I remember when Mhairi Black first appeared on the major political scene and her first rousing speeches. I thought, 'Yes, this is a breath of fresh air in politics'.

Now? In terms of this 'debate', she spouts the same old dangerously misguided, pandering lies that we hear across the board from pseudo-intellectual, short-sighted, short-termist, liberalist 'Just Be Nice' activist cretins in Vice or the BBC or the Guardian.

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The power/kudos has gone to her head. But her credibility has gone down the toilet. She is friends with people like Maggie Chapman and Patrick Harvie of the Scottish Greens who don't have a clue either.

We must have a small island somewhere that has no people on it that could be used to keep these people out of contact with ordinary sensible people and where their opinions will only be shared with seals and sea birds. Bliss...

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Oh, don't burden the seals and seabirds with these nincompoops!

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I must save the pseudo-intellectual, short-sighted, short-termist, liberalist 'Just Be Nice' activist cretins description for future use!!

(Just wrote a note to someone complaining about bills "outing" children to their parents to remind the @#&($&)* that this wasn't happening prior to teachers transing children.

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Please do! I tried to keep it short - but failed in my anger!

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Left a message on her facebook page. I'm sick and tired of these people pretending this is about me being phobic of trans people. I am so sick of it. This is about predatory Men. These lefty idiots avoid and obfuscate endlessly and never ever address the real issues of the safety of women and children and how this GR Act will just enable predators to get their darkest most evil wishes. I'm sick, sick of it. So angry.

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"Transphobic" is just a ritual, blanket dismissal/insult to avoid listening to or taking seriously anything that GC people have to say. Also "bigot".

To a powerful organised trans lobby claiming victimhood as the "most marginalised" etc group ever, it is also intolerable to have competition re victimisation from another group whose rights to protection it actively infringes and endangers, ie women.

There is therefore a lot for the aggressive trans lobby to lose and apparently nothing to gain, by submitting to reasonable discussion of the issues.

A kneejerk resort to traditional misogyny is anyway far easier as an established way for the trans rights lobby to deride and discredit women, in what makes most sense ultimately as a Men's Rights Movement: predictably blaming feminists for "bringing onto ourselves" a fitting retribution for our "hating men".

This is very easy for men who don't recognise psychological projection of their own hatred.

But of course, their dismissal, contempt and derision, rape and death threats do eventually create in return some of hate projected onto us: as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Good points and all true. Violence and threats of violence from some activists is despicable. And indefensible that it's virtually ignored or downplayed by alleged left wing liberals. The same people who stand aside or defend gender activists when they piggy back on the suppression or exploitation of other groups. *Some* individual trans people may well experience unfair disadvantages in life, but trans activists are a prominent, raucous force that has the ear and the compliance of numerous organisations. All of this and the bullying, the same endless accusations, rhetoric and mottos from the usual misogynistic bastards and any obliging fool desperate to be 'kind'. Though not to women, obviously.

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I so agree. How many times do we have to say we're protecting women, not attacking men in skirts?

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All this waffle and muddying the water, dragging this 0.018% into the argument, so that men can get their cocks out in front of kids in women's changing rooms.

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It's standard practice for gender IDeologues to justify the whole illusory "gender spectrum" by hugely exaggerating the 0.018% of truly ambiguous intersex conditions / DSDs.

They symbolically (& falsely) treat a vanishingly small, discrete group of DSDs as if it represented gradual, continuous change across the entire population. (But this then invalidates any ideas of "cishet" binary norms).

But Mhairi Black (& others) exaggerates even this tiny group x 100, as "1 - 2%".

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People in responsible positions quoting GI misinformation as fact - should be culpable. Whatever happened to researching a subject before pronouncing on it? Is it deliberate propaganda or just bias that is careless of the facts even on medical matters?

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It was lying in the House. Not supposed to do that and she should be hauled over the coals for it.

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The misinformation gets passed on as "truth". Few people bother to check sources. Especially when the information most easily available, prepared as propaganda, most effectively supports your argument.

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Wow, I remember hearing about Spare Rib! Very cool! That said, you are spot on about not bothering to check sources. And this is what I want people to do about all information they are presented with, whether it's about gender or Russia; don't accept what anyone says until you look for multiple, reputable sources! Don't repeat ANY propaganda.

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"Look for multiple, reputable sources" -- very good advice, absolutely agree.

And wikiHow.com newsletter is offering a free email course (just seen) on "How to separate fact from fiction online, and how to slow the spread of harmful misinformation."

5 lessons, 15-20 mins each, emailed daily, or download as PDF. Allegedly developed with "United Nations Verified Initiative".

Just about to sign up.

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PS. "What you will learn":

- Understand when to share information

- Check your sources for authenticity

- Resist popular myths & fake news

- Have a healthy relationship with internet

- Respond to misinformation

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I am wary of Wiki-anything due to their subscribing to gender ideology. I don't need a course, I have spent my life since a child reading alternative sources of news, something many governments do not want the populace doing, and I only read well-referenced sources (all articles should have references at the end and be wary of unidentified "sources"). Too often now "misinformation" consists of anything that is not state-sponsored propaganda. Many of the social media and so-called news sites are running programs to steer people away from actual hard information.

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What else can we expect from a woman who took a junkie in drag to a primary school class behind the parents' backs?

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Westminster, not Holyrood. Small detail. She still spoke crap. Crying shame from one who showed such promise early on.

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It’s abhorrent to treat vulnerable people as pawns for the power house that is gender theology

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That's a really helpful breakdown

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It's also a total logical brist. So what if the numbers of "intersex" did match the numbers of red-haired? And so what if being intersex did have anything at all to do with being trans? Nobody's saying the red-haired have to use the red haired changing rooms and only compete against other red heads at the swimming gala. So it's not giving red-heads any kind of unreasonable privilege to say they can compete with brown haired. If you're trans AND have one of the truly rare intersex conditions which make for ambiguous sex status then sure - take your pick of changing room. But just as in the population at large only one in a thousand trans persons has such a status. Most are unambiguously male or female, in spite of the ambiguity they try so hard to create.

It's totally irrelevant to the argument how many red-haireds there are, and complete drivel to pretend it does have any bearing on anything.

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My understanding is that intersex people hate being lumped in with trans.

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Lots do, they aren't the same people, but they're useful so it's fine for activists and their 'allies' to ignore them.

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unfortunately the actual percentage of politicians with mixed up sex views is running at 96%

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Mhairi Black is an MP, not an MSP. This nonsense took place in Westminster not Holyrood.

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I used to admire her. No so now.

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Really excellent episode of Gender: a wider lens podcast with Claire Graham who was banned from Twitter for correcting these falsehoods on DSD


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Black is nothing but a thick, greasy chav. Embarrassing when actual elected members of parliament are completely ignorant of the issues they choose to stand up for. She twists everything and ducks by dismissing concerns as mindless phobias when it is her that cannot argue for shit!

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Good article in today's time, although I disagree with the 'complexity' of the issue. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/self-identification-for-crime-suspects-to-be-reviewed-by-police-scotland-c0b6tjvwt

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Mhairi Black is an MP so sits in Westminster rather than Holyrood.

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