It's all a big racket of sexual harrassment, that's the point. These men get off on going into workplaces where everyone is forced to pretend that they are female, where they "train" people (uncomfortable women, many of them convinced that this is about "justice" and "rights" and squashing their doubts as best they can) how to better titillate any *other* AGPs they might come across, so all the men can get their respective jollies. It's disgusting and the fact that it exists, largely unrecognized for what it really is, is a big ole cock-waving testiment to the continued, pervasive misogyny of the world.

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Oh for fucks sake. By this point I think that Stonewalls 'due diligence' must be a process by which they exclude anyone who does not have a fetishistic social media presence.

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There is a perverse (lol) logic to it: if someone's gross behaviour is well known and public, they can't be blackmailed. Everyone already knows about their embarrassing shit. Assuming of course that that's the extent of it and there's nothing else, nothing worse, that he's keeping hidden.

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Like speed skating, hockey, boxing, jujitsu and any other sport involving speed, centrifugal force and upper body strength (you might think skating is all in the legs but the upper body does a lot) it is just not safe for females to compete with males. Concussions, broken noses, cranial injuries, fractures of all bones in the skeleton will result from the height, weight, leverage and upper body advantages male competitors have over women. This dude clearly despises actual women, enjoys embarrassing them in his seminars--I cannot imagine this anger on the rink.

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Roller derby's also traditionally popular with lesbian and bi women, so that's another reason the troons want in. Our local league was ruined by the boy who played Simon in "Contradiction" trooning out and demanding to play, and saying some very creepy things to the other members excusing "non contact MAPs". There's some stories about his behaviour on film sets too but they're like fourth hand by the time I heard them, so I can't verify. Also ruined my favourite local nightclub by demanding the toilets were made gender neutral.

My favourite part of the whole thing is that Simon in "Contradiction" is a naive idiot who gets groomed into a creepy sex cult that ends up putting women at risk, pushing drugs and leading to one girl's death. Life imitating art, I suppose.

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Spoilers for a game that came out nearly ten years ago, sorry!

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Andrew Doyle just did a piece about how violence is normalised within trans activism and the other thing that is normalised is all kinds of perversion and fetishism. How Stonewall are still going I don't know!!


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Dare I say it but this is all pretty run of the mill isn't it? The day I come across a TIM who doesn't have a fetish or, more likely an entire array of fetishes, will be the day that I shall be rendered utterly speechless and will be looking for squadrons of flying pigs soaring past my window.

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Oh, absolutely! Because nothing says "professional environment" like a colleague whose idea of business casual involves stockings and a side of "fuck dolly" chat. It's the workplace dynamic we all crave! Who needs a coffee machine when you can have a colleague who's a walking, talking... well, you get the picture. Just imagine the team-building exercises!

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I'm trying to imagine a suitable workplace, maybe a seedy pole dancing joint?

I can just see him hectoring the punters for being TERFs for not tipping him as much as the actual women.

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Shameless fetishistic bastards

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Sickening. He is something out of a bad 80’s horror movie. I can’t look 🤢

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This is disgusting. No one should have to sit through a creature like this advising anybody in anything.

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Can someone just push the big red button , I hate this world

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I love the world but I sure don’t like some of the people in it. If you’re a danger to others I want a zapper to remove you.

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I’d need a bloody big zapper , just in scottishland alone !!!

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Very untalented and unimaginative.

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.. and narcissistic.

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His drawings are crap too.

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What a creep he is and it's truly an upside down world when men like him get away with such perverted behavior, openly into the bargain. No wonder there's now such an increase in sex crimes ,including paedophilia !! Disgusting and it really doesn't say much for a civilization which enables and rewards these depraved men ,even as we continue to have taxpayer funded inquiries into child abuse scandals !! Thanks ,Graham. Keep exposing this dangerous nonsense x

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Fuxake!! 'David's' wife should seek legal advice and put in a formal complaint. This is borderline sexual harassment. Plus his drawings look like a ten year old did them. He appears to be doing sexualised drawings of his roller skating team mates.

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Not surprised some of that porn is racist. The woke do so love to stereotype.

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