The Liberal Democrats continue to surpass themselves. In March at conference a debate on fairer women’s representation was not allowed and a gay rights campaigner was heckled for his gender critical views on the podium.
This month in the council elections their discriminatory behaviour towards gender critical people continues. You may remember in Lewes that Sean MacLeod, Lib Dem councillor for Ouse Valley and Ringmer, posted ‘Fuck the Terfs’ in response to a Liberal Voice for Women tweet about conference. The Lib Dems received many complaints and the message was condemned by the local MP. Despite this MacLeod was still allowed to stand as a councillor a few weeks later in a different ward.
Last week Lib Dem standards told women that the complaint again MacLeod would be dismissed with a warning, his name was cleared and on Thursday 4th Sean MacLeod was re-elected as a Lib Dem councillor.
Meanwhile in the North of the country Manchester was busy electing its first trans councillor for the Lib Dems, Chris Northwood. After the elections it emerged that Northwood had liked a post from Sarah Brown, an ex-Lib Dem councillor, which compared GC women in the party to a ‘pubic lice’ infestation. Wouldn’t like to be a GC woman councillor working alongside Chris with those kinds of views.
Sarah Brown who wrote the message is a member of Stonewall’s Trans Advisory Group and was heavily involved in the capture of the Lib Dems. This wasn’t his only vile posting on the social media site. He also told his followers ‘Transphobes do not need to be persuaded, Transphobes need to be frightened.’ Despite no longer been a member he still seems to hold huge sway with the Lib Dems TRAs and regularly comments on the TRA mouthpiece Liberal Democrat Voice.
Sarah Brown also hounded Natalie Bird, a GC woman who wore an Adult Human Female t-shirt and is still suspended from the party for doing so.
So what message are the Lib Dems sending here? ‘Fuck the terfs’ – fine. GC women are like ‘pubic lice’ – also fine. Dictionary definition of woman? Get out of the Party.
Natalie Bird’s case against the Lib Dems is due to be heard this year which will further expose the rot in the Lib Dems. You can support her crowd funder here.
The one positive is that the wilder and angrier and more dangerous these men get, the more their behaviour alienates the central column of ordinary Lib Dem members, those who were just trying to 'be kind' as instructed.
It's hard to squint hard enough to see the 'be kind' message hidden at the heart of "Fuck the Terfs"
Are the Lib Dems and the Greens in competition with each other for which Party gets the gold medal in offensive misogyny? Labour probably also wants a shot at it but Starmer is too busy sitting on the fence trying to pretend he’s the reasonable one.