The Mary Harrington piece is excellent. I would recommend friends and followers alike to spend the time reading it!

Very enlightening indeed ... and of course, disturbing in the long term perhaps in equal measures.

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It is good and comprehensive. I would love to see a similar article that could see a pathway to stop this ideology in its tracks. Maybe a "Dentons" that can see the way to stopping this.

I'm starting to wish I was 30 or 40 years older and at the end of my life.....the idea that I am not even half way through my life and this is going to continue is horrifying.

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I’m 61 & a cancer patient. But there are younger people I love & don’t want to suffer.

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Hope you’re on a good path to recovery x

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I’m fine. But I know I’m finite!

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Did you see this? Sonia Appleby has won her case against the Tavistock and Portman Trust. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9958305/Whistleblower-wins-20-000-damages-Englands-NHS-child-gender-clinic.html

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Thank you for sharing. This is great news. I expect it will appear in a Good News Supplement. This really is cheering and it looks like the Tavistock aren't going to appeal this one.

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“Transgender people twice as likely to die.” It doesn’t matter how insane these people sound, it still gets published because the goal is to drive a fear based, ideological obedience campaign. Quite honestly you get more sense out of the Daily Mail.

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Let's be fair to the Daily Mail. They have published many "gender critical" articles particularly if they are prurient like "Transwoman" Karen Smith transferred to women's prison". But they do correctly represent the common sense infatuation/revulsion with these very disturbed and utterly selfish men.

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Agreed. I meant it literally because DM does often publish what others won’t.

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The La Wispa guy looks a right chump.

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Trendy LA liberal. No ability to think critically. They’re all in a bubble.

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From the looks of his tattoos, he has obviously made some poor choices in life. He sounded like a soyboy brainwashed zombie in Wi Spa video. Wondering if he knows he’s in one of Moley’s fabulous artistic creations? 😆🤣😂

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Hahaha, very funny.

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I think he went to Evergreen College, which if you know anything about it (via Benjamin Boyce or Bret Weinstein) explains A LOT.

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Ah yes I know it. The Pacific North West social club then.

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His name is Forrest Martin.

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Just watched excellent interview by Andrew Doyle on his Free Speech Nation podcast with @Glinner. Well done and thank you.

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It will be interesting to see how schools respond to the pledge. The level of institutional capture in Ireland is shocking. And there isn’t a single investigative journalist to be found. There’s a big campaign to get more women into politics but every major political party has embraced gender ideology, even the one headed by two women. I emailed our school principal yesterday… let’s see what happens.

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The Irish pledge is just the start of it. Slowly does it. Gently grooming.

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Breaking: Cisgender people immortal! Cut to: sad montage to the tune of Queen's Who Wants To Live Forever....

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I am realizing all that women in Texas need to do: Identify as men and have what used to be called an abortion. I'm sure mole or Graham can come up with a new word.

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Or become Satanists .

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"Wrong side of history. A portrait." Brilliant! Nailed it!

Also, I do highly recommend Harrington's piece--it is excellent!

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What shocks me about the things Pronoun Wankers say is the fact that the things Pronoun Wankers say no longer shocks me.

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Susie Green is an obnoxious, pillar-of-salt enabler who should have been incarcerated long ago.

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Can you explain the Forbes headline? Can anyone explain the Forbes headline? Was the editor out that day from snorting too much blow?

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I think it’s life expectancy being on average shorter.

I haven’t seen the stats, but it *might * make one suspect that maybe living on a cocktail of hormones for years might not be terribly good for you.

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The stats are usually from South America where many TW survive by prostitution, which is a dangerous occupation for anyone, and when you add in the drug & alcohol dependency, homelessness etc ...pretty grim. But those stats are not ours in the UK. AFAIK the last murder of a tw was around two and a half years ago - one Amy Griffiths I believe, who was killed by a man he met via the internet. Also, AFAIK, Scotland has not seen one single recorded murder of a trans person. There are more trans murderers in UK jails than there have been trans murder victims in the last 10 years. But they do like to hang onto their myths.

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Amsterdam “ We did a retrospective cohort study of adult transgender people who visited the gender identity clinic of Amsterdam University Medical Centre in the Netherlands. Data of transgender people who received hormone treatment between 1972 and 2018 were linked to Statistics Netherlands.”

