Heart breaking to read this and anger at all the casual and radical supporters of the gender lie.

like the author states, none of them pay the price for this suffering.

Their f-ing ‘truth’ is paid for by these poor suffering children, used like cannon fodder, sent into operation rooms to prove that its all real, healthy bodies mutilated by knives and drugs. It’s disgusting beyond belief how they treat our young human beings.

I hope all these ‘professionals’ and surgeons face justice for what they’ve done. They are like the fucking nazis. Playing god with children’s bodies and minds.

There will be a movement demanding justice for what they’ve done.

Too late for the victims, as usual, there has to be countless victims before anyone cares.

Pathetic and shameful nations full of scared fucking selfish arseholes who place

their reputation and public standing above children’s welfare.

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Absolutely. A reckoning can't come soon enough.

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I am genuinely at a loss as to how chopping bits off people and constructing other bits out of twisted and mutilated flesh could ever be seen as a "solution" to a mental health problem. The hormone thing really gets me too: as a developmental biologist, I would never have thought so-called puberty blockers could be approved for *normal puberty*. I mean, there are risks associated even using them for precocious puberty, but if you're 5 and going through puberty then you have a hormonal problem that needs correcting. Just assuming it would be fine when puberty is occurring as it should do betrays a total lack of understanding of developmental time windows, and hormones in general. And that's before you even get to the "cross sex" hormones. It's insanity.

The woman I vaguely know from the self-injury support group I used to be on as a teen has just had "top surgery" - crowdfunded via the usual grift of course, with some going to the boyfriend for whatever he thinks he needs to "affirm his gender identity" as a transwoman. Take away all the gender crap and you're just left with a heterosexual couple! (But so so oppressed, of course). One other woman on there transitioned a while back - and later died of suicide. Oh, and one man (classic highly introverted possibly autistic computer nerd) who now IDs as female. There's a really high incidence of people in that group who have suffered child sexual abuse - that's why they started self-harming! (Not in my case, FYI, I was just undiagnosed autistic). Why this doesn't ring alarm bells beats me. But they're all so sweet and liberal and affirming they think this is a good thing.

Will be interested to see how the deprogramming worked.

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Thank you for posting here. I wonder if there is any follow up with so many of these 'groups'? It sounds like you were able to keep in touch or at least aware of the other members of that group. Longitudinal studies and proper follow up (not didn't hear from, dropped off the list, so must be 'cured' dressed up as outcome measures and data) is what's missing for so many. I was once encouraged to attend one group for one issue (run by a charity but signposted there by NHS and other services) and we were forbidden from having contact outside the group. It was very bizarrely and unethically run. We also had to take it in turn to talk to the facilitator in open forum and weren't allowed to talk to each other. Very performative. Then other people in another 'group' I was 'invited' to join used it to prey on others and totally dominate sessions. The dynamic in single-sex or mixed groups was also important with some highly overly sexualised behaviours from some of the men many of whom were 'waiting' to be seen in community mental health services. And age and background were relevant with a need for very strong, if hands off, moderation and facilitation. Realising you've been sitting next to a sex offender and shared anything at all that they then use against you to then fake a sense of connection is chilling. It's been interesting hearing Az Hakeem on how his groups ran (it would be good if a longer term client of his could speak up about them and anonymously).

I do often wonder if those in services realise that we know what's happening (of course they do) and could listen to feedback. I was warned to not have any contact with some parts of mental health services like this by one clinical psychologist as it was more than hit or miss and I would be exposed to some very severe mental health issues, disturbed behaviour and be put at risk as I waited to be assessed for support. I did tried to raise a few issues and was fobbed off. So were other staff and clinicians. Often it was a hugely vulnerable collection of people put into a room together without much in common and unable to help each other, becoming more exposed to further trauma or keeping each other stuck in that trauma.

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I probably wasn't clear, but this wasn't an "official" support group - it was an email group based on the early days of yahoo and the like. It was well-moderated and well-run though, and often informally recommended by more official channels. I did personally find it very helpful and made friends there. It moved onto Facebook some time ago, but it's different now, as it's largely just a few of the old gang, who joined it as teens/young adults and are now middle-aged, without any influx of new members.

I'm familiar with the type of support groups you reference though: I know a number of people who had experiences similar to yours, both within and outside institutions. One friend of mine had a quite horrendous time in a psychiatric hospital: exposed to a lot more trauma and disturbing behaviour, as you say.

I hope you are doing better now.

