The Dentons advice of recruiting young politicians is still paying off for trans activists in the form of the woman who enjoys rubbing Kit Kat biscuits on her gums and called women who need single-sex spaces ‘cunts’. Mhairi Black stood up in Westminster to deliver talking points from the Munchausen Mums of Mermaids. Luckily, For Women Scotland was on hand to correct her. Their thread continues below.
The prevalence of babies born with ambiguous genitalia or mixed sex characteristics is not "1-2%" it is 0.018%.
Of those, the majority are either boys with penoscrotal hypospadias (all male) or girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH - all female).
The remainder have conditions like CAIS, Swyers etc - conditions which do (not) need further misinformation and stigmatisation due to @MhairiBlack's ignorance. These children are phenotypically female and most could never be raised as male.
In fact only about 7 babies pa in UK could be raised as either sex and their rare, complex conditions will require serious medical interention. For Ms Black to reduce this vanishingly rare number of babies to an ignorant debating "gotcha" is pretty repugnant.
@MhairiBlack is clearly thinking of the thoroughly discredited calculations of Fausto-Sterling, who included late onset adrenal hyperplasia in order to add another 1.5% & chromosomal difference which she called other sexes (later saying that was a joke!!!)
As far as the later goes, these are sex specific. For example, Turners (45,X0) only affects women; Klinefelters (47, XXY) & Jacobs (47,XYY) only affect males.
They don't have a bit of both as Ms Black appeared to suggest.
We hope that someone in Parliament can set the record straight on this offensive nonsense and perhaps @MhairiBlack will speak to experts at @dsdfamilies before making such outrageous comments in the future.
I remember when Mhairi Black first appeared on the major political scene and her first rousing speeches. I thought, 'Yes, this is a breath of fresh air in politics'.
Now? In terms of this 'debate', she spouts the same old dangerously misguided, pandering lies that we hear across the board from pseudo-intellectual, short-sighted, short-termist, liberalist 'Just Be Nice' activist cretins in Vice or the BBC or the Guardian.
Left a message on her facebook page. I'm sick and tired of these people pretending this is about me being phobic of trans people. I am so sick of it. This is about predatory Men. These lefty idiots avoid and obfuscate endlessly and never ever address the real issues of the safety of women and children and how this GR Act will just enable predators to get their darkest most evil wishes. I'm sick, sick of it. So angry.