Did he pick up that dress in Primark?

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Tried it on in the unisex changing rooms .

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I guess the TV in TV Licence is for Transvestite.

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What a load of cobblers. I feel sorry for the actors having to spout that nauseating dravel.

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Funnily enough, being 'trans' is essentially acting a role.

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That was certainly true for my now dead Trans ex-H. Reality had a funny way of intruding on his make-believe: after 15 years of taking estrogen his prostate problem gradually re-established itself and grew to interfer seriously with his peeing. He had treatment to widen the urethra and became incontinent..... A terrible fate! Of course he would have had the prostate problem with or without estrogen, but knowing that estrogen could not solve it was presumable a hard fact to accept.

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It sounds like it was written by a schoolchild - embarrassing and patronising at the same time.

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They have a choice. They have decided to collaborate with evil.

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To judge from how the Harry Potter crew reacted to JKR, they are probably delighted.

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If something like this ever got made off the back of an idea I reinforced, I would crawl into a deep dark hole and never come out again. The shame would be too much.

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The things you’ll do to be ‘inclusive ‘ , o and be paid !

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I don't watch this show but, oddly, today it was on while I was getting ready to go out. It began with a GP trying to intervene with a new female neighbour potentially being harassed by a man. It turns out the neighbour runs a brothel and the Dr and clinic staff later discuss calling prostitutes sex workers which they feel is more current and they have a right to earn. No argument is presented about how often women and girls are sex trafficked or enslaved by addiction into selling sex. Who is driving these narratives?!

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Sounds decidedly dodgy. Any whistleblowers in the BBC to tell us who’s behind this?

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It's just the BBC doing what the government wants! Apparently the state's control over children is now deemed insufficient -- it's not enough to brainwash children in schools, sign them up for the military, etc -- so now parental care and concern must be dismissed as outlandish and old-fashioned. Everything goes! in our Brave New World!

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Make a complaint, Linda?

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That's my plan, it's not a speedy action though.

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They were probably approving of this because they had poor people in mind. It's important that we break down those barriers so I'm going to ask for more of this kind of thing:

Scene 2. Clinic.

Doc: "What seems to be the problem?"

Bloke: "I think I caught something embarrassing from your daughter, she's a sex worker next door, supplementing her student loan with some good, honest toil, goes like a runaway train by the way, can you help me?"

Doc: "My.......Sophie?"

Bloke: "She's a legend among the homeless. Charity work is so worthwhile. You must be very proud."

Doc: "I'll kill you."

Bloke: "Be kind."

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PMSL. Next line- Doc: "oh, OK then."

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Or how living near a btmrothel impacts on other women and girls especially as the johns think all women and girls should be available to them and their perversions. There was a brothel up the road from me and I have forgotten how many times I was propositioned by punters. It got to the point I would tell them to hand the money out the car window. Some being stupid did, and I would run up the lane!! I then gave it to a charity for homeless women I volunteered at.

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Christ Almighty.

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Is Nancy moonlighting as a writer?

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Doctors has form on this subject, I bumped into an episode a year or two ago where the staff were undergoing "training". One of the older women was asking questions but obviously had been won over by the end. It's like they're trying to indoctrinate (ouch) the audience.

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Won over = bullied into silence.

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What is the best response to the "you don't affirm me as trans means you don't think/want me to exist"?

Because that is one of the nastiest phrases to come out of this entire ideology.

The only one I can come up with so far is "You are a human being, and your sex is <insert what their sex is> which means you exist. Denying your sex, is denying your existence. Its you who thinks you don't exist".

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That's excellent.

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What about, "are you a ghost?" 🤣

It's just so stupid and indulgent, isn't it?

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No no, their gendered soul is still in their body. 😄

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Of course! Silly me!

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That is an excellent response!

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Very good! It's you who are so fragile that you cannot let actual facts into your brain, it's you who are so fragile everyone must bow to your current identity, it's you ...

I'm sure other commenters can fill in endless blanks.

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‘Okay, whatever……yeah, cool….’ look at phone

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Ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️ Will the next episode be her coercion into sex (aka rape) and the unwanted pregnancy that follows? cos as we know even men with magic feels still have small gametes that seek out large ones. 🤡🤡🤡

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But two lesbians can't get pregnant!


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Doh! silly me

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Hahahaha! Silly us!

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Easy mistake to make!

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Of course !!! How silly.

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Amazing. Because the guy is gender fluid, the father is ok with « they/them » being in an intimate relationship with his daughter, whereas 5mn before he was terrified of his daughter spending the night with the same boy. It’s almost like they are trying to tell us that you lose your dick when you switch gender.

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Some people are sacred/pure because they declare themselves to be. WTF? No.

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Sorry I posted much the same before reading

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On the plus side at least daytime viewers will hopefully separate this nonsense from the LGB.

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Cancelled it yrs ago. But started to get threatening letters again this week.

I'm glad tbh. Now I can phone them and reiterate why I despise them.

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The most threatening letters are T R A.

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I've been getting those letters for a decade, they go straight in the recycling!

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Apart from anything else, it sounds like the most godawful tosh. Did someone actually get paid to write this twaddle?

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Or cut and pasted from Mermaids website.

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If you think it sounds bad, you should see the acting. Makes Acorn Antiques look like realistic.

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Lauren Harries likes antiques. 😄

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To be fair, the person responsible for that described probably identifies as a "writer"...

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WOW. Hello teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections and rape and and and OH YAY DAD, YOU'RE SO COOL NOW.

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God save all kids from cool parents.

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It’s way past time to abolish the bbc

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