Fecking mhairi hunter Nicolas bag for life is quite delusional they all are. And the guidance for schools is child abuse in plain sight,the advice for binders is just sickening. Shame on them all but if they think we Scottish women will wheesht they are in for a fright because we will never be silenced. Scotland is no longer a place I recognise and Nicola Sturgeon is to blame to think I once admired she/her. Marion is doing ok we went for a wee coffee. It really is disgusting what is happening to her but she will rise because they have no idea how strong this woman is. And she has an army behind her and the Scottish Witches.

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Tell her we're right behind her !! We all need to stay strong and we won't be silenced !! Hate my country right now and totally detest this government ( never voted SNP anyway ) but all the left wing parties are now equally despicable ,on this issue at least !! Shame on them !! Women Won't Wheesht !!

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It's not just the left though is it? All this stuff has taken hold since 2015 under Cameron, May and Johnson in charge of UK. They haven't gone full tilt like the Scottish Parliament but the pressure is there. Never thought I'd be grateful for Liz Truss but here we are.

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Liz Truss seems to have been stopped in her tracks to end the Stonewall abuse. Priti Patel (I know, I know) was also ushering a law to make it illegal to cancel free speech. I'm not sure where this stands at the moment but she is losing some of her responsibilities right now so it looks like she's also being pushed back. It's a worry.

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God I love the strength of Scottish women. They don't take any shite. More power to you sisters.

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Please give Marion all our love. I hope she realises how much support is behind her

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She does and it is a great comfort and boost for her.

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We frogs dozed off for a moment in that pan of water and when we opened our eyes again, we saw the water was boiling. Can't believe what has transpired in this septic isle while we were busy worrying about the phoney 'war on terror', the banks, the putative warming of the earth and, most recently, Covid. Who would have thought that affirming the biological facticity of sex was tantamount to hate speech? Who would have imagined that asserting that a man with a penis can in no way be construed as a woman would be seen as an act of wanton bigotry? I have become like the White Queen in Alice's land of wonders, believing in at least six impossible things before breakfast. And my head well and truly hurts.

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Thanks Graham - the last few days have been truly shitty for Scottish women (Forwomen Scotland funding their crowdfunder the massively inflated £190 000 cost due to the intervention of Scottish Trans Alliance which is 95% Scottish Govenment funded= was the only chink of cheer).

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This is outrageous and awful for Marion. For those of us who were intending to come, it's only an inconvenience (again), but it's still a piss-take. Arranging childcare, preparing said child for a night away from mum, getting the car ready / serviced for the long drive, re-organizing the schedule, etc etc. We'll still bloody come though. Bastards.

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This hatred of women is reflected throughout the UK in the promotion of men's rights to rape, to use porn, prostitution being framed as work rather than abuse, the explosion of domestic abuse and the plummeting police response, the torture of abuse victims in family court and the shredding of sex based rights in favour of gender. Women are being pushed off a cliff.

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God some of those bloody women. Have they been lobotomised? Well, at least the protests against Mhairi Hunter's lies are strong and mostly polite. I don't know how they keep so civilised in the face of this aberration.

Marion Millar will be a test case, if it comes up at all. I don't know how she's coping so well, even with such support as she's received, because living with a possible sentence hanging over your head like that is cruel and unusual punishment.

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Let's hope that those women who support and enable all manner of perversion will go the way of Lot's wife - the archetypal enabler of perversion - and receive their comeuppance by being turned into pillars of salt. One can but hope.

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You might think Scotland would have learned from the terrible events of 2009 when one of the worst paedophile cases ever hit the courts. One of the men convicted was James Rennie, CEO of LGBT Youth Scotland. But, no, we now have official guidance saying it's OK to keep secrets from your parents - I'm sure we used to call that grooming, now we call it policy.

See also


Children age 12 and above deemed to have legal capacity to consent to their own medical treatment - including puberty blockers. This is going to explode in their faces in a few years time.

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Yes about thinking people might have learned from the Rennie case, but it got weirdly little press coverage, especially in the rest of the UK (or anywhere else) at the time. I remember reading about it from a Scottish source and waiting for it to blow up and be examined in the rest of the UK media..... Nope. Mouths shut.

That there seemed clear decisions to suppress it I found shocking-not-shocking, and horrendous as regarded child safeguarding issues that went unexamined. I also remember thinking that if he'd been CEO of a youth organization NOT under the LGBT umbrella, he and all involved would surely have been publicly shamed and the whole course of events scrutinised.

On the other hand, we then got Rotherham and all that, so perhaps 'turn a blind eye' is too often the way of things when child abuse is perpetrated by members of 'protected minorities'?

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I think there is an unwillingness to highlight crimes by vulnerable minorities (although they always seem pretty quick to blame autism for any odd behaviour). The Rotherham grooming gangs are a good comparison for this. Rennie and the paedophile ring was reported but not given headlines that you might have expected. That could also possibly be because it was so horrific they couldn't report some of it and perhaps a feeling of wanting to move on as quickly as possible. Of course Rennie's crimes don't mean all trans people are paedophiles, that would be prejudice, but it does mean you have to look at safeguarding, what mechanisms he used to avoid being caught and to get access to children in the first place and none of that seems to be happening. I am seriously disturbed by what is happening in plain sight right now. It's like a fever dream.

