This makes me so furious. What about Greens demands to ‘follow the science’? This nonsense compounds the belief that we are all loonies and hippies - while leaving so many of us party-less. Again. Furious...

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if the grown ups dont get elected how about the Green party being renamed the 'anything goes' party and leave it to the troons and handmaids

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Thankfully the Green Party Women committee elections are being rerun.

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It seems to me that the only solution here is to stage a mass walk out from the party. What have transgender issues to do with saving the planet?

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Trans trans trans trans trans trans

Fetish fetish fetish fetish fetish fetish

Poly-whats-it ???

Every party including Greens, every person on this earth wants to be trans woman and thus by their theory, a woman.

What's so wrong with being a man and living a life like a man ? What are the privileges that the males are lacking today as compared to Women ?

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The Workers Party are the only ones with an official sane take on gender/sex issues

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this is gut wrenching.

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