I would just like to say that despite the depressing - and dangerous - nature of events in NZ and also yesterday in Hyde Park, it has been a very important weekend in terms of how these idiots are viewed by others.

There are now a lot of innocent people ignorant of the truth of these activists' actions and motives getting caught up in it all. There are now appearing several videos on YouTube as shown here and elsewhere - of people simply documenting events and having no allegiances either way. These tossers are being shown up in their true light - as anti-free speech dullards at best, and privileged and oppressive thugs at worst.

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Thanks for this Moley -- I sure needed a mental health boost.❤️

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I'm not sure why it helps, but I am very pleased that it did!

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We’ll be there at Hyde Park Corner on the 30th. I’m going to borrow my brothers cycle helmet with a camera atop.

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I think I will bring a crash helmet!

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i am writing from new zealand to thank you and to beseech people in england to please use your freedom. you can still gather. the police still offer (reluctant) crowd control. media like the daily mail allow comments and provide some balanced reporting. all this is so much more than what we have here. keep fighting. you have the ability to lead the world in this fight. be strong.

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Please do keep the rest of the world informed. Thanks.

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thank you. i have a close friend who is a trans widow. you fight such an important fight. for family justice.

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Please let her know that I can be her voice on Ute Heggen YT channel, she can contact me at leautsira.gmail.com

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Take heart, the TRAs know they're losing and that's why they're stepping up the abuse. It's impotent rage, it's the sort of flailing incoherent anger you see from creeps who know they're beaten but are embarrassed to admit it. It will get worse before it gets better but it can't be much longer now.

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I was pondering how it’s all likely to end earlier. I think the most likely outcome is all the trans allies suddenly developing selective amnesia and distancing themselves from the TRAs once the lawsuits for irreversible physical and mental damage start rolling in. But what I fear is some poor woman being murdered by this mob in the meantime.

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Oh the irony of the selective amnesia (of the allies) us GC folks can see in the future!

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Yes, the sign of a failing movement = violence, apparently! I'm not glad about the violence but I'm VERY glad about the failure...

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Yes. It's on a par with cornered rats. That's when they spring and bite.

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As they've had years of positive reinforcement I assume the extinction burst may take an awfully long time.

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It would be great if this is an "extinction burst", but it looks more to me like TRA ally mob violence is just getting going. While many of the public still don't know what a "TERF" is, and disapprove the exclusion of trans males from female sports as "discrimination".

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Righteously angry and powerful piece mate

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“Gender’ ideologists burn books, punch seventy-year old women, knock middle-aged women to the ground, urge the ruination of children’s psyches and bodies, create terror at every level of society, snitch on people, throw liquids at women, make women fear for their lives, endorse imprisoning rapists with women, continually report innocent people to the police, endorse rapists and perverted men entering women’s spaces through the smashing of necessary safeguarding, solidify regressive sexual stereotype, completely erase homosexuality, and project their own fascist authoritarian anti-free speech behaviour onto those brave souls fighting against that very authoritarianism. My, what a strange ‘civil’ rights movement we have here. But they seem to have won hearts and minds of so many. Only a cult could do that. Only cult ‘think’ could bypass and shut down people’s ability to reason and act civilly with regard for their fellow citizens. God help us, and I really mean that — God help us.

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Now I need to add -- break women's skulls and create mass killers.

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Graham, you're always very self-deprecating about your role as a defender of women's rights, but it was brave of you to do what you did on Sunday. Your video of the police walking away was shown by Andrew Doyle in a powerful piece about KJK on Sunday's Free Speech Nation. Together with the footage of KJK in Auckland, it's helping to raise people's awareness of how our civil rights are being undermined.

Home Office Minister Chris Philp has spoken out to express concern about the treatment of KJK in New Zealand, so I've emailed him the link to your article.

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It reminds one of Little Rock and Birmingham, except it's a crowd of thugs surrounding mostly middle aged women now. Very brave women. People once again pointing to human physical realities as clear as the nose on any human face. And what should logically follow from them.