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💯 this. If it’s mixed up in the alphabet soup it will definitely be brushed under the carpet

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It has also crossed my mind to wonder in the years since, what happened to all the youth who were in LGBT Youth Scotland under him? What might have happened then? Where are they now? Who were the other staff? What did they know, or not? What were others – and Scotland more generally – left with as a legacy from such a leader in such a position?

That it all seems to have gone unexamined (did I miss something?) makes it all the worse.

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Never heard about this in England …!

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We are being frogmarched, eyes open, hands tied, into the abyss. And no-one seems to be listening.

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I STAND with Marion Miller! But I feel so helpless in this fight, it’s like trying to stop a run away train with your bare hands 😩 I can’t get my head around the fact that ‘average Joe’ can clearly see this is crazy but the people making the decisions are so captured by it?! Scary!

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I think Trans makes it perfectly clear why the politicians and bureaucrats are so captured by it. It's not just the U.S. which worships the almighty dollar/pound/euro.

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"the play, which will be featured as part of a "Pride" event, “School’s Almost Out! Celebrate Pride,” on June 17, “invites us to imagine Jesus coming back to Earth in the present day as a trans woman,” the EIS says.

The play’s creator, Jo Clifford, a man who identifies as female and says he also identifies his religion as Christian, says the play recreates biblical stories with a “different slant.”

#eyeroll #tedious #lifeofbrian #writeyourownbook #mencannotbecomewomen

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To paraphrase Frederick in 'Hannah and her Sisters', if Jesus "were to come back today and see what people are doing in his name, he'd never stop throwing up."

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Gross !! Good job Christians mostly " turn the other cheek "!!

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The Scottish government (well, SNP) have been actively trying to drive a wedge between parents and children for a long time. The Named Person scheme was exactly the same, and that took protests and a court case to stop, though John Swinney still supports it. This guidance is more of the same. It is interesting to note that, historically, Iron Curtain countries, the Chinese Republic, Vietnam and Cambodia all made splitting parents from children a priority.

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Further comment on the CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis from Emma Roddick, an SNP MSP who is close to the party leadership. I think it would be fair to say that sheʼs not very bright.


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You were too polite there. She's an absolute moron ,judging by that tweet !!

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Thank you. Plenty of very good comments in response, well worth reading.

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Thanks for the recommend. One that distils things well:

'I'm still waiting for a non-creepy reason as to why a man would want to get themselves in to that position.'

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"It is true that the odds in favor of stupidity or superstition or unchecked authority seem intimidating and that vast stretches of human time have seemingly elapsed with no successful challenge to these things. But it is no less true that there is an ineradicable instinct to see beyond, or through, these tyrannical conditions." -- Christopher Hitchens

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Hope he's right

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Richard Branson’s daughter Holly identified as a boy as a child and look at her now. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9753083/I-spent-seven-years-identifying-boy-Richard-Bransons-daughter-Holly-39-reveals.html

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"But psychotherapist Bob Withers, who has treated a number of transgender patients, said studies consistently showed it tended to be a passing phase. "

says it all...

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I recall reading something similar about one of Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's daughter who identified as a boy in the early years and is now quite feminine. It seems hugely rich parents are less prone to be bullied into mutilating their children then.

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Good for her ,having the courage to tell that story. She'll probably get hate speech thrown at her by the trolls !! Hope not

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I once shared a house for a few weeks with a young woman who was by her own admission confused about her sexual orientation. She was a prefectly reasonable human being and we had some conversations about her feelings. She subsequently went on to transition to male and (he now lives abroad and I have only tenuous contact with him) I am sure he is a perfectly reasonable human being still.

He went through a process and gave a lot of thought to what was right for him.

The people who have captured the attention, if not the understanding of the FM are unreasonable in not allowing people to give consideration over a period of time to what they really want. They will do serious damage to a lot of people.

The current state-sanctioned policies are being promoted by vicious people for vicious reasons, i.e. short-term personal gain and the self-satisfied knowledge that they are 'in with the in crowd'.

They have no concern for anyone but themselves; the damaged individuals resulting from their policies are of no importance.

I have written to my MP, MSP and the FM on this and I have not received any replies.

I'll be at the Sheriff Court for Marion Millar and at the Hollyrood demo.

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thank you for writing! keep writing ask your MSPs to ask questions of cabinet ministers about policy this is their job. And if they don't report them for not fulfulling their duties as MSPs check out the code of conduct on the Scottish Parliament website

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Sturgeon and her somewhat stupid, groupthinking acolytes are absolutely obsessed with Stonewall's approval. The SNP is supposed to be there to achieve our political independence, not to introduce queer theory and gender identity ideology. But Sturgeon doesn't seek to agree. How she survived in post after having found to have lied to a Scottish Parliament committee earlier this year, is interesting. The MSM appears content enough with having her around, for some unknown reason. It is utterly bizarre.

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She seems to be buyable and the SNP are absolutely skint.. just a guess but there’s lots of money flowing about in the trans lobby.

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Seems lying is part of the ‘essential criteria’ for becoming a politician these days

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and a raging all day on a local group on Facebuik discussion of 'transphobic stickers' in Leith had this marvellous comment

"Question is, why and what made these people hate Transit Vans so much?!

· Reply · 3h

Ian Chisholm

Sean Anthony Its a campaign by Volkswagen ....because Transit vans are so ugly..."

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