Every charity, institution and place of academia has been corrupted by this sickening menace. It would be tempting to be blasé about it; the shit is so real and in your face you almost feel desensitised to it.

Big up to Graham and his team for the continual emotive reminders of how deep the rot has set. Although the regular email updates are never an easy read, they're imperative and serve as a constant reminder that the fight has barely begun.

Much respect.

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Dear Graham what I keep doing is reading your late night updates, getting outraged by particular awful/moronic twitter posts & charging off to answer them! So thank you 🙏 & also stop keeping my brain busy when I should be in bed ... 🙄😂

Great Mess today btw, Jonny was wrong nobody was being bigoted

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I am currently in family court fighting to get my child free of a domestic abuser. Trans advocates use the exact same tactics as domestic abusers - gaslighting followed by extreme violence or threats of the same at any dissent. It is exhausting trying to maintain truth in an ideologically false world. Thank you Graham on your insistence on truth. You must be knackered at keeping on uprighting the truth amongst the lies but there's a whole army of people for whom you are a beacon of light in a very very dark world.

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As a woman and a mother whose had to navigate this minefield of depravity which has been suppressed and hidden but is occurring everywhere due to male delusions, desire to dominate and control everyone and everything and resort to infantile and insolent behaviour to cover up for their gaslighting, abuse and neglect of the rights of women and children I goddamn well object. For what? For sex? Disgusting. Women are a protected sex class not their playthings or possessions.Children deserve much, much better. I am hoping these crimes against half of humanity are prosecuted along with those who have perpetrated and are complicit in the other gaslighting and BIG lies perpetrated against the whole of humanity causing death and destruction while we hurtle toward extinction whilst being economically abused, starved, deprived of housing, clean water, air habitable environments while the rich get richer by depriving others. Same as it ever was, has humanity not had enough or progressed enough yet to reject all the lies and secrecy of these criminals?

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I nominate "beclown" for Word of the Year.

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Didn't Pauli say it best with theses of questionable voracity? "not even wrong". The real crime is the harm being wreaked on those poor bastards that get sucked into the postmodern vortex. Keep up the good work though GL, one day hopefully, real soon... this whole sorry mess can come to an end.

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liberty in the seventies claimed that pornography hurt nobody, and were liberal towards illegal drug usage. obviously their anti-miltantarism work was important but the slackness around cults (not opposing the entry of scientology into britain) and being very enthusiastic for euthanisia for troublesome middle aged disabled women was and is problematic.

and liberty's support for the 'trans'/libertarian position is not really a surprise, as its a male led game like the manipulation of young women in the history of mad doctoring. charcot at the salpaterie hospital and later freud (later still in the dsmv 1-5/ big bad manual of madness) manipulated young women - constructing the diagnosis of hysteria - to fund their photographically based 'scientific research'. incarcerated these troubled women acted out in line with the doctors demands. even the 'myth' of the runaway hysteria who escaped her confinement by dressing up (in maids clothing or in mens clothing) and then disappearing from the records/and their research exists. the claims by science of the existence of sex-based 'hysteria' is the beginnings of modern gender ideology and the 2nd wave feminists researched this extensively (see showalter and later 'medical muses' by husveldt). this is our feminist history, please read it!

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Your email updates are crucial in sustaining awareness. These stories are nowhere to be seen in the media or if they are, they are unrecognisable due to biased reporting. I’m fed up of trying to like comments on Twitter. It just won’t register. Talk about bloody thought police! I hate Twitter but it’s a means to an end.

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Do I recall the Daily Mail calling out Harman's 1970s nefarious affiliation with PIE a few short years ago and all she could manage was a plea of ignorance in return?

You'll forgive me for not buying her bullshit "we weren't aware" excuse. In fact, didn't she claim it was a political witch hunt orchestrated by Paul Dacre? Well at least she got the 'witch' part right 😏

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Let's hope Keira Bell wins again. I'm currently reading Ben Goldacre's Bad Science (I know, it's late in the day) but the parallels between peddlers of alternative medicine and the trans activists are remarkable. Their responses to reasonable questioning include angry rebuttal, ad hominem attacks and the attempts to silence dissenters with lawsuits because they can afford to. It's frightening

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Excellent article, thank you.

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36,000 raising money for mastectomies?! That's terrible. I saw a comment elsewhere that I thought very pertinent. We don't allow any other type of cosmetic surgery that destroys ordinarily bodily function (e.g. nose jobs don't destroy your sense of smell) but we allow the destruction of the ability to lactate or reproduce because "trans". Consider how controversial things like bariatric surgery are as well: they're you're removing or restricting part of e.g. the stomach as a drastic solution to life-threatening obesity, but you have to have serious medical evaluation to get that. Not only that, but surgery is not offered as a solution for other psychological problems, including other types of body dysphoria/dysmorphia (not sure what the difference is!). I'm similarly horrified at the use of "puberty blockers" - there's nowhere near sufficient evidence for the safety of their use, even if it were ethical to do so in children (it's not). Sex hormones interact with so many systems (e..g bone, brain) and other hormones, including insulin (hope they take this into account if the kids are diabetic!) and growth hormone. Just...argh.

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