Repeat after me:

They am a narcissist

You is a narcissist

They is a narcissist

Don't you dare commit literary violence.

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This was a very funny and satisfying treat on Twitter! Wonderful entertainment and all in a good cause - at Mermaid's expense!

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The hypocrisy of the original tweet is great to point and laugh at, but the cowardly blaming of Grammerly THEN the Grammerly response absolutely make this situation the comedic gold that it is. Just goes to show, different rules for them than for us.

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But on a serious level the fact they had no qualms over wilfully scapegoating an innocent party is a fascinating insight to their mentality.

Think about it.

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It’s incredible! They just lie. The adult thing would be to say, oops I got this wrong because it isn’t always easy to automatically go against what ones eyes can see. But no, the feeble scapegoating makes it so pathetic especially when they are leading the fight against the “crime” of misgendering.

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Lie? Methinks you mean 'they tell their own truth', Becca? (said with a great big smile of mischief on my face.) xx

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oh crap that IS what I meant but... you know, Grammarly

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100%. The resort to lying should not be forgotten. Of course they do it all the time, but it’s over such fraught material that it gets a pass from much of the mainstream. Whereas this is a clear, uncontroversial lie and they should be held to account for it.

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I know theres a serious side but it has been hilarious watching it unfold, and to see Mermaids back pedalling. Hope this can be used in Mayas case!

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You couldn’t make it up!

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Hoist by their own petard. Delicious

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You've all already read Graham's take on this but if you also want to read about Laurence the tank Engine and the NB train drama visit my substack ;) (shameless self promotion) Love you Graham :D https://sheridansinclair.substack.com/p/a-week-in-non-binary

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great idea of renaming the 'Karen'

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Thanks Graham! If I ever finally make the decision to go paid on substack you're first in the line for a free sub! :D

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Aaargh! Can we puh-leeeeze get rid of this ridiculous word 'misgendering'. There's no such thing, we're correctly sexing people.

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'Misgendering' = truesexing.

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Town elects man as mayor, what a great time in Civil Rights!

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Hirmzes getting hirmzelves in a right two&eight 😂🤣😄

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Hilarious! Laughs are much needed but as you keep pointing out, Graham, that bunch really delivers!

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This is like an episode of Ab Fab... although even Patsy and Eddie weren’t this bad at PR

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This charity has been instrumental in shutting down any debate on people being able to question the morality and ethics of experimenting on children in this country. If they believed in what they purported this ‘mistake’ would never have happened. The fact that it did demonstrates just how amateur they are, and yet government departments have allowed them to help shape national policy and the medical treatment for treating children with body dysmorphia.

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It's beyond evil isn't it, Mrs. M. It's as if we're back in The Days Of Hitler, where unspeakable thoughts poured out of very sick minds, leading to very evil actions upon purely innocent people. Makes me shiver at times, it truly does.

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From Owen's page...and I love the request as how to address him, as Mayor, either Lord or Lady....OR............






Replying to




"I am curious how you would like to be addressed as mayor... In the UK they say Lord or Lady mayor from what I understand, am curious if you've come up with a non binary honorific"

Strangely, 'they' hasn't answered. I think 'They Mayor' or 'Ze Mayor', but if the latter, we could all shout 'don't mention ze war!' a la Basil Fawlty, and roll around with chuckles, utterly helpless........

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He - yes, HE - has locked his account. Hardly the type of behaviour you'd expect from a public official.

If you can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen lad. Just saying.

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*EDIT* My bad. I'm blocked. Jesus, he's more thin skinned than I gave him (dis)credit for 😜

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I'm raising a glass to karma as I type 🍻

A round of applause for karma, ladies and gents 👏👏👏

PS: LMAO @ the "do better" critique 😂 It works SO much better when it isn't satire.

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Hilarious! Laughs are much needed but as you keep pointing out, Graham, that bunch really delivers!

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