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“ Cause-specific mortality in transgender women was high for cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, HIV-related disease, and suicide. In transgender men, 44 people (2·7%) died, which was higher than expected compared with general population women (SMR 1·8, 95% CI 1·3–2·4) but not general population men (SMR 1·2, 95% CI 0·9–1·6). Cause-specific death in transgender men was high for non-natural causes of death. No decreasing trend in mortality risk was observed over the five decades studied.


This observational study showed an increased mortality risk in transgender people using hormone treatment, regardless of treatment type. This increased mortality risk did not decrease over time. The cause-specific mortality risk because of lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV-related disease, and suicide gives no indication to a specific effect of hormone treatment, but indicates that monitoring, optimising, and, if necessary, treating medical morbidities and lifestyle factors remain important in transgender health care.“


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And untreated mental health issues alongside irreversible surgery that was meant to fix a psychological malaise has got to be a risk factor.

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But twice as likely to die? What does that even mean? My sister the crazy doctor likes to throw the phrase morbidly obese around. Aren't we all morbidly something? Morbidly skinny? Morbidly average? Morbidly fat? And for a good laugh the idiot box was squawking the other day about hot dogs: For every one you eat, you lose 36 minutes of life. Which 36 minutes? As Paul Campos pointed out in The Obesity Myth, the extra 36 minutes do not occur when you're 30, they occur when you're 85 and living in a nursing home.

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The actual study is here. It relates to the mortality rate over a set period of time:


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"People were excluded if they used alternating testosterone and oestradiol treatment, if they started treatment younger than age 17 years, or if they had ever used puberty-blockers before gender-affirming hormone treatment."

This reminds me of Paul Campos's analysis of mortality rates based on weight. Women who smoked -- and often for weight loss -- were excluded from the study. I think if they're going to exclude a large number of people (it was over 4,000 in the study), then they need to do separate statistical studies on those three groups.

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Agreed. Approx 50% were excluded. That's a whacking great proportion to exclude and not analyse separately. It's a shame the article is paywalled.

It seems to be part of the "Amsterdam Cohort of Genderdysphoria (ACOG)" Project.

There are several other items added to the Project Log on Researchgate:


"Goal: The ‘Amsterdam Cohort of Genderdysphoria’ (ACOG) aims to better understand the long-term effects and side effects of hormonal treatment and thereby to improve quality of care for individuals with gender dysphoria."

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They are talking about murder, suicide, etc.--that is, not from natural causes. But they are still wrong if you look at the real figures.

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Hi Graham, following on from the Lord Mayor of Dublin and the lgbtqia+ pledge pack nonsense I have been on the phone to the Lord Mayor's office, a couple of secondary schools in Dublin and Mary Mooney the brains behind this outrage trying to get some explanation.

If you are interested in hearing the conversations I recorded them. Let me know and I can forward them on to you. Cheers

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VERY interested. yes, please send them to me!

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Perfect let me know where to send them.

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reply to one of my Substack emails and remind me of the subject x

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Graham I just got a notification that my email with the audios didn't go through to you. Just checking if you got them? Cheers

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Done, hope you got them.

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The Forbes article was based on a Lancet article https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(21)00185-6/fulltext - I didn't read the whole article so can't comment on the quality of the research (I expect it was high), however, it is interesting that if transwomen are at a higher risk of mortality, they may want to be treated separately from 'real' (not cis) women, in any study.

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Ooo I love it! Great work! I have another 30 day ban from Facebook and a permanent suspension from Twitter (one of two issues being quotes from a piece written by the transexual Ann A Lawrence - of "Men Trapped In Men's Bodies"!) - which I am appealing - so unfortunately I can't share.

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Me too, Tess, suspended from Twitter, NO explanation or offending tweet given, despite dozens of appeals. FB suspended me for the 2nd time a few months back, after I refused their option of admitting I'd post 'hateful' words (I had not), which would have allowed me to stay on the site. Thus, 30 days in The Cooler. Life under Chairman Mao again...............

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Oddly my extremely blunt profile was reported a week or so back, and was cleared by Twitter as OK, even though even I thought I was pushing it a bit, and was expecting a time limited suspension. The 2 tweets that got me the permanent suspension were very much milder. I shall do a daily appeal, following Helen Staniland's example which was eventually successful.

Re my Facebook ban, meh - I was pushing it, although factually correct and my comment based on my own research (slamming into the ol' AGPs, to quote Jones in "Dad's Army" - "They don't like it up 'em!" (other than for validation reasons, obvs - ;-) ). 30 days is (un)fair enough, to be expected - I've been steaming around expecting another ban for WEEKS!

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