Jul 20Liked by Graham Linehan

As always, it is the Orwellian nature of the trans rhetoric that impresses i.e. it is the shameless REVERSAL of reality. Take this:

“Additionally, it is important to challenge the premise that there is a tension between trans and women’s rights, as this notion is discriminatory and unfounded. Trans women are women under the Equality Act. This supposed conflict has been manufactured by a small but vocal gender-critical movement, which has been amplified by certain media outlets over the past five years.”

The term “gender critical” is pure Orwell. The word “critical” implies something outside the norm, something that rejects the customary way. You would therefore think that “gender critical” refers to those who are advocating the new “genderism” i.e. the transgender activists. But the reverse is the case. “Gender critical” refers – astonishingly – to those holding fast to the OLD (and only coherent) use of the word “gender” i.e. to signify sex. And so it is the NEW approach – the redefinition of the word “gender” as some kind of free-for-all blank space – that is taken to be the norm!

Thus when this execrable email above says, “a small but vocal gender-critical movement”, it is talking about THE WHOLE BASIS OF SEXUALITY AS PRESUMED FOR COUNTLESS MILLENNIA!

The description “small but vocal .... movement, which has been amplified by certain media outlets” applies to the trans movement. And let’s face it: it’s not just “certain media outlets” but the WHOLE media.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

And this: "These risks were overblown, the paper argued, and “imbued with normative judgments about potential fetal outcomes*." The word "normative" i.e. normal and as you say "THE WHOLE BASIS OF SEXUALITY AS PRESUMED FOR COUNTLESS MILLENNIA", is presented by the cult as a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with normal/normative, but it is presented as something to be feared and something that is somehow flawed. Their whole language turns everything on its head.

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It's actually worse than that. The word "normative" relates to

"establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, especially of behaviour."

But talk of "potential fetal outcomes" is based on scientifically assessing the actual physical outcomes of this testosterone intake i.e. it has nothing whatsoever to do with behavioural norms. In other words, valid concern about very real effects on the fetus is neglected in favour of these superficial "behavioural norms"!

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Queer theory is at its core anti-normative. Queer and trans ideologues have the gall to make normativity sound like a crime against humanity.

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You’re right. Language is at the core of this debate. As Dave Chappelle put it: trans people make up words to win arguments.

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What alternatives are there to "gender critical" to describe people who oppose the trans movement?

"Transphobe/transphobic" and "anti-trans" are out. Even if used ironically like the execrable "queer", the terms would put off moderates who are sympathetic to gender ideology but capable of being persuaded otherwise.

"Sex realist" isn't bad but, like gender critical, it isn't self explanatory.

"Anti gender" or "anti gender ideology" are possibilities.

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This is where I feel both too pessimistic and too optimistic.

First, the pessimism:

I simply cannot believe the nature of this utter fraud and how far it has gone. It’s as if some hideous leprous growth has been festering away underneath my gaze before oozing up in a Lovecraftian manner from the depths. And, to switch metaphors, everyone seems to have been replaced by the pod people from Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.

I am like the boy who wasn’t there when the scam of the king’s new clothes was being installed through mass hypnosis. So I came out to find that everyone has already adopted this crazy reversal of language. So that even the ones who object to the bullshit still use the same self-defeating terminology.

And it has been sobering to see that J K Rowling has tried to be reasonable in her response by “making allowances” for “trans people” as if that was a thing. And yet even she has been excoriated relentlessly by the trans goons. That is a lesson for us all. Give in even a little to bullies and they will exploit your attempt at fairness.

Thus I stand in awe at the entire bullshit movement and would frankly not want to use any of these expressions whatsoever. "Trans" is garbage. The word "gender" has been utterly sabotaged to the point where it has gone the way that Orwell predicted i.e. it has been removed from the language.

Even to say "anti-gender" feels like a trap. For someone like myself, who never stopped thinking about “gender” in the old, i.e. only meaningful, way, it is precisely the trans squad who are “anti-gender”.

We are facing a criminal gang who have hijacked the whole English language and turned it upside down. And to face them on their terms – which are the only terms the loathsome media permit – is to try and win a rigged game.

That’s the pessimism.

