Aa huvnae cancelled ma membership although aa agree wae yer assessment. See yon's the problem wae folk leavin..it weakens ony opposition an leaves the field clear fr the undemocratic elements within the party.
Aa never left ma union despite the built in misogyny.
We're at a crucial point in oor road tae Indy that must be gained. The S…
Aa huvnae cancelled ma membership although aa agree wae yer assessment. See yon's the problem wae folk leavin..it weakens ony opposition an leaves the field clear fr the undemocratic elements within the party.
Aa never left ma union despite the built in misogyny.
We're at a crucial point in oor road tae Indy that must be gained. The SNP will be jist anither social democratic party an folks such as masel willnae be votin fr them in an Indy Scotland.
There's a lot of sense in what you say. But I know a number of solid, hardworking members who have been bullied and complaints ignored. Members of 40 years and more have left. The loss of democracy within the party sacrificed on the altar of trans ideology.
Aa huvnae cancelled ma membership although aa agree wae yer assessment. See yon's the problem wae folk leavin..it weakens ony opposition an leaves the field clear fr the undemocratic elements within the party.
Aa never left ma union despite the built in misogyny.
We're at a crucial point in oor road tae Indy that must be gained. The SNP will be jist anither social democratic party an folks such as masel willnae be votin fr them in an Indy Scotland.
There's a lot of sense in what you say. But I know a number of solid, hardworking members who have been bullied and complaints ignored. Members of 40 years and more have left. The loss of democracy within the party sacrificed on the altar of trans ideology.