Yesterday, I attended the "Let Women Speak" event at Hyde Park's Speaker's Corner. I wasn’t in a rush because I didn’t think trans rights activists knew about it. The last one I attended hadn’t been protested at all. But then as I was tootling along on the ferry (my new favourite thing about London), I saw this tweet by Aja and I began to worry.
When I arrived, I saw dotted on the way up a great number of people looking back as there was so much noise and commotion coming from where the women were gathered. On first seeing the crowd in the distance, I thought the women were on one side and the trans rights activists (mostly masked men) were on the other. However, I quickly realized that the activists had completely surrounded the women, making it impossible for them to enter or leave.
As I approached, I noticed a group of seven or eight policemen walking away from the scene.
I couldn’t fucking believe it. So I went up and asked one what was going on.
Do you know who couldn’t take a tea break? The women surrounded by a masked, baying mob.
I went around behind the back of the crowd and tried to struggle through. A man in a mask tried to stop me from getting to the women, and then so did the policeman ‘guarding’ them. “I’M WITH THEM”. Screamed it because I had to over the noise of sirens, rattles and loudspeakers.

I didn’t realise quite how bad it was until I was in it. The women were under siege, surrounded on all sides, except for the back, which was fenced off. Six or seven policemen dotted around the semicircle’s circumference, barely keeping the TRAs back. It was frightening and intimidating, and those brave women who were there still had the images of misogynistic violence in New Zealand still fresh in their minds.
I gave a brief speech, focusing on the basics.

I think this was all deliberate. I think the police would prefer if the women weren't there at all, so that they didn't have to interrupt their Sunday of picking their holes and sending each other rape jokes on WhatsApp. They deliberately provide as few officers as possible, and they allow TRAs to use loudhailers and break other park regulations in order to frighten and silence women who are just trying to be heard.
Images like this wouldn’t fly in 2023, so why not use trans rights activists to provide crowd control?
The day before, a trans rights activist protesting a meeting of lesbians assaulted a member of the public while Sadiq Khan’s boys in blue watched on impassively.

Khan is another example of a credulous midwit politician who has swallowed the trans narrative hook, line and dildo. So credulous is he that he changed tube announcements from “Ladies and Gentlemen” because he was told to by the nappy-wearing partner to a paedophile. He believes that “transwomen are women”, so any woman daring to stand up for vulnerable female prisoners or women in rape crisis centres is a target for intimidation and silencing.
But maybe our panicked tweets did the trick because soon a huge group of policemen arrived, accompanied by a senior officer with a look of panic on his face. When they finally provided enough safety for us to leave, I took the chance to tell him he should be ashamed of himself for what those women had had to endure. Sadly I forgot to film my confrontation, but luckily this gentleman captured his one. (Go to 13:39)
Sunday was a disgrace. Women were being frightened and threatened and drowned out by men in masks and the police did nothing except enable it. Please do send this piece to anyone who might be able to do something about a shocking state of affairs.
I would just like to say that despite the depressing - and dangerous - nature of events in NZ and also yesterday in Hyde Park, it has been a very important weekend in terms of how these idiots are viewed by others.
There are now a lot of innocent people ignorant of the truth of these activists' actions and motives getting caught up in it all. There are now appearing several videos on YouTube as shown here and elsewhere - of people simply documenting events and having no allegiances either way. These tossers are being shown up in their true light - as anti-free speech dullards at best, and privileged and oppressive thugs at worst.
i am writing from new zealand to thank you and to beseech people in england to please use your freedom. you can still gather. the police still offer (reluctant) crowd control. media like the daily mail allow comments and provide some balanced reporting. all this is so much more than what we have here. keep fighting. you have the ability to lead the world in this fight. be strong.