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The TRA mob are poison.

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Greatest mind f**k of all time. Actual fascist-behaving Men's Rights loons labelling their opponents as fascist! And by controlling the gears of big tech and main stream and social media (hence the relentless spinning propaganda) convincing too many of this Big Lie. What a coup for the ‘gender’ cult. It’s as if Hitler and his minions had convinced the British public that Churchill and any who listened to him were the real fascists. Lies all the way up. Lies all the way down. Nothing but lie after lie after lie after lie …

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I'm autistic, these people advocate eugenics against my people on a scale Aktion-T4 could only have dreamt of. The same people who will wring their hands over what language to use to describe our conditions and levels of functioning, in favour of sterilising autistic children with experimental drugs and surgery like they're stray fucking dogs. It's a hereditary condition, too. I don't think they plan on it but that's the material impact.

I suppose if any good comes of all the spergs being bred out, it's that these creeps won't be able to find anyone to repair their phones and computers for them.

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Yes. As an autistic woman with actual lived experience, it really boils my piss when we’re labelled as Nazis for objecting to experimental ‘treatments’ for autistic children. Nobody seems to question why so many autistic children are gender dysphoric, either.

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Charities for autistic people should be screaming to the rooftops about this. Instead, they support it!

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They’ve been captured. My daughter is autistic and I’m on a number of parents’ groups on FB. Parents talk about supporting their autistic kids to be their true trans selves and anyone who questions this is chucked off.

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Unbelievable! I honestly don't understand how so many are this brainwashed!

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Wow, chucked off FB, as in the platform itself or shunned from the specific group?

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Removed from the group. No debate, it’s transphobic.

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Jeepers. They've no idea about Tavistock? Or closed ears or don't believe it? I hope your daughter is ok. These are SUCH strange times! This movement is truly cult-like.

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We have a Gender Critical Autistics Facebook group where we write letters to these charities and services, and generally try to keep each other sane. You'd be very welcome, parents and friends and allies all!

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Are the parents of those children autistic too? as it's a genetic condition and highly heritable. Whatever appears to parents to make an autistic child's life easier -- indoctrinated by gender identity as a "cure-all" for any other problems of autism -- might be attractive: to make their own life easier with an apparently happier child.

Unless they have access to other information: which even so might be challenging and difficult both for an autistic parent and indoctrinated autistic child to accept, especially if other kids and parents are going along with it.

And many parents might not be that bright. It's always hard to remember that average IQ is 100: even when people have access to good information, their thinking skills might not be that great.

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Eugenics on neurodiverse / autistic folks? Despicable!

As to your last point, indeed. Imagine next time we're on a plane about to take off and there's a problem with the plane. The pilot will probably say not to worry, that there's a queer theorist come to take a look! Pronouns (utterly/clueless)

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It's habitual narcissistic projection.

DARVO is their kneejerk tactic: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.

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The police in those videos are unbelievable! I struggle to believe this is happening in my own country!

I wonder Baroness Casey would have to say about this?

No wonder we have lost trust.

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Thanks, Graham. My guess is that NZ will embolden them. This is a moment in history. Thanks for showing up. It means they see the edges unraveling. They know they haven't got words that win over truth.

The Heggen Lexicon, including cross-sex ideation, cultivated sexologist mystique, strawman ambush and betrayal blindness:


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Hey Ute, do you think this mean some 'on the fence' people might start taking down pronouns from their bios or do you think we're not quite at that stage yet?

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Well, Lisa Selin Davis is contacting me. But with "oh, I have to post 'balance'

balanced, bollocks

I said that, in my reply, we will see

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Graham: your last video clip (the other man who filmed) was Heiko Khoo (Speakers' Corner orator, organiser of the Karl Marx walking tour, sinologist, journalist, researcher and opponent of the covid dictatorship. https://twitter.com/HeikoKhoo) who has a weekly stint on Sundays at Speakers Corner (usually followed by Piers Corbyn).

