Zoom also doesn't include sex as a protected characteristic. We need alternative methods of doing everything the mainstream digital dingbats control. There is a group, https://www.aneconomyofourown.org/events that is meeting in a couple of hours to design an economy that isn't part of the patriarchy. Registration is closed, but I thin…
Zoom also doesn't include sex as a protected characteristic. We need alternative methods of doing everything the mainstream digital dingbats control. There is a group, https://www.aneconomyofourown.org/events that is meeting in a couple of hours to design an economy that isn't part of the patriarchy. Registration is closed, but I think I am registered. I hope they send me a link and that they haven't been no platformed from Zoom.
Zoom also doesn't include sex as a protected characteristic. We need alternative methods of doing everything the mainstream digital dingbats control. There is a group, https://www.aneconomyofourown.org/events that is meeting in a couple of hours to design an economy that isn't part of the patriarchy. Registration is closed, but I think I am registered. I hope they send me a link and that they haven't been no platformed from Zoom.