Aside from the appalling rape of an animal - we had the joy of having one of these beautiful dogs too - then the abusive images of children, this individual, is about as base and vile as they can get.

My anger is now aimed at the TRAS, the women who ally with this sub set of people, the ‘family’ of transmen and transwomen who will barely say a word.

The apologisers, the celebrity excusers, and the rabid mob, who will demand proof and receipts that this never happened…. Ahhhh but then this is a woman, who committed this crime, how stupid of me to forget.

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I’m mad at the entire lot of the gender identity crew. We keep saying “not all trans people” yet very very rarely do you see them saying anything against any of this insanity. Short of a couple of transsexual allies they are dead silent. Ditto all the rape and death threats. The way these men reacted to JK Rowlings tweet about sex offenders says it all. They hate us.

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They do, desperately so.

Why is there no condemnation? Perhaps the lalalalalala ear worm, stops any acceptance, that there are some vile people, under their trans umbrella. They stand proudly with their pronouns, more concerned about that, despite the behaviour that the vast majority of people, regardless of their sexuality, find totally abhorrent!

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Add a dash of No True Scotsman fuckery...

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Dec 23, 2021
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But as Women's Human Rights Campaign points out, no such thing as trans, just men.

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It beggars belief that a qualified medical professional deemed this guy worthy of a gender recognition certificate!!

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We should be surprised, shocked, exasperated, but deep down, we’re not really surprised!

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He doesn't have one and he is going to a male prison.

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The man is a deviant human who should be locked up for the rest of his natural life, as should all those also there who took part/witnessed this horrendous cruelty to a beautiful, trusting animal. We are becoming a sickening species on an ever increasing scale. We need to bring back shame, and punishments for such unbelievably terrible actions against other species. Sometimes, I loathe being a member of the human race these days, because the wicked, evil humans are intent on sucking out all the goodness, whilst others just let them do it, turning away. Apathy, the greatest threat, to humans, to the planet, to other species.

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Awful human being who is clearly a man not a woman. This has to stop.

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I am so mad I could spit. I love German shepherds (Alsatians) -- they are extremely sensitive and intelligent and live to be close to a human. NOT RAPED by some absolute POS.

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It makes me sick too. I grew up with an Alsatian and I can't bare the breach of trust by this disgusting male.

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Signed yesterday, donated and posted on Facebook. If think a lot of people do not understand the issues - so I first posted on 'Gender Critical Day' but I'm having a 'Gender Critical Week' on Facebook. Today is Sports Day. Plenty photos and quotes. "Bodies swim against bodies. Gender identities don't swim" - Cynthia Millen, USA Swimming Official who resigned days ago.

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Petition signed and contribution made

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Petition signed. Penis owners are men!

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Signed Graham. I'm sick of this BS pantomine. Most sickening dame ever.

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There was also another one in the news aswell. A TIM who also indentifies as a 5 year old girl and is a peado. How many will it take before the word wakes up. Its a living nightmare for women and children.

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I signed the petition.

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You couldn't make this heinous shit up. When will it end?

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One of the sleazy headlines for this story was 'Woman has cocaine-fuelled sex with dog'. WTF! What they meant was 'Man rapes dog'.

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yes signed and contributed.

What really sticks in my graw is this:

"This is in accordance with the ‘Equal Treatment Bench Book’, the guidance to which judges refer on matters of equality. The book cites research by transgender lobby groups and advises: ‘It is important to respect a person’s gender identity by using appropriate terms of address, names and pronouns.’

How can you seriously be a judge and let this injustice go by without protesting. Their cowardice revolts me.

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Creeps have found a way to DEMAND respect when what they need is 10 years on the rockpile.

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Look at the photo and the lanyard this man is wearing.

Sunflower lanyards have a serious purpose which is to alert people to hidden disabilities. This man might have additional hidden disabilities in addition to his proclivities and abusive and criminal behaviour, but it is muddying the water so much that people with genuine needs are choosing not to wear them, or are being confused with men like this, because he is choosing to wear one. Or being harassed for wearing them as people assume they are lying and exaggerating. He might be 'choosing' to identify as having a disability like he 'chooses' to 'identify' as a 'woman'. Who decides now? Some collect 'vulnerable identities'. LARPing anything to get them an advantage. That is the problem with self-ID and it concerns me that authorities aren't getting a grip on this. This is basic safeguarding. The more the boundaries are blurred, the more doubt or confusion, the more hesitant we are to call things out as wrong, the more people who are vulnerable and have genuinely and necessarily protected characteristics are suffering.

I am lucky enough to be articulate, knowledgeable and confident enough, so where I need assistance, I can usually get support where I need it. Many others can't. That is reality. Many cannot fight for their own needs and rights. They lose out because of this man and the Nokes be kind brigade. It is an abdication of duty to be continually naive to what is happening.

Is he LARPing as a police officer next? Nurse? Doctor? Solicitor? Engineer?

We have to now go back to look at the safeguards that are being twisted in legislation and all guidance to courts, prisons and the police service. We got it wrong. All the caveats are punching massive holes through the premise that it's all ok and safe to continue with this gender ideology. Without good structures it takes extra resources to keep reassessing on an individual basis which is the claim whenever one of these 'exceptional' cases is revealed.

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Petition Signed and contribution made.

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Second bit of good news was my cousin who is an electrician and visits me once or twice a year was fully clued up about the politics of gender woo woo and a supporter of JKR. If men of his age group 60 and background are following the argument then there is hope for us.

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If it wasn’t so literally insane it would be funny. People have NO IDEA what the establishment is doing in secrecy to enable, protect and shelter the vilest of men.

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And of course do the classic DARVO thing of explicitly blame shifting onto women.

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Noticed today on the mail online he is referred to as a paedophile and with his male pronouns. It also gave the male prison he has been sent to. HMP Altcourse, Liverpool

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