You should try to get Nick of Wessex on Mess. He comes over as a lovely soul trying to help people understand DSDs and gets crap for it.

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That's Labour; first they dig the elephant traps, then they jump into them. It doesn't matter what they announce now - the news will be dominated by them making statements about men and women that could have been lifted from old Monty Python sketches. Three wins in 42 years and they march on into another defeat.

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All the abuse, lies and pseudoscience is giving me anxiety and I vowed to stay off the internet today but failed, because I kept coming back to see what Labour Shadow Cabinet member has come out as a misogynist. We really need to challenge the idea that transgender people are the most marginalised people in society, because that's what everyone repeats robotically every time despite evidence to the contrary.

That Jukes thread was painful to read as he began going on about primate harems. What have ape harems got to do with being transgender? He kept writing the most embarrassing stuff about basic biology too and claims understanding that male and female are sexes related to gamete production is somehow a disturbing reduction of humans to breeding groups. Mind blown at stupidity.

Honestly depressed.

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Head up Cassiopeia, remember there are lots of us here with you :-)

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That comerford thread is -incredible- . He won’t accept sex is a physical reality - it is a thing determined in the head, only those silly doctors act like it’s a thing based on physical bodies. In his view, gender identity IS sex.

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I despair. These labour women are all jumping on the TRA bandwagon and throwing the rest of their sex under the bus to try and further their career. They'd swear day was night if it gave them a leg up which shows what little integrity or strength they actually have.

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The gaul of Emily Thornberry insisting it is women who are being abusive and not TRA’s who are attacking and women defending the attack. Lewis has to step in and say well no it is stonewall refusing debate and setting the agenda of transphobia and still ET can’t or won’t see it. Furious. Unforgivable.

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And it’s not as if we expect support from Lewis who struggles hard to say nothing on the issue.

It’s strange isn’t it I have just heard Emma Barnett ( very ‘inclusive’) get very plain speaking to the shadow minister of sport culture digital and the lot. She couldn’t even answer whether she believed in sex segregated sports categories she kept saying ‘trans people must be included’ so even Barnett slightly lost her rag. Have to research her name though I doubt if she’ll be going anywhere! Oh and she couldn’t answer on defender of Rosie Duffeild being booed except ‘ all booing is wrong ‘ … another transcrash

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Jo Stevens

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Interesting coverage this is starting to get and the traction of sorts. They (BBC and others Stonewalled like Labour) are aware and scrambling to react. Yet no one seems to have sat down round a table to read about this, or watch videos and genuinely figure out why. They are so wedded to this cause, so keen to dismiss any opposing view as bigotry and this culture is so deeply entrenched. Are the wagons circling in Labour? I realise again how curated some of these images are, then the relatively junior ones that make or break careers when wheeled out.

Is that what the red wall saw?

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Is this another white van man moment? Not reading the room very well.

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I've just heard the BBC Radio 4 News at Six O'clock (about 18.20). I pricked up my ears at the mention of transphobia. I heard a female delegate on the abuse Rosie Duffield has faced and then what sounded like a male delegate talking of being transphobically abused in the conference centre. But no, do not adjust your ears, this male voice was from a person called Patricia Hannah Wood as she was introduced. I may be wrong, but who knows now as we are told to ignore all our senses and never use our faculties.

If I was in a toilet stall and heard a man's voice, not just a deep woman's voice, I would hide in the stall until they had left. I would not want a confrontation, or risk being accused and threatened for looking at that person wrongly or whatever other imagined abuse they were furious at. For infringing their rights. And I would therefore feel unable to use that space. I would risk assess that.

I am appalled that Labour 'comrades' think this is reasonable or acceptable. And I am furious that our main opposition party is in such a complete chaotic mess.

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Graham, have you seen Dennis Kavanagh's threads on Labour delegate votes for LGBT stuff? It shows their complete ignorance of gay issues. This definitely needs emphasis: Labour is clueless about how gay people feel about all of this and assumes LGBT is one homogeneous blob. Conversion therapy is being seen as a blanket issue, neglecting the Tavistock scandal's revelations that transition IS a form of gay conversion therapy.

How do we amplify this homophobia problem?

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We shouldn't be surprised by the position adopted by David Lammy.

Exactly a decade ago, during the London/English riots, he became the 'Poster Boy' of that ultra-right wing, homophobic, sexist, capital and corporal punishment-supporting, Bible-believing/promoting (they believe all laws should be based on the terrifying Old Testament) 'Christian Institute'.

At that time, Lammy was mentioned in the same breathe as Times and Telegraph idol Melanie Phillips by some hacks because they were both blaming the riots on the same thing : Women.

Both had very publicly stated, on more than one occasion, that single mothers and the lack of a male role model had created the rioters.

I heard Lammy say as much (and more) when he took part in a televised public forum (possibly the riot-specific Policy Institute one) and was more than gobsmacked to hear him boast that everyone - his wife (portrait painter Nicola Green) and children - ' ... all know who the boss is in my house. I am !'. He also stated that his religious beliefs and the (totally sexist and misogynistic) Christian Bible were what guided his life and formed the basis for his opinions.

It was more like listening to a right-wing version of Jacob Rees-Mogg, or one of the many US-based, hate-filled televangelist, Trump-supporting preachers than a leading Labour politician.

It's disturbingly obvious that far from being sidelined because of his overtly dated and misogynistic beliefs, he's actually grown in stature and power within what used to be the Labour Party (he's now Shadow SoS for Justice).

Lammy is a perfect example of what the supporters and promoters of the trans-ideology really are : Hard core misogynists.

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Interesting, thanks for that.

He's also posted shit that women have some kind of magic essence. I can't quote verbatim, but it indicates he has really old-fashioned ideas of what a woman needs to be and is.

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Here in the U.S., white supremacy would fall apart if not for all the people of color supporting it. Very sad.

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The way India could own a cervix is if he bought one as a specimen, pickled in a jar.

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I had to look up what a 'double doctorate' is. It doesn't mean two doctorates, it means *one* doctorate awarded jointly by two institutions. That tweeter has no doctorates, I am sure.

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Oh my.. I read the exchange, that was painful!

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https://youtu.be/DsR4Nx-ELgc David lammy on mastermind is a good laugh

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Interesting and not all bleak news, I'm relieved to see. That Public Meeting with Baroness Nicholson on YouTube is excellent.

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* Emily Thornberry...do white van men have cervix's?

*"I Punch Terfs"! I know many from a former life time who would violently punch you mate.

*mmmh has no cervix!

ITV reporter returns to the screen as a woman called India five years after she last appeared on TV as a man

Jonathan Willoughby presented ITV regional news in Carlisle for 10 years

Secured a job in Newcastle as India but said she was 'juggling' two lives

50-year-old had permanent gender reassignment surgery last month

Revealed herself publicly on BBC's Inside Out last week and feels 'whole'


*On the intersex question or is it DSD now... I used follow someone one on twitter and when ever you tagged them they would take over,

Does anyone on Twitter know people who know what they are talking about on this subject.

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Claire Graham knows what she's talking about with DSD issues but I don't know if she's on Twitter now.

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Both she and intersex facts got banned. There is still Clare CAIS on Twitter but she must be hanging on to her account for dear life because people assume she is Claire Graham despite the fact they have very different DSDs!

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There used to be someone called intersex facts but I think they got banned....

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