The one positive is that the wilder and angrier and more dangerous these men get, the more their behaviour alienates the central column of ordinary Lib Dem members, those who were just trying to 'be kind' as instructed.

It's hard to squint hard enough to see the 'be kind' message hidden at the heart of "Fuck the Terfs"

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Are the Lib Dems and the Greens in competition with each other for which Party gets the gold medal in offensive misogyny? Labour probably also wants a shot at it but Starmer is too busy sitting on the fence trying to pretend he’s the reasonable one.

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They are just pathetic. How about some actual facts and protections for WOMEN you weirdos. If you are so keen to become Women, how about you respect our differences and needs for safe spaces. Lunatics. Sorry, but my patience is utterly extinguished with these maniacs. Trans does not exist..it’s a fetish and a cult.

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My maths teacher cyberstalker who keeps on smearing me (and others who are sex realist) as transphobic bigotsand is an ardent Lib Dem supporter. Give me strength. God knows how awful he is to the female teachers in the school staff room. 😬

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Never trust a LibDem, they’re neither liberal nor democratic. If they were they’d never countenance such a regressive and dangerous ideology, nor ignore the majority of voices that see it for the utter shite it is.

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Here's a link to the information in the Swedish study of death records, where 40 times more post op females who had "gender surgeries" from 1973-2003 killed themselves by 2011, the date of the study. This means for every one female Swedish woman in the control group who ended her life, 40 post op females killed themselves. The researchers hid that data point until Dr. Stephen B. Levine outed the tidbit. The US military study of dependents' use of wrong sex hormones found 20% of males stopped and 36% of females stopped. Age range 14-22. The Dutch study had 15 drop-outs and 2 deaths, so the N=53 study from 2014 is still used to justify "gender affirming care," despite adverse events:


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Ok stats upfront: dad. Male. “Cishet”. Daughter = autistic. (Not yet got at by genre cult). Doctor. (Gp). Also coward (using pseudonym). All parties pathetic except Posie Parker. Everyone of you women = sheroes. This movement has made me love every woman in my life more + hate every sick bastard who mistreats women more and see this movement as a misogynistic cult ever more clearly. Sad thing is, if I were 15 this cult is so woman-hating I might start identifying as a girl out of sympathy I can really see how that happens - Natural reaction to how strongly those woman-hating pricks portray women . God help us. Keep fighting! (Totally non medical language have had wine!)

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Thanks for putting this information together. It is very important. These trans issues within the Lib Dems needs wider publicity. Many people are unaware. It would put a stop to many votes.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

Unfortunately the Lib Dems' polling seems to be unaffected by all this, because most of our pathetic media organisations are too scared to report it. There really are no mainstream options for voters who believe scientific rationalism should prevail. The Conservatives are probably the least-worst, but they are effectively shit. They'll sometimes say the right things but in reality they've let this moronic ideology run rampant through pretty much every public institution.

In the interest of not giving in to pessimism (or to angry blokes in skirts), polling also consistently shows that most people understand gender ideology to be nonsense, and you would hope that at some point that will affect how people vote.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

It's really not hard to see why they've let this idiocy run in, the name of the party is Liberal Democrats, aka neoliberal intersectional politics.

All this insanity is really making it difficult to vote if you're on the left (especially if you are very left economically but less so socially), I don't like the Tories for many of their ideas but they seem like one of the only parties to protect real Women, why can't we have a party like Labour used to be?

The communist party of Britain is so fringe so is practically a non entity (so the possibility of having a MP within it would be almost nill) and even they are trying to do the impossible, keeping TRAs happy while trying to keep ones Sex the basis of policy a feat that simply can't be done, as if the two influence spheres of it are having a strange tug of war competition.

The Reform Party has even less you agree with while ironically doing more for Womens rights and Childrens ability to grow up without the Gender indoctrination.

It's hard to find any Party left of centre (and beyond) talking any practical sense anymore about anything, it is like you have to stop yourself throwing the baby out with the bath water to protect it from poor economic and council policy, so you can save said baby even if they don't particularly like the economic waters they are in.

If I was able to I'd set up my own old school non woke left party with Family and Sex (alongside the usual tennants of Workers rights and the dignity and cooperation of society) at the forefront of everything, I'm a bit too unwell physically these days though so it probably won't be me doing this, unfortunately.

Anyone else feel the same?

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Ok have literally cried a bit now at your lovely comment (oh no “womenly” behaviour,.. maybe I’m a girl “on the inside”) . Love+++ to all women and hate to everything that hurts women (porn, “sex work”, devalutation of same sex spaces, equivocation of gay people with gender ideology) for ever and then some and schools out of this! Now!

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I know it's not the place but I've just watched a very interesting video exchange of two MEPs - the man, Cristian Terhes, I believe is Romanian, and he is rightly angry at the EU view of women. The woman who disagrees with him, let's call her, Useful Idiot, drools on about 'left' and 'right' - I could boot her ass with both left and right foot right now. https://www.facebook.com/IrexitFreetoProsper/videos/259441133226411/

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On a different topic, I see the DM has tracked (the now sacked thank goodness) Starbucks manager who ranted at a woman for misgendering a member of staff. Name is Luna Spain and guess what 'she' is a prominent TRA in Southampton.

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