This seems to be a crazed return to the 1950s and before even that decade.
We were supposed to be progressing, moving forward towards the bright uplands of a future where the lessons of the past had been comprehended and the rights and dignities of the vulnerable, of the marginalised and discriminated were going to be upheld and strengthe…
This seems to be a crazed return to the 1950s and before even that decade.
We were supposed to be progressing, moving forward towards the bright uplands of a future where the lessons of the past had been comprehended and the rights and dignities of the vulnerable, of the marginalised and discriminated were going to be upheld and strengthened. We are even told at the beginning of some television shows broadcast way back that they reflected views that be now regard as archaic.
The reality is unfortunately, the complete opposite. The transing-the-gay movement has easily bested the worst that past, allegedly homophobic society was ever capable-of. Now, in these supposedly enlightened times, the while male is supreme, able to lord it over every and any institution, simply by demanding that he be regarded as a 'woman'. Male white supremacism, in its guise of the trans movement, is now rampant, triumphant even, having steamrollered over the Left, over liberalism, even progressivism. 'Woke' is now associated with militant homophobia, misogyny, and with the constant comparisons of white males with black women, incessant racism.
Activists seeking to preserve women's right, children's safeguarding and the hard-fought rights of gay men and lesbians are branded 'fascist', 'far-right' or 'Nazi's'. Those opposing BigPharma and neoliberal corporations are branded 'bigots'.
In this topsy-turvy-world, the active collusion of NHS managers and staff who sacrifice the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable women and girls to service and satisfy the needs of a white male supremacist movement perhaps isn't such a surprise.
This seems to be a crazed return to the 1950s and before even that decade.
We were supposed to be progressing, moving forward towards the bright uplands of a future where the lessons of the past had been comprehended and the rights and dignities of the vulnerable, of the marginalised and discriminated were going to be upheld and strengthened. We are even told at the beginning of some television shows broadcast way back that they reflected views that be now regard as archaic.
The reality is unfortunately, the complete opposite. The transing-the-gay movement has easily bested the worst that past, allegedly homophobic society was ever capable-of. Now, in these supposedly enlightened times, the while male is supreme, able to lord it over every and any institution, simply by demanding that he be regarded as a 'woman'. Male white supremacism, in its guise of the trans movement, is now rampant, triumphant even, having steamrollered over the Left, over liberalism, even progressivism. 'Woke' is now associated with militant homophobia, misogyny, and with the constant comparisons of white males with black women, incessant racism.
Activists seeking to preserve women's right, children's safeguarding and the hard-fought rights of gay men and lesbians are branded 'fascist', 'far-right' or 'Nazi's'. Those opposing BigPharma and neoliberal corporations are branded 'bigots'.
In this topsy-turvy-world, the active collusion of NHS managers and staff who sacrifice the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable women and girls to service and satisfy the needs of a white male supremacist movement perhaps isn't such a surprise.