'No LGB without the T'. The latest mantra on mindless repeat. Why is that? Because 'LGB' has provided legitimacy and cover for an sneaky (Denton's document) illegitimate cult. The unholy, unasked for 'alliance' has enabled ideologues to spread their tentacles throughout society. 'LGB' is entirely diminished by the 'forced teaming', but the T is emboldened by the public's support of LGB, and its past failures towards same-sex attracted people. So the T is not only feeding on public guilt, but is taking advantage of public goodwill towards 'LGB'. On its own (except for the ludicrous never-ending alphabet glomming onto it) the singular T is toast.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

In actuality, it's seems there's no LGB with the T. The latter has consumed the former, and now they half exist as same gender attracted 'cis' people, with no clearly defined identity, unless they're bolshy, in which case, get rid of them. The lesbians are men like Eddie Izzard, or very lazy versions of Izzard who can't be bothered to put on the badly fitting dress and lipstick, but still want lesbian women to be interested in what he has down his pants. Oh no! That old genital obsession again.

I don't know the identity of the men here, but they are the same women hating men, conceivably literally, who get a mob behind them and bully and abuse women in gatherings like this. These people are cretinous, their ridiculous, unimaginative and often meaningless slogans. This one isn't meaningless, however, it's dangerous, it shows how successful TRA,'s have been in getting some LGB people to sabotage themselves and then whoop in approval at their own fucking stupidity.

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Stonewall sits quietly waiting. Throwing out suggestions and hints, letting the division, hurt and social upheaval roll on.

Old Nancy sits at the cash register, piling in the money until it starts to run dry, which it will.

Karma is a bitch Nancy, you just wait!

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I always heard "no LGB without the T" as deeply sinister. As in like a threat.

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Yes, very astute observation — now that you say that — that’s all I can hear! I’ll never unhear that now. So scary.

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I heard a troon from the US, state with full confidence, there was no LGB!

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It's astonishing they think they can tell LGB they HAVE to include T. You can't force people to include you and embrace your mad ideology. Psycho parasites.

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Big ol’ Nancy is the leader of that gang, yet others say openly she can say what she likes, they will go their own way.

Pandoras Box has had the hinges taken off, and there’s no going back!

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I don't think the public is as supportive of LGB as many people think. As one woman wrote on an artist's blog, "I never realized how much straight people hate us."

I wondered for years how the switch from "they're sick degenerates" morphed so quickly to acceptance, and the answer is, it didn't. The same people who never truly accepted gay men and lesbians now flaunt their love of transgenderism such as my state rep who admitted to me he behaved badly in high school regarding possible homosexual classmates and who now just loves the T. I think he is typical of not-very-intelligent liberals who found a way -- probably unconsciously -- to continue to engage in homophobia in a currently acceptable manner.

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I believe for many men, porn has influenced their thinking. Glamourised, surgically enhanced men, pouting and tempting their co-stars, before the money shot, often better endowed than the male lead.

Then you get some men fetishising over men who likes to dress like a woman.

It’s probably way more complicated, but I still believe many men really hate women and that hasn’t changed for years.

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Shouldn't they be chanting "No L without the GBT"?

It's all about the Trans about the Trans about the Trans.

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Freedom of association used to be a thing.

Can any of those people screaming 'No LGB without the T coherently and logically explain why lesbians who choose not to associate with men who identify themselves as lesbians should be forced to?

Why is it a right to force others to associate with you?

Why do they just accept what these men are claiming without question?

Do they not even think of the consequences of they're wrong?

Or do they know very well what those consequences are and relish the thought?

Unthinking group think, or the newest latest manifestation of homophobia, and more particularly lesbophobia.

The unthinking masses desperate to be seen as good citizens being led by lesbophobes and all too happy to have their actions, thoughts and speech dictated.

They crave authoritarian overlords and don't care who they are.

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I found this really terrifying. The menace was palpable.

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Coercive control of women. Concerned for women in their daily lives. Our elected leaders need to wake up and get a serious grip on this. Waving this idea through the back door of politics has been immensely harmful.

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There are 3 Universities in Leeds. I bet they are undergrads.

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40% of the students in the local sixth form college are members of the LGBT+ club.

It starts earlier than university.

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This is now getting so Antifa (anti fascist!!!) young blokes (pathetic little students no doubt ) trying to be intimidating!

Grow up the lot of you and yeah these dumb women/girls (who are following them)!

At the moment I think a lot are saying the left is eating itself but the way trans rights are encroaching others rights a back lash will come!

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"No LGB without the T!" is "If I can't have you, no one will!".,. but wearing baby blue and pink.

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Regular abusive controlling men, make them "woke"

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I don't know who they are, but as they're so scared of showing their faces it would be difficult to identify them even if I knew them.

I was there yesterday. We weren't allowed to march, because 'they couldn't police it' apparently. The TRAs were allowed to march, loudly and aggressively, right past where we were gathering for our rally. Lesbians are expected to give way, yet again. Our march was organised first, theirs was a counter demonstration. They marched, we didn't. Why can't the police keep lesbians safe? Too much trouble I guess

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Once again the police let women down - they should be removing the aggressors and letting the women march, not preventing the women from marching because of the aggressors!

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A mob .No brains required.

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I'll take a wild stab in the dark and state that they are in fact , student wankers

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Absolutely! Literally, too!

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Fraserreal so right I noticed some were carrying a flag with orange to yellow what fetish is that representing? Not seen it before. The irony of the queer mob demonstrating against lesbians cos we are not their sort of lesbian, like the ones forced to sleep with TW.

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The black and pink flags are ‘Queer Anarchists’.

Damn I miss the old anarchists …

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I still believe in anarchist principles, but then I also believe in Jesus' teachings, neither of which have much to do with "queer anarchists" or "Christianity"! Nowadays entitled wankers embrace "anarchism" because they think it means they can do whatever they please rather than take responsibility for themselves and others. When I moved to a small town I learned how many people believe "The law applies to YOU, but me? I can do whatever the fuck I want."

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It seemed to me that at the end of this clip, the demonstrators were shouting 'all lezzies are bastards.' Was that right? Do they mean even trans-lezzies?

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'All coppers are bastards' is what I'm hearing.

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Thanks! Good to know I misheard.

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No Sarah, they are the real Lezzies. I heard myself saying that in a Himdia Willyboy voice.

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On a demo on an entirely different matter, I joined in with repetitive chants. After a VERY short while I felt a bit of a twat. It's like when bands get you to clap in time to their music - you do it for a bit, then feel a bit foolish, and then notice others have stopped, and then so do you and still the band plays on.

Why didn't these spoiled brats have their own speeches? To explain what they mean by "Trans Rights" - although I guess they would have felt even more stupid while some pimply with a semi in a floaty dress explained men want to get into women's toilets (at the start of their autogynephilic journey, and as they progress they expect to cop off with lesbians, and then latterly be f#cked by straight men - as explained by Jamie "Lisa" Shupe).

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There was apparently an arrest in Brighton and, of course, the suspect was exactly who we imagine he'd be.


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They probably live at home and had their Mums prepare a packed lunch for them.

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And here’s a clean handkerchief, in case!

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