Here's a later video, same day (see from 09:25), he says he will get all the men together to form a ring round the women because they must have the right to speak. (Doesn't sound like he's aware of the situation - that's obviously changing...)


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The police are supposed to exercise impartiality when being present at demonstrations and counter demonstrations all the time - football matches and fox hunters/hunt saboteurs being two examples I can think of. There is no good reason for them to behave any differently - it’s just institutional misogyny writ large.

They’re completely ignorant of what the issues GC people are rightly concerned about and want to have an open debate about. Nor do they make it their business to find out (which they should, in order to demonstrate professional impartiality).

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Mysogyny and Stonewall gold stars, what a toxic combination!

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Oh I think most of them are well aware of the issues.

Their contempt for women is clear.

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I think it’s more of an “It doesn’t affect me so I’m not interested” mentality from the men and allying yourself with the boys’ team, thinking they’ll protect you* from the women.

* They won’t.

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There's a definite feel from some of them that they're enjoying seeing those uppity women put in their place, I mean, if it wasn't for bloody women making a fuss then good ol' bros like Wayne and David would still be free to get on with their lives.

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Remember most police forces are officially signed up as Stonewall "Champions of Diversity": as protectors of those who demonise gender critical women as bigots and transphobes devoted to the exclusion of blue-and-pink flag wavers, and therefore to be killed (now as promoters of trans "genocide") -- so hardly deserving of police protection.

And as for protecting "free speech", police have arrested women for "non-crime hate speech" simply by demanding on posters that women's prisons be kept single sex.

It all chimes too nicely with systemic / institutional misogyny to suppose there is any hope of impartiality, whatever the principles might officially be for policing demonstrations.

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It's simply proof that we still live under a patriarchy. How else could it be that women cannot speak of their own rights being erased, our own language is being erased. Follow the money: Jennifer Bilek | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA? BIG PICTURE with James Patrick - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLXdoqXbC6k

Clearly, this trans movement is more than just about gaining rights for trans people. It's absolutely about stripping women of their rights and allowing male fetishists and male supremacists to dominate and control women's spaces, language, opportunities. It's unlike any kind of civil rights movement in that they're exploiting children for profit and shutting down women, mothers who are trying to protect themselves against predators, perverts and psychopaths. They're changing the law to advantage anyone who claims womanhood no matter how criminal they might be and prevent women from protecting their boundaries.

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what you say is so true and is the ultimate point of this whole thing. getting rid of mothers means free access to kids. except there will be nobody defined as children anymore. like the word woman before it, the word children will be erased. kids will become legally and socially unprotected mini adults ripe for the plucking.

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Two related things come to my mind; Jeremy corbyn only a few months ago repeating TRareHumanRights, No Debate. .. and all the clips we’ve seen of police dancing at pride marches. Neither our politicians or our police are going to defend the very British right to FREE SPEECH. This mob is the most entitled unhinged unpleasant group of narcissists we’ve ever seen. Blame stonewall. Blame our politicians. Shame the police.

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I wrote a stiff letter of protest to the New Zealand High Commissioner. Pointed out the legality of the Auckland #letwomenspeak event and the fact that gender-critical beliefs were found to be 'worthy of respect' in a civilised country by a senior British judge.

It's old-fashioned, but letter campaigns can be very effective.

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Sadiq Khan. Influenced by Aimee Challenor! (he/him - fact) WTH. How could anyone with a brain cell swallow the utter nonsense espoused by this seriously disturbed person. Could anything demonstrate his total incompetence more - oh wait. Met police who do not apply the law when it comes to the apparent (but not legally) protected characteristic that is totally brain fucked, masked, loudspeaker bedecked, brolly wielding, progressive right side of history, verbally incontinent, debate deprived , fascists. The Met Police is as effective as a chocolate teapot. They may as well WFH for all the law enforcing they do. In fact, recent history shows that women would be safer on the streets without them.

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