I read a lot of the "Transwidows Escape Committee" as it went through one, two, three threads of 1000 posts! Lots of weeping, lots of horrible details of manipulation and the need for support to keep from going under. Raw emotion. I kept having to look up Mumsnet acronyms. Overall useful as Mumsnet HQ allowed me to write to my sister transwidows and a group of us put together stories to give as evidence to the 2018 WEC enquiry on reform of the GRA - the first enquiry.

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the lovely Prior has described us as "barely sentient meatsacks". This is a bloke that has let his fetish get so out of control and take over his life to the point he is unemployable. I suggest in response he is a fully sentient wanksack.

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Lots of my GC friends have left Mumsnet bec of their ridiculous policies. I got banned because I complained to them about them removing a post where I used the term "Trans Identified Male" instead of Trans woman. They removed my account because I complained it was stifling free speech. They will get no sympathy from me.

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yeah, they're too scared of these arseholes. They should be standing a lot stronger than they are. Still, I think it's better that it exists than it doesn't.

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I hardly ever commented on there anyway so it was no great loss. I know how to get round these things via VPN/TOR/anon email but I can't be arsed with them anymore. They are helpful to get lots of info about this to the masses, which is why TRAs don't like it.

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Trans identified male seems a good term, I have switched to it as well.

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Or TiM for short!

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I still don't quite understand how the "sceptical" movement (who should really call themselves something else) has come to adopt what amounts to a *faith*; trans ideology is just that, a belief without, and counter to, evidence. It's frustrating.

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What frightens me is that Governments do bad things all the time but when they manage to pick up fringe beliefs like this in order to rewrite reality and laws and erase us and put even more irrational (insane) barriers up for women (the majority) it can be clearly seen for what it is hatred of women and puny prejudice that has fatal consequences for both women and children. Not much future for anyone with that attitude and people who enable this misogyny institutionally are beneath contempt.” Once you see it you can’t unsee it”. I often find myself thinking who do these cretins think they are to use and abuse their power over women? ALL the time. It’s a terrible environment for any human to have to live in being ignored second class citizens with no access to law as it’s also captured by misogyny. I’m not going to Mumsnet or anywhere there is no recognition or resistance to the dire situation we are all in with nature, mothers and life itself being enslaved killed off. For money the one thing that is a social construct like trans idealogy. “ if you’re going to lie make it a big one”. Humanity can and has been brainwashed already and it is a mortal threat to the planet and all people’s existence actually. When it’s just women, children and the poor indigenous (everywhere) being isolated, chased off their land and life’s support systems, used abused and killed it didn’t matter now it’s everyone it does. We can all now see the big picture. Quite good really given it’s not new it’s just the unseen being seen at the very last moment and possibly only by some of us.

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I left Mumsnet after I was threatened and my post advising women how to complain about women-centric language being removed (Brighton NHS)was taken down. Mumsnet is no supporter of mothers or any other women😤

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well I have wasted another evening reading trans activists telling women over and over that there is absolutely no way to determine who is a woman. its all a bit sad, sad sad sad. behind all this are some seriously disturbed men. we have to pretend on mumsnet that we dont know about why they are doing this, and yet we know. Sad people.

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@Joss_Prior ... who thinks women should decide who is and isn’t a woman?

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As the phsyco thinks that the government agreed to use mother in legislation only from spite she's lost the claim on the word. She's a Munch birther parent.

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If more women paid for premium they would be protected from boycotts... Mumsnet is mixed I've been suspended twice and the TRAS are VILE VILE VILE but there are lots of fabulous women on there

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I pay for Premium Membership too. The “special rules” for talking about the “special people” are infuriating and newbies often fall foul of them through innocent use of terms that are pretty innocuous and less demeaning to actual women, eg. Transgender Identified Male aka TiM

It is hard to overestimate the importance of Mumsnet when: it is trawled by journalists looking for stories and quotes; politicians submit to being questioned online; it is on the open internet and posts on the “Feminism Women’s Rights” Board can be amplified to all members and lurkers when they are Trending.

The fact that it is so closely monitored and regularly attacked by trans rights activists shows that they know exactly how important it is.

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Am I being thick but I don’t understand the serial killer/Joss prior ref? Am I over thinking?

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I’ve no idea what that is all about either.

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I'd love to join. The problem is I have this unfortunate habit of respecting boundaries. Alas, as a geezer, it's not my territory. And this'll really shock you: I'm not going to throw a fit and whinge about inclusiveness or discrimination or being 'othered' 😁

Although admittedly, that attitude is a minority one amongst men these days 😜

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Men are welcome to join Mumsnet! (as long as they don't start to mansplain stuff. That tends to get their arses handed to them on a plate!)

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OK you got me. Soreen is the malt loaf I buy my children to eat. Please explain?

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they advertise with Mumsnet so Munch.M and serial killer are trying to get them to pull their advertising

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encouraging my GC pals to pick up a loaf next in supermarket - actually I love it! Best with lashings of butter

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OK. Got it

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