I am a bit worried for this anon and their job if an investigation starts. The NHS has a nasty habit of trying to discredit and destroy whistleblowers. The lengths some senior management have gone to have been extreme.
I am a bit worried for this anon and their job if an investigation starts. The NHS has a nasty habit of trying to discredit and destroy whistleblowers. The lengths some senior management have gone to have been extreme.
I agree. Personally I don't know why people sanctify "the NHS", and by extension all its employees, so much. There are good ones, excellent ones, indifferent ones and poor ones like in any organisation. My personal experience matches that.
I am a bit worried for this anon and their job if an investigation starts. The NHS has a nasty habit of trying to discredit and destroy whistleblowers. The lengths some senior management have gone to have been extreme.
I agree. Personally I don't know why people sanctify "the NHS", and by extension all its employees, so much. There are good ones, excellent ones, indifferent ones and poor ones like in any organisation. My personal experience matches that.