"A lot of my patients were quite conservative — many female patients wore long clothes, or the hijab — but they allowed me to examine them despite my change. In fact, after my transition, they even allowed me to perform more intimate examinations that they did not let me to do when I was a male GP’. "

I could be wrong but I suspect that this is not a demographic with a high degree of information or awareness of the facts about transgenderism and the absolute impossibility of 'changing sex'. I wonder how many of these women would be horrified to be told they had just been intimately examined examined by someone who is in fact STILL a male GP.

This seems to me to qualify as some kind of assault by deception. At the very least it should be possible to claim that the women's Equality Act rights to their religious belief had been disregarded.

The recent ruling from the Court of Sessions draws a very clear line between those in possession of a GRC and those merely claiming a transgender 'identity'. I wonder if any of these men have a GRC?

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P.S. so incensed I forgot to say - thank you Rebecca for an excellent post!

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Excellent comment under an excellent article, thanks both of you.

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but of course we can't know if anybody has a GRC, because that's a secret. 🙄 The GRA needs to go.

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Say it again: GRA needs to go.

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We now know that only 2 doctors out of 78 who have changed their ‘gender’ on the public GMC register actually have a Gender Recognition Certificate anyway.

The GMC has said in an FOI response that they do it on the basis of self-ID.


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Definitely assault. The man has found a way to bully and control women and it’s part of the fetish. He’s getting off on it. What a creep.

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Changing "gender" does not mean changing sex. This insanity must be confronted head on. Check a photo of the doctor, and in almost all cases you can tell an AGP a mile off - Adam's apple an obvious give-away.

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I know these people struggle to tell the difference between a horse and a chair so it isn't surprising that they cannot tell the difference between a male and a female body. But for most people, unless they are a coma patient, it is going to be pretty obvious whether it is a male or female regardless of what a database says.

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But that misses the point.

If I choose to join a surgery because I would rather see a female GP and that surgery advertises itself as having female GPs when in actual fact they may all be male then my right to choose has been invalidated.

If I ask to see a female GP, am assured by the receptionist that I will be doing, wait the seemingly mandatory 3 weeks for my appointment and walk into the consulting room to find someone with an Adam's apple and suspiciously large hands waiting for me, what am I supposed to do? I shouldn't be put in this position.

Additionally, many women have experienced discrimination, belittling and lack of empathy throughout their lives at the hands of the medical profession, particularly when it comes to gynecological problems.. We've already got a history of being intimidated, talked down to, traumatised by uncaring treatment, and our needs being dismissed and neglected. It's a bit like telling a domestic violence victim to 'just stand up to him next time'.

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I agree with that completely, I have read that women have been denied life saving treatment and labelled transphobic for requesting a female doctor, it is absolutely disgusting and immoral.

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It is.

And it's also a breach of UK standards - Regulation 10 of the CQC Fundamental Standards of Care and the Equality Act 2010.

For anyone not aware of this happening, this is one woman's experience:



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It is insane.

This must be one of the most shameful periods in the history of medicine. They are literally sacrificing virgins on the altar of a regressive, mysogynistic ideology.

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Personally I would not want to be seen by a trans doctor in any circumstances

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I was married to a Transsexual (his word) and he tried 24/7 to make me furious with him by taunting then tormenting me. He wanted to claim to the police that I, a (smaller) woman had hit him, a 6ft 1in man. It was kafka-esque. It was terrifying, it was bewildering, it was enraging. And yet I NEVER EVER rose to the bait. I would not satisfy his insane desire.

I would turn and run from any doctor, or any "care giver" or any professional trying to work for me IF he was a transsexual. They are all disturbed. They are deranged. There can be no compromise with insanity.

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If someone identifies as transgender then they either have a fetish a mental illness or they are a predator in disguise. None of which would give me any confidence in their ability to prescribe the correct treatment. Also the fact that they believe in nonsense like sex assigned at birth makes me wonder how they got a medical degree in the first place.

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There is that.

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That is horrifying, men can be so destructive with our pigheadedness.

I hope you do not blame yourself for any of his madness.

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Never. I found gender critical feminists and they were exactly the support which I needed to get over the blow to my self-confidence. To be honest I was proud of my self-control. I did not know I had it until I was really tested. Smile!

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I feel somewhat the same, but as a man it is quite different isn't it.

I could quite easily fracture the skull of a transman so they don't really pose any physical threat to me as a burly man.

I haven't had to exsist on the same level as women, I've never really been intimated by the prospect of physical violence. Once, long ago, before I matured into a man, I had a guy run at me with a machete and my response was to call him a p***k when he punched me and then denigrate him as he continued to physically assault me. It all worked out fine and a few weeks later we were sharing a few lids on a bucket.

I do sometimes wonder if the male propensity for violence is fuelled by our desire to prove that we could withstand the pain of childbirth.

The point is that as a man my experiences are completely different, even the way we experience violence and intimidation. All I can do is attempt to emphasise with my testosterone fuelled mind.

Basically this is a long winded way of saying men, all men, even me, need to STFU and let women speak!

If I ever come across as not taking this seriously that is just my dark dry humour sucking the joy out of all that is good.

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Why does a small minority of disturbed individuals get all the rights? This is as authoritarian as it gets! Maybe women should just make a consultation appointment first , and the walk out!

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Terrifying read. Are there really that many medics out there with these deep seated psychological problems, treating people? affirming kids? The creepy doc who is now thrilled by the fact he can now intimately examine women who previously would have preferred a a female doctor, that is sinister. It’s boasting. He hasn’t changed. He’s still a bloke but now he has found a way to overcome women’s preferences. That is abuse.

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The GMC is facilitating deception by male GPs. Is this yet another case that has to go to court?

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Not only GPs, hospital doctors too. But yes I certainly think there may be legal action about this.

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First there was one narcissist doctor, then there were a couple.... and soon there were so many that the Register could not be relied on.

KICK these narcissist doctors OFF the GMC register. Their beliefs clash with those of their patients. Patients ALWAYS come first.

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This is despicable. I would rather a man man perform an intimate examination on me as opposed to a man pretending to be a woman so that I have to condone his fantasy.

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I'd prefer my GP to not be a member of a self-harming cult. I really do not trust a medical professional who relies on feelings and beliefs over physiology and biology. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever

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Why is anyone surprised at the activities of GLAD when their origins arose from the defense of a pedophile ring in Revere and Boston Massachusetts as "Gay Lesbian Advocates and Defenders" ; although the lesbians seemed non-existent. Richard Peluso, Arthur Clarridge of Harvard University, doctors from Boston Children's Hospital, private school principals and others with lots of political pull were involved and had money to pay GLAD lawyers. Because of the important people involved some newspapers (NYT) covered the story and people like John Mizel of Fag Rag reported on it. This history of GLAD/GLAAD is almost always hidden or suppressed.


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This is awful! I hope that doesn’t happen in the US!

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