
I know this isn't the thrust of the piece but - There is nothing that I could create in my silliest Photoshop moods, I do not think, that is more absurd and stupid than those flags.

What is more, such that it matters, is that they are created in such an amateurish way it is as if they were drawn on an Etch-a-Sketch.

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Jun 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Like something preteen boys might create when they form a club. Bless their little artsy cotton socks.

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Jun 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Etch a sketch may be more professional looking that the blobs of different colours they have on those daubs. Its all absurd.

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Yes! And most of these creations WOULD look far better in jagged black lines on a grainy grey background!

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All I want to know is can they carry me out of a burning building. If their priority is to support men simulating sex in the street with dog costumes on I think I'll just rescue myself, ta.

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Not funny, but I laughed out loud at your reply, Sarah. Priceless . . . and spot on. Bunch of virtue signally, clueless clowns.

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Jun 28, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

😳 what even are these documents? I've seen the lists of different sexualities and genders before but had forgotten quite how bonkers they are. Why do we need a million tiny little boxes for people to be put in. Also, lipstick lesbian? They can fuck right off with that

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Have a gander at "uniform pride". A fetish that involves uniforms like nurses and SCHOOLGIRLS.


Fucking paedophiles, not even dressing it up, bold as you like. And people fall over themselves to be "allies" to this shit. Unbelievable.

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I didn’t get past the A-E section. WTF?

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Not a day passes without my very tolerant jaw dropping! This is beyond absurd. Who the blazes is sitting making this shit up?? Whoever’s responsible has serious mental health issues. That the Fire Service could even think it was acceptable to publish this crap on their website is astonishing. Jaw still at ground level…..😱🤯

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the variety/sheer number of 'persuasions' is all smoke and mirrors to hide the various 'kinks' (that would nave included children- if it hadn't purposely been taken out because it is so unacceptable that they couldn't sneek it in). and these kinksters were liberated from from the realms of mad diagnoses alongside lesbians/gays (seventies). usually mad diagnoses are handed out to mostly women (particularly gender non conforming) and POC - so i'm not sure that any doctor would consider them mentally ill.

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What a load of utter and absolute bollocks! My step-Dad was in the Fire Service and if he’d been showed this he’d have laughed like hell and said stuff it. And he’d be right.

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Well we would except women and children are getting assaulted because of this attitude.

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Where did I say it didn’t? I merely implied that those in the fire service in former times would have laughed this out of existence. As we all should have from the start instead of making space for these appalling ideas.

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It’s too mad. How can anyone take this shit seriously 🤷‍♀️

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99% don’t thankfully it’s bollocks

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As so often happens I am reminded of the peodophile episode of Brass Eye.

Then I remember this is not a spoof.

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A "cupiosexual" is someone who is asexual but wants a sexual relationship.

There is a FLAG for that. Words fail me.

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That's just the most ridiculous and pathetic crap. Whoever thought up that shite would be better employed colour categorising the thousands of lego bricks in my son's playboy. FFS I give up 🙄

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(I assume that's an autocorrect for playbox 😀)

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Yes 😁

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Wasn't it Leicester University that offered a Student Sex Work Toolkit? Are they also Stonewall Champions?

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It was, yes. And probably.

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Lipstick Lesbians: like fashion flowers, Sex in the City, perfume, lingerie and lipstick.

Way to go with upholding the gender stereotypes you shitters.

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Isn't that exactly what the whole trans thing is about? Making sure gender stereotypes are upheld and women are never allowed to escape them. And the price if they do is to cut off their tits and take hormones so they can't orgasm.

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Pretty shocking when you look behind the curtain, eh? They can only hide behind euphemisms like top surgery or gender-affirming surgery for so long.

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What a load of crap. They all know exactly who they wanna f**k which shows you gender is a load of horseshit.

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And people pretend to be baffled at the need for the LGB Alliance.

Gender seems to be an alternate word for personality or kink.

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It's such a shame and a disgrace to this site that here you are making this nonsense up. I mean, clearly you must be making it up right? Because the only word for it is nonsense.

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Omg... the irony!!

From their kids section


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I'm struggling to understand why the fire brigade, an organisation whose sole purpose is fire fighting and rescue, feel the need to issue social guidance to the public. There are specialised departments which do that. Do what you do best Fire Service, and stop making a fool of yourself.

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I'd be very wary of a group who wanted to teach my child about online grooming and staying safe, while also claiming that getting a stiffy for schoolgirls is not only a valid "sexuality" but qualifies you as oppressed and marginalized.

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What is that !!!??

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Some kind of game to teach kids about online grooming I take it. We'd be happy to give them a starting point. A little organisation with a half woman, half fish name that rhymes with fur-maids.

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All I can think of is: What do these men get up to in the firehouse while waiting for calls to fight fires? Their beefcake calendars (is that a thing in the U.K. as well as U.S.?) scream GAY, GAY, GAY, and now apparently they are screaming KINK, KINK, KINK, to the world.

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Sliding down the pole? 😲

Playing with their hoses?

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