I've watched some of the "I am Jazz" videos commented on by the brilliant Exulansic and each time all I feel is horror. This is exploitative child abuse and everyone is a winner except (eventually Jazz). Who watches this programme for entertainment and feels fine about it?! Every time I hear a story like the one of Leo, and the detransitioners mentioned in the book "Trans" I am horrified. There is no informed consent here! Informed would mean they know the risks and they know the side-effects and long-term effects. As Exulansic said during "The Mess We're In", I don't want to be around when Jazz finally realises the full extent of what has happened. She already has mental health issues (seen in the trailer when she thinks Harvard would bad for her mental health and says her mind goes to dark places) - I want to scream at her - "of course it does, you're being abused so other people can feel entertained and your family can make money".

On a related note - I see Lush have spun why they have left most social media (except the cess pool that is Twitter funnily enough), into an attack on social media platforms. Nice try Lush, many of us know you're trying to come up roses after encouraging girls to bind their breasts. Your shops may smell like a sultan's boudoir but we know it's just to cover up the real stink.

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God bless you, Graham Linehan, for your sterling, tenacious and tireless efforts to keep us abreast of the news. You are unearthing, and informing us of, some amazing - albeit terrifying - things. for which we are extremely grateful. Incidentally, can you tell us your Paypal account email so that those of us who want to donate through PayPal can do so?

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

I read on Twitter that the documentary will be subtitled in English by next week.

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Excellent. Can't wait to watch it.

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Thank you for the link. I’ve just finished watching it and it was very difficult viewing. Those poor kids. And no-one takes responsibility of course. The chilling effect of the trans rights movement is clear to see in how defensive many of the professionals are in this documentary.

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The problems lie with the Transhausen parents. Who amongst us would allow our kids to suffer like this? I know teenagers are a nightmare but allowing them to mutilate & ruin their confused wee selves like this is negligent & an abdication of parental care & responsibility. Give it a few years & the litigation will speak for itself.

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Transhausen - :) that's a good one!

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That’s definitely going into my vocabulary! Unfortunately, I’ll be using it regularly.

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And then there are the parents who are trying to stop it but are bullied into silence by their relatives, peers, neighbours, social services, GPs, NHS, councils, schools, Girlguiding, Lush, Waterstones...and the rest of the mob. For those less resilient, lucky or without the support of others they seem to be alone.

(Not sure of the Swedish companies promoting this schtick). Not 'affirming' seems to be against the law in more jurisdictions.

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I do not believe that teenagers are a nightmare; I believe PARENTS are a nightmare. If you respect and love your children, they will love and respect you, particularly if you don't act like an idiot. I think the teenage years are when children start to see through their parents' bullshit if their parents are bullshitters, then if all goes right according to society they will turn into the same sort of bullshitting adults. But it's also an opportunity to begin to see one's parents clearly and rationally, acknowledging their good points and seeing their weaknesses and dysfunction.

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How can things have got this far 😭.

Evil - all of it

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The usual Circular illogic: "transwomen...told the doctors about how they needed to shift the focus from potential harm to children to fighting transphobia."

Don't define transphobia....just say "Its transphobic because we say its transphobic".

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The word transphobia has an application so wide it's now meaningless. It's partly why those focused on identifying it everywhere have attached it to far more tangible forms of prejudice, like racism, antisemitism and homophobia. The orthodoxy doesn't have to to explicitly challenged to be dismissed as transphobia, questioning and wanting to think about the implications of some aspects is transphobic.

It's mostly deflection to avoid engaging with the harmful impact extremist gender ideology has on women, young people and children. It's an ideology that is going to rupture and collapse eventually, by then no one is going to be giving its advocates and supporters much attention, or not the kind they want, they'll have an opportunity to fully realise the damage that has been done.

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The more I learn of ideologies and contagions, the more and still it seems they are the fever dreams of one or two psychotic and yet somehow charismatic or lucky individuals who appear at the right (wrong) time and place. Then a heap of others along for the ride. It's co-opting words, theories, realities, scientific terms, experiences, sex, minority groups, the vulnerable, human rights, fear, facts, history, the whole damn lot.

It's fairly demonic which is perhaps why religious language suits this so well and former cultures found the need to pass warnings on in tales and write them down to warn future generations. Then it was all codified, then splits and infighting and mistranslations led to more splits and then personality clashes and round and round we go. Right and wrong is not just contextual.

Gender, gender ideology and gender identities are blurringly meaningless amorphic theories with no boundaries. So is trans now. So therefore is transphobia. So therefore are 'trans rights'. The only concrete definition seems to be 'anything we disagree with and if you are not totally aligned with anything we think, or do, or say you will be punished'.

It learned well from misogyny. From intolerance. From power and greed. The far right didn't die, they are still with us, in a mutated form, and calling themselves the far left perhaps. Pragmatically we may always have this extremism with us. And when there are Billionaires putting their power behind it I don't see it losing with grace. Peak Trans is the new Peak Tech which is the old Peak Oil? Those at the bottom of the pile will always lose out (again is this women, young people and children? Anyone physically, socially, or culturally with less security and less able to fight back).

It seems so far-fetched that this will mutate next to transhumanism, but then I didn't believe this rot would spread this far so am prepared to be wrong.

