
Prediction: when this hits mainstream news, the first thing everyone will cry is "where were all the feminists? Why did they let this happen?"

Despite the fact that feminists have been making an outcry about this for *years* and either ignored or dismissed as witches, TERFs and SWERFs. And despite the fact that it isn't feminists' job to stop everyone acting like imbeciles.

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Oh we'll get the blame. We always do.

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It’s always women’s fault. Always.

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Never underestimate the determination of a predatory male on a mission to get access to the object of his desires. They are relentless in their quest and that is why women are wary. Understandably.

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Absolutely. Men have built entire careers (priests, football coach, police officer...) around gaining access to the vulnerable. That's what makes the the "No man would ever pretend to be trans..." argument so naïve. Of course he bloody would.

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💯 agree. Teachers, teaching assistance, councillors- you name it they will move heaven and earth to satisfy their wants and needs to the cost of everyone around them. A predator will think noting of lying - that’s the easy bit - and then cry when they get caught.

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Mar 18, 2021Liked by JL

It is grooming, and it makes me sad. What happens later when 'Ruby' realizes he's a gay young man and not a girl at all? He won't be able to opt out bc it'll be bad for dad's business. That's alot of pressure to put on a kid.

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And I imagine he will likely have had the surgery by that time. Though I suspect that once you've undergone the irreversible damage of a penis removal, you psychologically can't let your mind reverse track; it would be catastrophic.

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It's just heartbreaking. His body, fertility, sexual function, mental health... all messed up beyond fixing by a dad whose nefarious intentions are anybody's guess.

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The feminizing and sexualizing of boy children by adult males is as alarming and predatory as anything else going on in this movement.

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I think so too. All the adults campaigning so vociferously to pump kids full of drugs that arrest their development & keep them adolescent... huge red flag. How can people not see this?

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So Tranada - where a father who refuses to go along with the T delusions for his daughter is now in prison..they are truly Gilead

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On day, I hope, that kid will realise how brave her dad was trying to save her.

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There are some people who will never be able to come back from this, aren't there?

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I'm afraid so. So many. It's started already.

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So very sad

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Reading that actually made me feel sick. I can’t bear to think of children being encouraged and enabled to wear things like this. So frightening.

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I'm sorry , Rachel. It's strong stuff, I know. Children are in danger and those trying to raise the alarm are called terfs and bigots.

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I just don’t understand parents making or buying this stuff for their vulnerable children. Where is their duty of care? Do they not consider the long term effects of encouraging their children like this to hate their perfectly healthy bodies?

As a mother of a child born with severe foot deformities, and another with ASD, I’ve experienced the awfulness of taking a child to theatre for surgeries (so he can walk), and also being left totally unsupported because I refused (so glad I did) the advice of clinicians who told me the ONLY therapeutic option was to medicate my autistic 7 year old (with off label anti psychotics) due to extreme behaviour. I guess what I’ve experienced makes it especially incomprehensible to me (and desperately sad) that any parent would choose to take their child to theatre to mutilate or pump hormones into a perfectly healthy body.

It hearts my heart.

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Oh Rachel. I can't imagine how painful and difficult it must be to have to see your baby go through that. What a lioness and a wonderful mother you must be! And, yes, I agree. How parents can do this to their kids, I can't begin to guess.

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Aaw thank you for your kind words 😊

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Yep, someone has to:

1) think of the idea.

2) draw up the designs.

3) set up and carry out manufacturing, logistics and sales.

4) peruse catalogues.

5) buy them.

6) put them on their child.

7) parade their child.

That someone isn't the child.

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At this rate we’ll be organising postcards to be sent to non trans children affirming how stunning and brave they are for not ‘being’ trans, and how it takes courage to be their true (ie not trans) selves 🙄

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That's the problem, isn't it? Kids are seeing trans as special, something that gets attention and celebration. OF COURSE they're going to stick their hand in the air to volunteer. Who wants to be a dreary ol' ignored cis kid when you could be in the cool gang...?

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Wow. That's... cultish.

It's grooming, but it's not *just* grooming. My heart breaks for these children, I hope they can find happiness. My sympathy for the parents is a lot more... strained.

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Cult is exactly the right word. I cannot fathom these parents.

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Mar 18, 2021Liked by JL

‘Mama always said that life was like a box of chocolates’. But why are so many parents intent on destroying the box?

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Another brilliant article, JL. I only take issue with the line about fairy tales: we shouldn’t be telling kids these stories at all, because they have always been about grooming. (Or at least tell the original gruesome versions instead of the sanitized versions which romanticize so much misogyny for young girls).

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Thank you for your kind words, Mórrígan. And I agree about the fairytales which involve vapid girls fainting at the feet of tedious princes etc! But they don't have to be like that! I was raised enthralled by tales of the Baba Yaga and powerful witches, for example. Check out my friend's excellent book, by the way - I think you might like it...


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Thanks for this recommendation, JL. I bought it this evening from Google Play and have spent the last 30 mins having a much needed chuckle.

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Oh I'm so glad! It's brilliant, isn't it? I bought dozens of copies for presents at Christmas.

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Mar 18, 2021Liked by JL

When did supposedly sane adults start believing in Santa? Most of us are guilty of telling lies to our children: be good and Santa will or won’t come, look what the Easter bunny has left you; has the tooth fairy been? And what’s more the rest of society helps perpetrate the myth with stories, songs and more recently merchandise! I bet most of us as kids believed in these myths too and we only had to be indoctrinated a few months a year, although those that profit from Santa seem to start the story telling earlier and earlier each year. I remember finding out that Santa wasn’t real, and yes I was disappointed but what’s more I remember keeping it to myself as I thought my parents believed in Santa and I didn’t want to disappoint them and I also wanted to keep the magic going for a younger sibling who I loved. It was only when I got bold and told them I didn’t believe that we could laugh about it. I‘m just so glad that the cult of santa didn’t mean I had to lop of my bits or take hallucinogenic drugs to keep the lie going on longer.

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I'd take Santa and the Tooth Fairy over the Gender Dragon any day. A whole generation of kids brainwashed, lied to, harmed irreparably... to be pawns in the validation of AGP males. Another case of Schrödinger's trans; there's absolutely no need for any physical alteration for a man to be a woman if he says he is, his 'feelings' are enough... but also children must be fed powerful and untested drugs and have major surgery asap to affirm their gender identity. Almost as if they make the rules up as the go along...

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I find that so depressing

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I used to wonder how paedophile networks got started.

I couldn't imagine someone having the face to share their obsession with another person. I thought that would also explain why so many networks of abusers operated through schools & religious groups: a way to get access to kids, but also a way to run into like-minded people. That was before the internet, of course.

And now this: marketing contact with vulnerable kids & compliant kids to unknown adults with dodgy motives - and of course the endless praise and "validation" all the way. I grew up in the 60s & 70s which I always thought were a paedophile's paradise, but now I realise I hadn't seen anything!

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Yes I saw. Add him to an already very long list.

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