We'll said, GG!

No idea* who created the 'Seriously' meme, but it was perfect for that moment!


* I do really...

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😂😂😂 omg I love that Lammy photo!

I need to get myself a dino costume!

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One in a series of 'several'!

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Cannot wait to see them all. Or are they on discord? I've missed a lot of messages lately. Internet has been down

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They are on my Twitter feed!

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Runs off to twitter

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Those New Zealand MPs are repugnant.

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Why is modern life so CREEPY?

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I now have 'Walk the Dinosaur' by Was Not Was as an earworm.

Thanks to Holly Lawford Smith for some clarity. This gender ideology malarkey is new to me. I'm just a 6ft tall hairy straight bloke not au fait with all the jargon (MRAs??) unsure what's satire and what's really happening (a non-binary police officer??). Five minutes ago 'queer' was a term (originally pejorative) for a gay man; now there is a willfully obfuscatory intellectual theory based around the notion.

I'm here because Keira Bell is a courageous, inspiring young woman, and I think it important to prevent a combination of ideological and financial interests harming other youngsters going through the difficulties of puberty, the way they harmed her. I'm a little confused, but I'm here.

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Welcome to Clown World. Where the line between actual events and satire is indeed very thin.

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As empathy for Keira Bell and other young people is what brought you here, another book recommend is Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier.

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Glad you are here! It is important to show that these things are of concern to men as well as women. To get background in what is going on, I recommend "Trans" by Helen Joyce, and "Material Girls" by Kathleen Stock. They can be bought as real books or electronic. Your starter for ten is that "MRA" is "Men's Rights Activist" (don't laugh!)

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“ But Chappelle—along with JK Rowling, Maya Forstater, Posie Parker and others— has made everyone a little braver”. Absolutely Graham, it’s actually been so heartening to read the comments from the majority who are no longer remaining silent.

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Dr Elizabeth Kerekere’s own thesis denies the existence of trans identities in pre-colonial times. Boy, did she get snotty when it was pointed out to her. I have to say that Kara looked remarkably unperturbed by the telling-off she got for doing that from Dr E.K. Lol!

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“Be kind”

"A great video on the patronising, anti-feminist, supercilious council of New Zealand handmaidens."

I don't vote and having watched that video … the state of those know nothing people. They are people who haven't a clue... ruling over other people!!!

Cowards hiding behind woke ideologue.

They are bare face liars, I have no respect for them.

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Most excellent!

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yep they are men in dresses

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"Warning signs of a cult - Gender Identity Indocrination"

1) No one can change their sex.

2) Gender identity is an ideologue.

3)Just say NO

*No one can make you believe anything.

*You believe because you choose to.

*Stand your ground.

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They are pedos, that's why they want a womb.

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I've just watched the David Chappelle show on Netfix. I have never seen such nasty, offensive comedy in my life - it was fantastic!

If you watch some, keep going to the end. From 56 minutes, after slandering trans people and claiming to be "team terf" he tells the story of meeting a transgender comedian, Daphne Dorman. What happened was heartbreaking and shows the danger - the insanity - of the trans activists refusals to have discussions and their desperation to annihilate anyone who doesn't fall in line.

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I’m slightly concerned about putting too much focus on the cervix issue now. While for some people it may be the catalyst that triggers them to understand the absurdity, the ones actually claiming THEY are a man with a cervix are women who have been co-opted into this misogynistic crap and may have irreparably damaged their female bodies. They are not a physical threat to women and their criminal actions would not affect the female crime statistics. IMO the much more powerful statement is “ Women do not have penises“.

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Of course I’m totally supportive of this brilliant protest, would just like to see the ADDITION of ‘women don’t have penises’ .

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I would never say that women who want to pretend they are men are not a danger to women. I personally think they are. I will start with my ninth-grade gym teacher; she had had her breasts removed, wore a men's t-shirt, the kind that looks like fishnet, and always stared at us as we showered nude after class, this in 1967-68. We all HATED her. A young lesbian wrote to me and told me of her second marriage to a woman who decided she was a man; the latter became physically abusive. Cher's daughter now son became violent and aggressive, and her lesbian partner left her. I frankly would not want to be in a public facility with one of these women; anyone who wants to be a man can hang with the boys.

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That photo with Posie, not staged by the police at all. Completely natural.

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Every time I see MP Deborah Russell I wonder if they're a transwoman. Anyone know?

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I thought that too. It makes a difference because if she’s a woman education might help, if he’s a man dialogue won’t help overcome overweening narcissistic entitlement.

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"Dismissed as a chap"???

Now you all understand why for the longest time I was calling Driscoll a Knob - this is not the flex he thinks it is.

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