Brilliant! The only slight change I would suggest is to ask her if she thinks Eddie Izzard/CJ are the same sex as HER mum. Or her grannies?

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She doesn't give a shit about women. I've cancelled my SNP membership.

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As soon as I saw Mhairi (strange way to eat a kitkat) Black crapping on wide eyed about de menz and calling women transphobic for preferring not to be harassed, abused and assaulted by men, I knew the SNP was done. Sturgeon has sunk the party I loved for many years, back when I lived in Glasgow.

And here's a most excellent cartoon putting into simple terms how ludicrous it is to place men's feelpinions about material reality.


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11. If you can't measure "gender" how can you base rules or laws on it?

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Why have sexism and misogyny also been “erased” as a problem of prejudice from these lists of matters to address by every spokesperson I’ve heard speaking about social justice. This omission is offensive to women. It’s an evident problem. Too big and entrenched for them to handle? And/or they’ve simply been too complicit with sexism for too long?

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I see that her only Twitter bio descriptor beyond political positions is 'Loves books.'

Maybe she should be gifted a few she clearly lacks. Like Abigail Shrier's 'Irreversible Damage', about what's happening to her 'young people' she claims so deeply to care about, overwhelmingly those of the female sort.

Would she care?

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Food for thought. Interesting, very interesting.


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She has lost her bloody mind.

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