It was unthinkable to me that Sinead was ‘trans’. A parent’s first rule in life is to protect their child and that means that the thought of someone slicing off pieces of her healthy body and destroying her health with hormones sickened me. I would sooner volunteer that I sacrifice bits of myself than that she would do this to herself. Soon after Sinead announced that she was trans she started pestering me for a binder and she had a list of medical steps she was planning to take starting with puberty blockers, testosterone, double mastectomy, and she even planned on metoidioplasty.
I googled the side effects of binders. Constant pain, breathing difficulties and skin irritation were all listed, all unacceptable to me. I later learned that rib deformities and fractures, breast tissue damage, skin stretching, nipple displacement and possible organ damage are all equally likely. I know that this is true because one of her old friends has respiratory problems and a permanently deformed rib cage from wearing a binder. I have seen pictures of severely deformed breasts after years of wearing a binder.
The solution to these issues is to get “top surgery” as quickly as possible.
Puberty blockers were familiar to me as I had a friend who took them as part of IVF treatment. I was under no illusion that they could be reversible or a “pause button”. They are powerful, dangerous drugs and I would never dream of giving them to a developing child for a non-medical, unnecessary reason. Here is a short summary of the history of puberty blocker use in children who claim to be trans.
Although I did not know it at the time 98% of children who were put on puberty blockers at the Tavistock clinic in the UK went on to take cross-sex hormones. Rather than a pause button, puberty blockers but are more akin to a springboard into the deep end of full-medical transition. If they are taken as recommended when puberty starts and followed by cross-sex hormones the child will be infertile and their sex organs will never mature and grow.
In terms of general health, growing bones need sex hormones in order to become strong so brittle bones are a real risk. Brain development is stunted. Another side effect is depression, ironic considering the reason given for prescribing puberty blockers in the first place is to often to prevent suicide.
I knew about testosterone under the old-fashioned label of steroids which medical professionals are quick to condemn when it comes to athletes. However, now it seemed to be ok to give it to teenage girls off-label with no medical studies as to its safety or effectiveness. After an average of three months, a girl’s voice will be permanently coarsened and body hair will have started growing. There will be cosmetic changes like fat redistribution and muscle gain, but the real damage is taking place internally. After around four years the changes to the uterus make cancer likely and a hysterectomy is recommended. If this is accompanied by an oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries) then no more oestrogen will be produced. The girl will be dependent for life on external hormones and will be immediately menopausal. There are many more side effects including changes to the heart and taken together, these changes considerably shorten expected lifespan.
Finally, the surgeries. And who better to talk you through them than the patients themselves? TT Exulansic on Odysee shows ‘progress videos’ of these young girls, providing her own expert commentary. I find it hard to talk about them. I can’t watch them for long before I feel my heart constrict with what might have been.
You will not go far on the internet when you start researching top surgery before you come across Dr. Dr Sidhbh Gallagher, the surgeon of choice for very young girls. You can view photos and videos of the results. Row upon row of innocent young faces all smiling into the camera with a thick angry line across their chests where their breasts should be. I imagine that we are supposed to be seeing trans joy but all I see are the self-harm scars along their arms and in one video I could see the girl’s little hand trembling violently. Was it pain, shock or horror at what she had done to herself? She was only thirteen.
TT Exulansic describes brilliantly the religious nature of these gruesome operations. They are rites of passage into the trans cult and recruits are encouraged to progress through these operations to demonstrate their worthiness and their “true” transness. Suffering is celebrated and expected. When it comes to bottom surgery, even the archdeacon of the church of trans, Jammie Dodger, was traumatised by the brutality. She nearly died from a haemorrhage but then when it comes to bottom surgery for girls, nearly dying is par for the course. If they pull through, they can look forward to a life of pain and incontinence. Urinary tract infections will become a part of life and regular doses of antibiotics will wreak even more havoc on bodies already ravaged by hormones . It is no surprise that suicide rates for post operative transexuals has been measured in Sweden as 19 times higher than the general population.
This is what parents are afraid of. The complete destruction of the healthy body of their child. When they try to articulate their fears, they are met with incomprehension and gaslighting by professionals. I say professionals here to include all the medical professionals who push affirmation, affirming teachers, LGBT clubs and trans allies of any sort. They all have blood on their hands.
