Apr 24, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

If I'm being VERY charitable, I think Smith is a writhing mass of issues. His constant need for attention and validation is obvious and (though I'm far from an expert) it seems to me that his 'non-binary identity' is related to his body image and weight issues etc. (A theme I've noticed with other people who've leapt onto 'non-binary' and 'gender fluid' identities.) I don't think the sycophants who fawn over him, like the woman who wrote that awful Buzzfeed thing, do him any favours at all.

If I'm being very UNcharitable, I've written him a little poem...

Look at me! Look at me! Non-binary Sam!

I'm sparkly special! I am! Yes I am!

Endless selfies of fulsome tits

But still ignored at this year's Brits.

My album bombed, what shall I do??

Oh yes, I know! A nonce tattoo!

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Apr 24, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

1. The tattoo is shit quality

2. The tattoo is self indulged claptrap

3. The tattoo has unwittingly revealed the real driver of many trans/non binary ideologies - AGP tendencies

4. I’m with you Graham - how are people not seeing all this bullshit for what it actually is? I’m waiting for the bubble to burst - we can’t be that far off?

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Apr 24, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

1st world problems! Pure narcissism 🙄

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Apr 24, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

So, Sam is an AGP. I've been told up to 3% of males can fall into this category. They used to mostly keep it under wraps, but not any more!

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The only possible non-sinister excuse for this that I can think of is that it’s supposed to represent the young (wanker) Sam Smith in his mummy's high heels

COULD still have put him in shorts and a tee, the little y-fronts are a concern 😬

But honestly I’ve seen better "before fixed" tatts on Tattoo Fixers 🙄

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2018 “ English R&B singer-songwriter Sam Smith has had an amazing year that’s owed in great respect to his fans. So it makes perfect sense that he would pay tribute to the millions of people whom he calls “little sailors” (a reference to his song of the same name) by marking himself permanently with a small anchor tattoo on his arm.”


“Little Sailors”???

And now a tattoo of a little kid in nowt but underpants and high heels.

Smith is getting to be as creepy about little boys as pervy Alok is about little girls!

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The person who first caused 'non-binary' to become a legally recognised status in the US now realises 'It was all a sham', has been admirably public in saying so and in detailing how he ended up there – and found his way back out. 'I Was America's First Non-Binary Person. It was all a sham.'


It's all there: porn in the Army, developing autogynephilia, becoming a hero celebrated in the New York Times and other MSM; activists, therapists, LGBTTTT orgs all jumping to enable and entrench his delusion (he says mental illness), help get his birth certificate changed. A judge in Oregon (natch) with an undeclared interest (have a read...) pushed NB through there, no questions asked, and other states followed her precedent.

People really need to know his story, FFS.

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I think the tattoo commemorates the moment in Sam's life when he discovered his favourite hobby of looking at himself in a mirror, when he isn't thinking about himself or talking about himself. Just as well he's got a good singing voice or we'd all be paying to support him via social services.

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Apr 24, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

My first thought when I saw that image was "Mirror of Erised....which shows one's **deepest desires**". An image of a male child in underwear on an adult male's body?

Does he really want to be sending a message about his "deepest desires" with that image? Cos it ain't an obvious "non-binary" message.

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If an enby comes out in their room, and no one is around to hear them(everyone else is at work and the internet is down), are they still Valid?

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There was a Seinfeld episode where George tried, unsuccessfully, to get fired. I'm just saying, there's an analogy to be made here about getting indicted.

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maybe you're missing the point - sam smith has also 'appeared' super-vulnerable - the kind of gay boy/man who is expected to 'bottom' out for the puppet-master. who is pulling sam smith's strings?

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As a middle class parent of reasonable means, you have to work harder to say 'no'. Saying yes is the easiest option in many cases. I have given my child my old mobile phone but stood my ground on social media - no access, no posting. The more I continue the more the courage of my convictions grows, if I think showing off on social media is grotesque and I want my child to wean herself off needing my approval as she grows - why would I let her start an addiction to outside approval? Seems I am talking at a tangent, but I think social media plays a part in all these generations of narcissists we have created.

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Here's something I wrote a while ago when dealing with a pseudo queer totally straight woman on facebook who called me a bigot for saying that the use of the word 'identify' in regards to actually being a woman is ridiculous:

A thought sprung to mind as I was singing loudly and angrily in the shower to exorcise the frustrations of this: Why do people think they are/have to be/identify as non-binary?

Not just my understanding of why but what have these people actually said about it themselves? Because I already have my own belief but I didn’t want to assume it was 100% correct.

So I dared to ask google and I found this article: https://www.glaad.org/amp/9-young-people-explain-what-being-non-binary-means-them

Warning: My brain has now broken. I engaged in a lot of shouting at the screen as I read to release the pressure of the insanity I saw.

Cop this:

“Who we are is often affected by how *society views us*, but how we identify is entirely about how we view ourselves.

To exist outside strict definitions is powerful and but also vulnerable, which is why I admire non-binary people who are able to live their lives *honestly*.

Living openly as non-binary is a statement made to society that says we can be more than what we were told to be.”

Seriously. I am utterly floored at how sooooooooo clearly uneducated / dim / clueless / lost / unintelligent / dumb as sh*t this answer truly is.

They actually *believe* they 'are' what society sees them as! So they have to ‘identify’ away from it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m dead. DEAD.

Of them goes on about how somedays her gender identifies as wanting to wear floral pants.


Umm sorry babes, it was your personality that chose them. Do any of these twits even know what a personality is?

This idiocy makes me, again, fantasise about a metaphorical ‘Switzerland’ like country, where I can escape these gender wars and be free to never ever encounter them again. Eugh.

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Lav The Prof now calling you a sociopath in the 'comments'. Thought you'd might want to know. https://grace.substack.com/p/change-of-content-moderation-policy/comments

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From James Shupe: 'I Was America's First Non-Binary. It Was All A Sham' - https://www.dailysignal.com/2019/03/10/i-was-americas-first-non-binary-person-it-was-all-a-sham/ Yes, he made it all up, as they all do. Many have Autism, and thus, never feel 'at home' in their bodies, nor on this planet, always feeling 'alien', in an alien world. We are each and all the sex we are born and remain thus for life. Some refuse to admit this, can't do so, as their minds are so muddled. These ghouls who surround them now agreeing with all their muddled minds come out with, instead of speaking truth to them, thus helping them find a way to accept their bodes and feel more comfortable, revolt me. Has he ever been assessed for ASD, I wonder? Either way, this tattoo will unsettle many people, even those too terrified to admit it. Also, Sam's obviously not aware that many boys and girls dress up in their parents' clothes when young and have been doing so for centuries. It's called 'having fun' and 'being a child'. It is NOT called 'being trans', as The Ghouls will tell you in this Age Of Insanity.

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