The optimism is that I honestly think the only hope comes from those outside the scam – and I frankly feel that, despite the media blistering on non-stop with this shit, the vast (“silent”) majority don’t fall for any of it. “Trans” designates mutilators/ liars/ enablers of perverts and paedophiles etc.

And more and more are becoming aware of this. The horrific reality of the con whereby e.g. “transitioning” means mutilation, is becoming more apparent. And I hope that it will be the case that less and less will tolerate this crap in their everyday lives. Thus negating all political movements.

But then of course there is the media which, by this point, has been revealed as a voice for a mafia. And there is also the regrettably impressionable young whose innocence has been fully exploited by these utterly soulless evil bastards behind this scam. I only hope that the centuries old accumulated sanity of the human race will prevail in the end.

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Well argued! I'm going to call myself anti-Queer from now on.

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This is evil—everything they say is an easily disprovable lie!!

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And unfortunately, many people will keep on believing it all.

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I think their cheese has slid off their biscuits. An email from the cult. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/im-not-transphobic-you-are-normaphobic

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Fantastic article.

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The contributors to this Substack should be proud, as it's become an important publisher of gender zeitgeist investigative journalism. I suggest offering Private Eye a sample subscription!

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What is Private Eye please?

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It's a fortnightly UK based news and current affairs magazine, with a significant satirical element. It has an impressive track record of breaking stories and shining a light on hubris and corruption. There's also a lot of humorous/spoof articles and cartoons. Here's a sample article from the last but one edition (scan hosted on imgbb): https://ibb.co/Ws3w9t8. PE website: https://www.private-eye.co.uk

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Some of the men committing sexual assault are the suddenly demanding, crossdressing husbands of unsuspecting women now trapped in an untenable marriage. In my data on the experiences of 61 trans widows, over 1/3 of us were sexually assaulted, about a half dozen were raped by him. None of the rapes were prosecuted. The most shocking of these is a young mother in the UK, whose pornography-addicted husband attempted to strangle her, then raped her, all while their infant daughter was present. She ran out on the street barefoot with the infant, where strangers helped her. Despite physical evidence, these witnesses and her statement, the Met Police called a few weeks later to say they "do not have enough evidence to charge." The data so far:


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When someone values their faith more than the health of an unborn child. How can people be silent on this and not care when its there in black and white. Be kind and turn away

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"Transmen" who think it's OK to keep taking testosterone while pregnant, need to be sterilised: unfit to have children

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They will be anyway. But we have no idea what problems these children are going to have as they develop. It is quite evil.

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God ,the LIES these people tell !! The real mistifying thing is how they keep getting away with it. No conflict between women's rights and "trans" rights ??? One thing that is true ,sadly ,is that manywomen DO support the demands of these charlatans ,erasing their own rights and safety in the process !! Do they NOT realise yet that the ONLY people who benefit from this are either predatory MEN ,or people who can make money from it ,(big pharma and the medical industry)?? Women and children are the ones who suffer the most from this anti human experiment. Thanks Graham. Sterling work 👍👋

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I’ve been drinking so should probably shut up , there are no transwomen or men ,they’re all fucking mental

And as for the politicians etc who encourage them , they’re all just money hoors

I shall regret this post in the morning

Probably not lol , not known for keeping my gob shut

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Jesus h.

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"It is difficult to get a man/woman to understand something, when his/her salary depends on his/her not understanding it." ~Upton Sinclair

"Until you change how money works, you change nothing."

~ Michael C. Ruppert, American writer and musician, Los Angeles Police Department officer, investigative journalist, political activist, and peak oil awareness advocate known for his 2004 book Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.[2]


There is just SOOOO MUCH MONEY in gender ideology and SO MUCH POWER to destroy women's (and children's) rights that it's a monumental task to get anyone who bought into the cult to change their mind. To admit they are wrong would be catastrophic to their psyche. And yet we must keep fighting. So grateful for all your work, your sacrifices and your HEART!💓🫂

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Thanks for the link, Graham. I did the survey. Can everyone else please do it too?

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Just wow

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Have done the survey and that pile of lies really helped focus my mind on what to say!

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No doubt when the adherents file these comments in the consultation they won’t be backed up by evidence.

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They don't care and hope that nobody will notice.

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Unfortunately, a lot of people WON'T notice.

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Such lies and more damned lies. Frightful.

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