Wrong side of history. A portrait. (This is the WiSpa guy who said “You’re being a dick” to a woman complaining about a flasher).
Porn-addicted incel reveals limitations of ‘process’
Nonpologising for joining in with the WiSpa hoax narrative.
Unlike the men currently in there, Susie Green should be in a women’s jail
Imagine fronting a charity just to mask your guilt at the harm you did to your child, harm born of homophobia, of a Dad who was so uncomfortable with a gender nonconforming child that a decade or so later, the mum ‘validated’ him, permanently, in Thailand on the day of his 16th birthday. It is the stuff of horror, and yet again, I have to remind everyone, she said these reasons out loud, to an audience, at Ted Talks. As yet, no action has been taken. Why isn’t this woman in jail?

This is from Forbes. FORBES!
I dunno, but I think, we’re all probably going to die? Have I got that one wrong?
Amazing comparison, amazing piece, amazing thread

Like when the pods are shipped out in ‘Invasion of The Bodysnatchers’
Pure grooming. Irish kids don’t deserve to be manipulated and confused by people who should know better. Here’s our report on Teni again. Did they have anything to do with this?
Pure grooming, pure propaganda. If you’re a parent, start complaining to your schools right now.
The Mary Harrington piece is excellent. I would recommend friends and followers alike to spend the time reading it!
Very enlightening indeed ... and of course, disturbing in the long term perhaps in equal measures.
Did you see this? Sonia Appleby has won her case against the Tavistock and Portman Trust. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9958305/Whistleblower-wins-20-000-damages-Englands-NHS-child-gender-clinic.html