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This ideology, which has been normalized right down to elementary schools, in some places, is definitely operating like a cult, with so many seemingly trustworthy adults ( teachers, therapists, doctors, etc) captured by this ideology. It is very difficult to fight, if one is a parent or even a therapist now. I wonder how the "deprogramming" will happen? Graham has done a huge service in highlighting this issue, along with Exulansic, and many others, but it is so difficult to fight a cult. We must have the strength to resist and speak the truth...

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"That’s ‘Dysphoric’ And of course, there’s Exulansic’s channel, which made me understand that ‘I Am Jazz’ is the first time a child has been abused onscreen for the purposes of entertainment."

Tobacco, armaments, slavery, pornography, trans surgery etc … now its in the media. some people have no morals, ethics, no nothing.

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I just watched the Jazz video his family is disgusting...get out son and don't look back.

The whole lot of them have no redeemable features.

They are bland, boring nobodies exploitering their son's mental issues.

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I've posted English subtitles here, machine translated but good - https://controlc.com/ee7969ef

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Via a little jiggery pokery, I watched it last night with those translated subtitles. Very much worth seeing when the broadcaster releases their own English language version.

It will be interesting to see if the Doctor that raised concerns and was reported for doing so, will now come forward with the greater public awareness.

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Capacity of man for cruelty and sadistic pleasure in using and abusing others. So much for civilised.

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Admittedly this is a superficial point but if you're a body conscious young male, you've got no chance of steroids being prescribed.

I understand women have to jump through hoops to get HRT prescribed too.

So what the hell is going on?

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Before getting HRT, you have to go to your OB-GYN and have the doc draw blood to do a "hormone panel," so they know how much of the stuff is already in your body. Can't just give you some amounts vissi-vassi, right? Unless you're a silly kid, of course. Then it's "self-diagnosis." (If I were a kid, I'd take that one to the liquor store...)

What's going on? "We believe this to be an example of mass sociogenic illness, which involves behaviors, emotions, or conditions spreading through a group.” Write neuroscientists https://doi.org/10.1002/mdc3.13316 about tics in genZ. It’s also an accurate diagnosis of the profoundly illiberal, pseudoscientific, trans ideology.

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Some stats: 440 kids in sweden given blockers last five years, 87 of them given for more than three years. They seem to not have done controls of skeleton on atleast some of these kids (the boy in the show had not any controls done until his back started aching) https://www.google.se/amp/s/amp.svt.se/nyheter/granskning/ug/vart-femte-barn-som-fatt-stopphormoner-har-behandlats-for-lange

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What is clear from watching Exulansic's video is that not only should Jazz have had a thorough mental and physical health screening, but so should the entire family. My apologies to anyone whose eyes are too close together, but I have observed over the decades that often comes with a less-than-stellar intellectual capability. These parents and grandparents appear to be moronic, very simplistic language skills, virtually no capacity for critical thinking, little capacity for empathy which even some severely challenged people possess.

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The pharmaceutical industry makes a big profit from all the treatments it promotes. I would say puberty blockers/cross sex hormones would rake in a considerable sum. Big Pharma is very powerful, and there are many examples of it not acting in the best interests of its patients:


In 2009, Pfizer, the world’s largest drug company, agreed to pay $2.3bn (£1.4bn) to settle charges of fraud and civil and criminal liability over its promotion of off-label use of four drugs:


At the time, according to the US Department of Justice, it was the biggest healthcare fraud settlement in the department’s history. But to put it in context, the New York Times said that the $2.3bn amounted to less than THREE WEEKS of Pfizer sales (www.nytimes.com, 3 Sep, “Pfizer to pay $2.3 billion to settle inquiry over marketing”). So where is the incentive for them to stop?

Not the most trustworthy industry then. I think there will be a lot of lawsuits in years to come, when the side effects of some of the latest 'treatments' come to light. Pity it will be too little too late for a lot of people.

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It's all about market forces. No wonder the NHS and so many other instituions ar captured.

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How is this news?

Cover ups are routine in organized crime.

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I just watched the Exulansic piece. That poor child caught in that repellant family. It's a horror story.

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BBC Radio 6 Music just promoted some artist's 'Transgender Rememberence Mix'. Not a word yesterday about eliminating violence against women

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Like we ever get a chance to forget them. What exactly are we remembering? How safe they are? Their cognitive dissonance? How none were murdered again in the past year? It's been a depressing morning, the amount of news reports of dead women and girls, and that's historical and current cases. I am glad they are covering them, naming them, and that perpetrators from decades ago are finally being caught, but the scale is horrific. We should be horrified.

After the death of a 12 year old girl in Liverpool yesterday Assistant Chief Constable Jon Roy said “There will be additional officers in the city over the coming days and in the run-up to Christmas who will be providing visible reassurance to those who live, work and visit the city.

“Ava’s death should be a reminder to us all about the part that we each have to play in eliminating violence against women and girls.

“Ava died on White Ribbon Day which is a global campaign to end violence against women, and yesterday partners from around the city joined together to mark the day, which is also the start of 16 days of activity designed to raise awareness of VAWG [violence against women and girls] show how we are working together to make sure that VAWG is something that should not be tolerated in any society.”

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Thanks Caroline. And well done Radio 6 Music for really pushing the boat out. The Blessed Madonna provides a mixtape of artists who are Trans, Non-Binary or gender non-conforming to remember those in the Trans community who are no longer with us.

I'm not so gender****ingconforming so am I Trans too now?!@*!#? They're not with us? Where are they then? Taking photos of their tackle in the ladies?

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