It's like they tell on themselves!

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"Kids should be exposed to sex. Should be allowed sometimes to peak (sic) under the covers and discover the strange coded world of grown-ups and their libidos"

What a marvellous typo. The sicko.

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And what the hell are “gentle oversharers” and “kindly louche sweethearts”? I need a bucket.

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"kiddie stuff". Another vile euphemism. I particularly am offended by the minimization of the crime by the term "kiddie porn", but "kiddie stuff" is on a whole other minimization level.

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The trouble with male culture is that it is a carcrash of human rights abuses - children being enslaved to meet male sexual demand, whole villages of women from Romania missing, pimps lurking on the borders of Ukraine looking for kids, men patrolling the internet looking for videos of Ukrainian women being raped. And not a single men's organisation actually talking about this moral degeneracy. I noticed this in family court, not just from the judges but my own male barrister, that he had no moral compass left. Same in my current dealings with the police over domestic abuse of myself, the male superintendent hasnt even bothered to read my evidence before stating that it will be difficult to prove my abuser has lied copiously in court to justify removing my child for 3 years. I have had to get the Assistant Commissioner heading up the misogyny enquiry to step in and tell him to do his fucking job and look at evidence, all of which is helpfully written down and signed in court by him. Men by and large, have lost their way as decent human beings. You only have to look at the difference between the Polish response to Ukrainians and UK men surfing the internet looking for rape videos. 1 in 5 on line paedos is a UK male ... FBI figs. As a nation we are vastly over represented in paedo culture.

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They aren’t even bothering to hide anymore, they just cry bigot and everyone looks away.

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JKR flushes out paedophile apologists. One degree of separation from the crime. Yes, isn’t it strange indeed? And isn’t it strange her twitter feed has been flooded with pornographic images in the “cause” of “trans” activism? Hhmmm.

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"Transwomen are raped and killed in men's facilities". Lie.

A friend and I spent several days last year trying to find just one instance of this. We couldn't find any. They never quote an actual case. Probably because it hasn't happened. If it had then TRAs would be broadcasting it everywhere.

Several TiM friends said they have had odd looks in the gents. But none has been assaulted.

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Vaush is a creepy fuck. He once sent creepy messages and sexually explicit photos to members of Twitch streamer Destiny's Discord server, then when he thought that one of his victims was going to expose him, he tried to - in his words - "scare her into shutting up".

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When you’re expected to go along with the lies, no questions, no debates, then every fetish can be put out there, no questions, no debates. Inclusive, brave? not at all, we’re being led down the path of acceptance, no matter what.

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I’ve never met Joanna, but once I passed her going the opposite way in the street with another woman, and even just walking past her as she talked I could feel the energy from her. Never was a fan of the HP series tbh…I was an adult when they came out. But that woman is powerful and thank God for her!

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Twitter has a duty to report this stuff to the authorities. Do they? Since they don't suspend or remove these accounts as much as they should, I suspect they do not report. Twitter can access IP addresses, so there is no excuse. But since they allow quite hard core porn to be tweeted, we have to wonder about the ethics behind Twitter and the people who own it. There is little evidence of a moral compass driving the platform.

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Perfect summary.

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

Thank you, Graham, for all you do.

I know men are affected by the TRA BS, but not to the degree women are. It would be so easy for you to have just sat back and done nothing. You would have saved yourself a lot of abuse

I know this has cost you. Yet you don’t act like women owe you.

You use your voice to amplify ours but don’t speak over us.

I saw one interviewer trying to paint this as you ‘trying to speak for women’ as if we are all on board for the erosion of our rights and spaces, and the bonus of being referred to by our bodily functions.

Yet, I didn’t see that she had invited any GC women to speak.

I was waiting for her to demonstrate how she had originally invited a GC woman to interview and you had raced the GC woman to the interview chair, sat first, and called ‘First-ies, you’re the worst-ies”.

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They cannot help but show us who they are. I am so glad JKR is so brilliantly eloquent and absolutely fierce in her tweets and responses to these vile men. Her increased activity has been a masterclass in cool-headed damnation. All done without vitriol or swearing. Elegance personified

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Little OJ worms his way in, does he do any homework on the people he leaps in to defend ?

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