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Ah! That makes sense. I am, thank you and you too. I know of official and 'other' ones and it's interesting which ones work well. I did some work in health services and delivery so was wondering (I've also investigated what support is there for me and mine). It sounds like a really good resource - that consistency or length of membership is key. Sounds a little like a few older forums I knew and maybe a bit like the newer HealthUnlocked which is where hospitals were referring patients to for a variety of health conditions (like brain injury or neurological). Interesting point about new users - on some forums new users have wrecked quite a fine balance or if there's a change of moderation. Now most interactions have been pushed online it's changed a lot - I see quite a few very desperate people without access to very basic support or advice and so I don't go on as much as I can't really do much to help such a weight of need. There seem many teens or lost younger people with a multitude of identity issues that were flooding every forum and with multiple messages, then picking fights or hounding old users off (like Reddit). I saw a message about a random user trying to elicit information in the last few days and you rely on other users you 'know' to warn each other. It was inevitable that as access to GPs and community services was resticted or absent, people then search online. I have been astonished at what a wild west it can be and how people are 'signposted' there to not such healthy spaces online. You can get some very good advice and some of the HU forums are linked to fairly well respected charities, with clinical staff moderating but you have to go on to know that. It would be good if the NHS digital offering and wider health services integrated this better.

There's often some overlap with users of services and production of guidance - NICE ask for patient and service user involvement when producing or updating guidelines and researchers now look there for engagement. I wonder where they are with this whole whatever it is - I've only found out what RCOG and other Royal Medical Colleges are up to almost by accident.

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Absolutely heartbreaking

Thank you for your strength in sharing and hopefully soon these butchers will be brought to justice , unfortunately it will be far too late for some poor souls

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we got to find the victims and love them with everything we have.

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I don't know. One woman on Exulansic's channel said she is fed up with these young women and their demands which currently include prioritizing their detransition issues over women's needs who have not mutilated themselves. (I can state emphatically that women's health needs are grossly understudied and underfunded.) And have you heard of REtransitioners?

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This is absolutely horrific, mengele is only trotting after these butchers, they are evil because they do know what will happen to these children, they don't care, none of them do. A lot of these girls particularly have horrendous scars like something from frankinsteins monster, sepsis is almost a given, burst stitches with terrible infections, pain, utis, near death and still they are ignored by the "professionals " but the surgeons are not to blame, no, their hands running with blood as they gleefully mutilate, and pet the money going into their accounts. This is a pernicious, poisonous cult, shame on all who take part in this barbarism.

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This is such an awful subject and the reason I put myself out there as a trans widow, too old to suffer cancellation. Though I am suspended from Twitter! Here's a short to tweet, Trans Widows "Days of Girlhood"


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Thank you fpor sharing this. There is a lot of evil and stupid going round.

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"... But if that is so, then the only remaining explanation for their eagerness to feed vulnerable children into the trans mutilation factory is that they are either stupid or evil... "

Or sadists. No shortage of medical sadists in Nazi Germany, remember.

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And this current crop make the Nazi doctors look like amateurs.

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So very sad, thank you for sharing this.

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This has been amost a carbon copy of my 3 year journey with my daughter. I've undone all the cultist ideology and she can see it all for what it is. I have a good open dialogue with her now and we often discuss at length and with great clarity every aspect of this cult and it's members. She's 16 now BUT she still hates her body and wants to be a boy. She's knows she isn't Trans and she knows she isn't a real boy. I'm at a loss what to do next. I have a private psychiatrist working with her that I've vetted, but even he tells me there is no road map to follow. He's treating her OCD and ADD which has helped enormously. But I'm yet to find a way to get her over the line and love herself truly. What am I missing here? Any advice gladly received.

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Exulansic spent a weekend with me! (I am a trans widow, author of In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow) and we posted the chat linked below, on the fallacies of cross-dressing, as a deep dive into the dopamine hits and behavioral factors in play in "cross-dressing."

My house is chilly in winter, and I think she needed by big sweater, but her quiet comments at the end really stand out.

If you happen to come across any trans widows, that is women whose husbands went down this rabbit hole, please let them know about Ute Heggen youtube channel.


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'Gender' 'affirmation' medical experimentation upon cult-captured youngsters violates ALL of the tenets of the Nuremberg Code. Coming soon: Nuremberg Trials 2.0, and with them -- all the usual evasions and shirking of individual consciences. "How could we possibly have known?" "We were just following WPATH guidelines". "The government told us it was fine." "Everybody else agreed with me, even the UN and ACLU." "We thought we were doing the right thing." On and on and on and on.

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Well it’s upset Comerford on Twitter that’s for sure👍🏼. About to settle down for a read. Thank you.

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Why only a bigot would object to (checks notes) permanent incontinence

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deletedJan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023
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I read that one too Ewen. Should have been a top news story and a subject for Panorama. Here's the link: https://unherd.com/2023/01/blackpools-forsaken-children/

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I once spoke to a surgeon who kept an informal spreadsheet of where her patients lived after she started noticing a pattern. Within one ward, these were children experiencing things linked to deprivation (but not widely or obviously connected to that but it is on the slightest investigation). Not a few streets away in the more affluent areas. I tried to get that linked up across services and was told 'we're too busy'. It's painful to know those patterns are there and seemingly invisible, like those children.

*Mapping data and open access have improved in recent years to the point there are clusters that are ****ing obvious and can't be hidden so easily. More people are asking why.

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Females and children are deliberately socialized to believe that whatever happens to them is their fault. Parents often start this indoctrination and then it is supported by society. And this process will not change until females are permitted to defend themselves by whatever means necessary and there is open discussion of MALE violence.

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