It's an interesting slip to say she called them predators. Almost as if they know there are a significant number who are.

I think most of the toxic AGPs have NPD or BPD. The autistic, depressed, et al are just along for the ride.

The problem is the amount of sexual narcissism driving the AGP of some in the movement. These men ARE predators! I'd much rather take my chances with an average "cis" man going to the ladies' loo than with many of those men from HER, much less the Jessica Yanivs and Karen Whites of the world.

Fully 40% of trans-identified male prisoners in the UK are in prison for sexual offenses. That's nearly twice the number of sexual offenders among the regular male population.

Why the f*&! isn't anyone talking about THAT?

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The writer is confused about actors and the characters they play.

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I’m very much reminded of the words of the late Tony Benn reading this. To paraphrase the man what he basically said was that when you see how the establishment treat some sections of society, then that will tell you how they would treat all of us if they thought they could get away with it. He was referring to immigrants at the time, who are a minority of the population as a whole. To see them treating half of the population in the same way is both astonishing and infuriating. Their arrogance and self entitlement is truly unbelievable.

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I so wanted JK to sue - but i understand why she hasnt but wouldnt that have been monumental..

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Pure propaganda. But to segway onto the plus side... JK Rowling fans can tune into bbc2 tonight for a programme on the imminent British Library Harry Potter exhibition, between 7-8pm I think.

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It is delusional. Did these people go to school?

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To divorce one pays £550 and has a whole load of paperwork to complete (even if it is online), plus the risk of an actual court appearance if its very acrimonious and on average 6 to 9 months before the divorce is complete. If fortunate.

GRC is £140 and a couple of forms. And thats it. If one has submitted it, it will get passed. It is not expensive or time consuming compared to tryng to get out of an unhappy marriage.

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