Uneducated medical professionals - you mean the ones hoodwinked by a pregnant transman in labour down on record as "male" who sat in A&E with "tummy ache" while her full-term baby died of slow strangulation in her uterus?

Bathrooms - not enough tequila in the world to be arsed with that bollix

Pronouns - Rohypnol

Homelessness - you mean like when they withdrew all funding for Vancouver Rape Relief but spent $8 million 🇨🇦 on accommodation solely for Ts?

I mean, really, who let the 🐕🐩🐺🐶🦊 in?

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The "existence" part should also include the constant attempt to redefine the word woman as a feeling"gender identity", or costume, ignoring biology as a sex category. So tired of that nonsense.

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they are about to be stomped. Ideologically I mean. At least in the US the whole right wing and scads of left and center left women oppose this. The biggest voting contingent in the us is dead center at 40 %. My guess is most of those folks are not having this trans b.s. The left has actually gained numbers in the last ten years and the right has lost (meaning Dem/GOP parties). If Trump stays away from the right, and they don't run him again, my guess is that the GOP will have no trouble defeating Biden on this issue alone, because Protestant and Catholic factions alike now understand that the transmaniacs are deliberately targeting both Title IX and the RFRA with this nonsense. All TRA have on their side are far left loons. And numbers wise, that is not enough. Dems have misread the room so badly on this one. But they have a talent for that. If the GOP can abstain from Trump they will get back the WH in a few years time. Dems could have given universal health care to 100 percent of Americans, but instead they decided to fight for obliterating femaleness and voting for a protected priest class of .5% of the population. It will not be forgotten. Not to mention trying legally enshrine breaking parental consent to mutilate and sterilize people's kids. Aye carumba.

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