Now, what do professionals believe? I can only say what was said to me and what I have heard said by trans allies and trans charities and it is always the same. They basically believe that we all have a gender identity and that only the child knows their own identity. I was told that there was a medical consensus represented by WPATH that demanded affirmation. Being trans was reeled off in the same breath as being gay as if they were remotely analogous. They really did not seem to think that there was something monstrous about having a secret identity that demanded the total subjugation of a physically healthy body to become an unhealthy simulacrum of the opposite sex. My feeling is that they believe that they are saving the trans child by providing the understanding and support that they are not getting from their ignorant parents. They do not regard the medical side of things with the same horror and fear because it is not their child. They feel like they are demonstrating how liberal and progressive they are, and they do this at no personal cost. Society is telling them that they are heroes for rescuing trans children and defeating their abusive parents or forcing them to comply and affirm.
You have to understand that they are listening to a child who is thoroughly indoctrinated in the cult and has been coached online on what to say. So, the professionals are also being played, even as they are playing the parents. I do not forgive or excuse them, however. How many years of training does it take to become a psychologist or a psychiatrist? And yet they can’t recognise when a child is indoctrinated. They do not think that it is strange that all the trans kids say the same thing and make the exact same demands and threats.
But the really strange part is the way that professionals seem to be able to mentally block out the reality of the medical process of transition. I think that they must be indoctrinated as there is some sort of mental short circuit going on there in the same way that trans kids do not seem to notice or question the quite glaring contradictions of gender ideology.
Every time I brought up the drugs and surgery angle, I was assured that it was still far too early to talk about such things. But there was a consistency and preparedness to the response which in hindsight I feel was acting like a thought-terminating cliché.
One final observation here. I am talking mainly about medical professionals because that was my main contact but what about co-morbidities? They knew about Sinead’s severe ADD and her autism. Her self-harm was getting worse, not better the more she took on the trans identity. And finally, the sexual abuse. Knowing about that, how could they, as trained professionals, not make a connection to her repudiating her body and her wish to deny her past existence as a girl?
When my husband and I learned about the sexual abuse it made total sense to us that Sinead hated her body and wanted to change it. Again, the only answer I can come up with is that the professionals have been indoctrinated or groomed. Once they hear the magic word trans they react like Pavlov’s dog and there is only one possible outcome from then on. Check out the Cass report again on this. It describes the phenomenon perfectly although Dr. Cass does not go so far as to suggest that they have been indoctrinated. She assumes that they are still capable of independent thought. But if that is so, then the only remaining explanation for their eagerness to feed vulnerable children into the trans mutilation factory is that they are either stupid or evil.
The third and final part will be published later today.
Heart breaking to read this and anger at all the casual and radical supporters of the gender lie.
like the author states, none of them pay the price for this suffering.
Their f-ing ‘truth’ is paid for by these poor suffering children, used like cannon fodder, sent into operation rooms to prove that its all real, healthy bodies mutilated by knives and drugs. It’s disgusting beyond belief how they treat our young human beings.
I hope all these ‘professionals’ and surgeons face justice for what they’ve done. They are like the fucking nazis. Playing god with children’s bodies and minds.
There will be a movement demanding justice for what they’ve done.
Too late for the victims, as usual, there has to be countless victims before anyone cares.
Pathetic and shameful nations full of scared fucking selfish arseholes who place
their reputation and public standing above children’s welfare.
I am genuinely at a loss as to how chopping bits off people and constructing other bits out of twisted and mutilated flesh could ever be seen as a "solution" to a mental health problem. The hormone thing really gets me too: as a developmental biologist, I would never have thought so-called puberty blockers could be approved for *normal puberty*. I mean, there are risks associated even using them for precocious puberty, but if you're 5 and going through puberty then you have a hormonal problem that needs correcting. Just assuming it would be fine when puberty is occurring as it should do betrays a total lack of understanding of developmental time windows, and hormones in general. And that's before you even get to the "cross sex" hormones. It's insanity.
The woman I vaguely know from the self-injury support group I used to be on as a teen has just had "top surgery" - crowdfunded via the usual grift of course, with some going to the boyfriend for whatever he thinks he needs to "affirm his gender identity" as a transwoman. Take away all the gender crap and you're just left with a heterosexual couple! (But so so oppressed, of course). One other woman on there transitioned a while back - and later died of suicide. Oh, and one man (classic highly introverted possibly autistic computer nerd) who now IDs as female. There's a really high incidence of people in that group who have suffered child sexual abuse - that's why they started self-harming! (Not in my case, FYI, I was just undiagnosed autistic). Why this doesn't ring alarm bells beats me. But they're all so sweet and liberal and affirming they think this is a good thing.
Will be interested to see how the deprogramming worked.