30+ years ago I was fighting so that my gay and lesbian friends would not have to defend their sexuality. That they are now having to do that all over again in 2021 breaks my heart.

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Graham, thank you for thinking my thread was worth posting on your site. I am overwhelmed by the response and more than a little saddened by the fact that so many gay men and lesbians felt that it even needed to be said. The responses from people have been humbling but the fact that so many people feel that what I've written also speaks to their feelings is something we all need to be very alarmed by. Gender ideology is a dangerous poison. Keep up your good work, and thank you again. H

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“homophobic emotional blackmail” - that’s exactly what it is! Only now you have to endure it from other gays! This is so 40 years ago. This is the same fight from 40 (or more) years ago that gays and lesbians have had to endure. I am so sick of it.

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Wonderful! The amazing thing is that they are the ones hung up on genitals and gender ... they’re the ones who claim to want to be the opposite of what they are but mostly, want to keep the genitals they have ... and WE are the ‘genital fetishists’??!! They need to take their gaslighting and their insane ministry of double think dystopia and go away. Far away.

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So heartfelt. I’m so angered that yet again the LGB community finds itself having to defend its sexuality. Stonewall - we see you and what you have done. Shame on you.

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Brilliantly and eloquently said, Hassan.

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Bizarre that you even need to say this! Well expressed.

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Kudos, Hassan!

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Wonderfully put, Hassan! Thank you.

I hope this comment doesn't detract from your article, but, if heterosexuals were honest, they (we) would say the same as you, and very vocally stand in support. Heterosexual men dream of the right woman, and heterosexual women dream of the right man. The number of each that dream of "the right woman/man who used to be a man/woman" is vanishingly small - almost as small as those who are dreaming of a pretend woman/man.

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The gay community having to endure other gay people spouting the Stonewall rhetoric is a lot like GC feminists having other "feminists" tell us we are bigots for wanting to maintain safeguarding policies and single-sex spaces. Gaslighting and emotional blackmail is their forté.

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Lovely words that really shouldn't need saying and how handsome is he in that kilt photo x

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Well said, Hassan ♥️

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If these beautiful words could just find their way out into the mainstream press surely they'd peak the world, surely?

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Beautifully put!

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Boom! Shout it from the roof tops Hassan!

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Perfectly written.

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