
A fiver. That is about half the cost of a prescription. And still the clown from Stonewall whinges...


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Apr 8, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

At just a fiver, won't this mean a helluva lot more teens will climb on board the beglittered trans train to god knows where? I mean, it's not like teens can be impulsive, anxious to impress, uncertain about sexuality, keen to lose 'privilege', struggling with mental health or anything...

It seems Stonewall and their ilk really don't care how many are sacrificed, and how young, for activists' own validation and bolstering of numbers.

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Good point... Stonewall and their acolytes it seems, just want 'numbers'. Notches, statistics...

The more the merrier, so to speak.

And the larger the numbers, the 'stronger' their arguments. And the stronger their arguments, the more youngsters they can capture. And the more youngsters they can capture, the more funding they crave and demand. And so on.

Yes, not cynical. Not a business at all is it?

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

so the clinics get the money from the clinics. So the govt gets the money from the taxpayers. So the taxpayers are paying for self ID and transition. So is there a religious right in the UK raising cane about this like there is in the United States.

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Not to my knowledge... The only people kicking up a fuss are Graham, Helen, a hell of a lot of women and sensible intelligent people who do not want youngsters permanently damaged unnecessarily.

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I don't think so as we don't really have a religious right here like they do in the states. Our established church is as wishy-washy as fuck. I wrote to the Archbishop of York last year about my concerns about teenage girls transitioning. I thought the church might have a view on young girls finding womanhood so very unappealing. Seems not.

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

"I internalised the thought that a man with a penis was the most feminine of all" (what a load of shite) What a great shame he didn't keep that thought internalised.

When did serious literary awards take fetish porn as an example of serious literature?

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Since they realised he was a man.

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agree I'd pay someone to shove that back in there so I never had to try to unthink about it. I think they have to do porn/fetish cause that's all the trans males write about it, pornsick souls.

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Well they say writers should write about what they know, so I guess the writing shows us what he's doing.

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

£5 still a barrier to some? For Christ's sake! Bloody ridiculous statement, even for Stonewall.

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The government should just set up a Moonpig style sticker service with any identity you want, for people to stick on their passport in a special box for personal whims.

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£5 to change gender, about £1500 to change nationality - and that’s needed for full political participation.

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AND you have to pass a big test too to change nationality. Is there a big test to change sex? "Do you feel like a woman?" "Yes". "You passed"

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Two tests: Life in the UK and English Language (unless you have a degree from a UK university)

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But to be fair, at the moment you still require a doctor’s note I think? to change legal sex.

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I was right. These people are actually very, very sick. Is there a cure?

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Baby I Don't Care, By Detransition Vamp

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These men disgust me. They are depraved. They are dangerous. They need to be loaded up on to my Giant Trebuchet, then catapulted over to Fecker's Island.....to remain there forever. I shuddered when I read that bloke's revolting words.

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Good number of letters to Irish times today about erasure of 'woman' and 'mother' from legislation

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I wouldn’t even use that book to wipe my a**e!

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Has NoConflictTheySaid been targeted by hacktivists? I've been trying to upload a couple of stories and it won't let me.

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Trans women are not women the clue is in the word trans....maybe they should have put girl mode or mother mode into their list of rules.

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This is so wrong. I wrote to the competition organisers to protest; they did not reply. I wrote to the I newspaper to protest about a gushing article about Peters, in which the writer referred to him by feminine pronouns; they did not print the letter. What is the matter with the media that they just go along with this delusional and sinister agenda?

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