I can't think of anything to say that isn't swearing. What a disgusting response. It's obvious that he really has not (or dare not) engaged with this issue at all and his superficial 'allyship' is utterly transparent. His flippancy and arrogance are breath-taking. He's not worth losing any sleep over, You're the best of men, Graham, and this snivelling toady is not fit to wipe your shoes. He's got more faces than the town hall clock. What a hypocrite.

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Yes, all of the above!

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Really disturbing that he comments ‘I hope if your daughter ever transitions’ like that is something normal and natural for a young woman to consider either now or at some point in the future…….mind boggling.

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Creepy isn't it. He might as well have said "I hope you'll accept it if your daughter has her tits cut off and thrown in a bucket and her reproductive organs atrophy from testosterone" because that's what happens to the "poor little transboys".

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Here's Neil's email decoded:

Dear Graham,

Look, I'm in the middle of another multi-million pound deal and I just can't afford to be seen talking to you right now - my young fans would go ape-shit and I'd never work again. It's not like history's going to judge me harshly, right? I'm not a fucking nazi - I'm just asking people to be kind. Anyway, it's just women and children (not mine of course). So right now and until the tide turns, I'm sticking to where the money is.



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Ha! Extremely cynical, and if true, I'm sure he wouldn't paint it quite as extremely as that, but quite possible!

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It’s a narcissist trick to say “I’m worried about..” referring to the mental health of somebody who simply has a strong and rational stance.

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Quite, and so is the ad hominem attack in lieu of a discussion on the topic in question.

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I don't expect a shred of decency from him. He's a self centred prick who abandoned his (rather young) wife and toddler in NZ last year, during the height of lockdown to fly across the world to London where he hired a car and drove to North Scotland because he needed space to think about his marriage after he was caught cheating.

Why would he give any consideration to JKR when he had no issue fucking off on his wife and kid?

It's a pattern. The biggest spouters of TWAW are sly, savvy, know-which-way-tge-woke-wind-is-blowing. Conviction just ain't in their bloodstream.

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I had a feeling it was about him cheating, just from how she talked about the situation -- neither of them went into great detail -- and the really odd thing is I *thought* they had an open relationship. BUT, I've been in one of those before and my guy *still* managed to cheat on me, so I'm not that surprised.

And himself when everyone screamed at him about going to Isle of Skye. "Oh, yeah, ten people died in a nursing home..." And you could have killed more, asshole.

But by all means, tell us about "terfs."

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Yeah I read the 'open relationship' stuff before too, just wondering how balanced that openess is if one partner's stuck at home with a toddler and the other isn't.

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Hint: zero.

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I'm guessing this infidelity wasn't with a transwoman.

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Aug 3, 2021
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Aug 3, 2021
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Lo and behold! There IS a genital preference after all!

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Here's the thing, Neil:

You are in lofty position to say shit like "trans women are women" because you would never actually date, sleep with or marry one and that is prime evidence you don't actually believe it.

If you had any courage of your convictions you would leave your wife and find you a nice transwoman to settle down with, but you won't - because you know transwomen are men and faced with an actual transwoman; lo and behold, there's a genital preference after all.

You're a poltroon who won't defend women, real women.

Graham, you may dispatch this tosser.

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Neil's also not a woman who will ever have to share a prison cell with a man, or a room in a rape shelter with a man, or be bumped to make way for a man in sports, writing, politics etc etc

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And he never gets threats of pipe bombs in his mailbox.

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THIS ⬆️!!!!!

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That’s a very good test. Would be sleep with a trans woman.

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Since he thinks they're women.

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All males who noisily repeat that transwomen are women should be REQUIRED BY LAW to have sex with them. Otherwise, horror of horrors, transphobic!

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I second and the motion is carried.

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Congrats Glinner. You're getting publicly accused of mental instability at a rate usually reserved for opinionated wimpunds.

Which I suspect is more oppression than was ever experienced by Eddie Izzard.

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Neil is full of passive aggressive shite. I'd be raging too. Disgusting and beyond the pale to drag a person's daughter into it.

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it's just plain nasty to wish surgical 'transition' on any young women. and i might add why should any young women feel like she 'should' change her body with unnecessary cosmetic surgery, and be pressurised by ridiculous standards of supposed beauty. if any affirmation therapy should be happening it should be that young peoples bodies (and even older peoples too) are good enough without 'beautification'. and someone please take those thick marker pens away from the aesthetic surgeons, before they scribble on anybody.

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They keep saying "gender" does not depend on body parts. That is THEIR ENTIRE BASIS for the men among them invading women's basically *everything*.

And yet, if a kid is trans, they "must" get hormones and surgery.


(well... we here have some pretty good ideas as to why... NONE to do with "being trans")

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Whenever someone chants TWAW and the rest, it registers the same as "Jesus is with you", "God is watching". He's a fraud, saying something he doesn't mean to appease a cult. A weak-minded little individual.

Hopefully, your daughter won't transition, because thanks to you, she will know that girls don't need to go on cross-sex hormones to avoid becoming a Victorian stereotype female.

Those who repeat delusional mantras are the ones who come across as mentally ill, not you.

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Well, he also doesn't talk about Scientology.

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I dont think the gender ideologists idea of what a woman looks like/behaves like etc is remotely close to *any* historical expectation of what women should be. Its entirely linked with a very modern p*rnographic ideal of what women should look like. Look at young boys/teen makes and the disgusting "cissyfication".

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I admire your tenacity Graham but I’d give up on him if it was me. Just the flippancy of his replies, the mindless mantras and the sneery contempt for anyone who disagrees. All very revealing of his personality.

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Yeah leave 'im, Graham. He ain't worf it!

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Didn’t Neil Gaiman decide to travel halfway round the world from his four-year-old child during the early days of Covid and then, entirely predictably, find he couldn’t get back into NZ to see him for months?

I’m not sure he’s in a position to lecture anyone about being kind to their children, tbh

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There it is, "No debate", again.

They're happy to have imaginary debates with dead people it's easy to suppose would have agreed with them though

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This is their new “shut down” tactic; they say something like “well, I hope if your child ever transitions, you’ll accept them.” I got it the other day from an MRA on a Facebook thread about the US Green Party disavowing the Georgia Greens for sticking up for women in sports. All they have are stupid, non arguments like that.

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It actually does sound like one tactic of an evangelical sect. Completely cult like speech and behavior. (I’m a U.S. survivor of evangelical abuse in childhood.)

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They've all boarded the Woo Woo Train (which is flying off the tracks) and they're too spineless to pull the emergency cord!

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He’s a knob. Sorry, no ther word for him. My comment on Twitter reads…. Wow @neilhimself what a feeble & patronising exchange. Bless you… it’s not GL with issues is it - he’s the one with principles. It you! - you’re the coward. Humans cannot change sex. Stop lying to yourself & face reality

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FFS - using his own MH issues as a shield whilst weaponising someone else's against them? Who does that?

Anyway, if he wants to be on the wrong side of the herstory that will prevail, that's his call. If only the 🙊🙉🙈 chicken-shit soft-arses realised that they're doing the dirty donkey work of rich white transvestite puppet masters 🙄 although, granted, the latter have played an absolute blinder and hoodwinked loadsa luvvies whose latest movie needs funding. Chin up, Graham. Feck them baxters ✊

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That's a tactic now "Oh what if your child" (or in my case with one of them - grandchildren) were trans.

Well I am sure my children (their parents/partners ) would seek out counselling, and study up on it...but they like myself would not endorse it. The same as if they had anorexia.

I was called a terrible person for saying that.

Then these are the ones with mental delusions. So who cares.

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