I'm so very sorry, Graham. This is so low & cowardly. Shame on the woman who would throw a good man, a courageous ally, to the wolves just to ingratiate herself with a bunch of snarling jackals. She's a disgrace to journalism. And to feminism. You're worth a million Jesses & a million Katies. And they know it.

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Daww, thanks for all the kind words, everyone. I'm ok! x

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Thank goodness we have you Glinner! You are a courageous man. I hope you are recognised for it some day by people other than us!😂 is like to see a Father Ted style speech of all the people who wronged you when that day comes. 😂

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People who fail to "get" the point you were making when you joined Her as a "lesbian" are either stupid or wilfully obtuse. Since I assume Herzog is not stupid it must be the latter. It’s another shooting you in the leg moment, to keep the zombies off HER. Probably. So sorry for all the unjust character assassination you’re subjected to. It must be so incredibly dispiriting when it’s a woman doing it considering what you’re fighting for.

But we know the truth and we got your back xxx 🙏

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I’m so sorry that you have all this relentless crap to deal with, Graham, it’s horrendous. I feel for you, with this tsunami of hideous, hateful, spineless behaviour. I am grateful for you and all that you are doing. Take care of yourself and know that you are appreciated.

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Dear Graham so undeserved you are courageous - please also take care of your good and precious and warrior self - you are still a genius and you are vulnerable we all send you much love - it was a brilliant piece of work exposing what is happening on these sites x

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Well Jesse and Katie being assholes made me finally into a paying subscriber to you. Sorry you're dealing with this shit and I appreciate what you do.

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Fuck em. Tide's turning and there's gonna be a whole lotta documentation of how little spine these people have. Who woulda thunk some rando comedy writer would be one of the only guys in entertainment with any cajones to just speak the truth? Well, that doesn't surprise me at all actually, one of the strongest laughter-inducing element is incongruence, which is why comedy about the world so often just has to tell the truth. You're doing a great job, your integrity is admirable.

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Graham can I suggest having a cheaper sub for those of us who can't afford to sign up to everyone's feed. Yours is quite a good one so I might decide to spend the £49 but honestly a year ago I would not have been even able to think about spending that much to comment on your articles (I've signed up for monthly for now).

I've also had my own issues on this topic so you're certainly not alone. I suspect they're going to try and knock me off my bike at some stage. Anyway keep up the good work.

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I was truly shocked and unreservedly sympathetic when I read Jesse Singal's accounts of how he has been defamed and put through the wringer. Now, I cannot fathom the pitiless amorality that would allow him to do exactly the same thing to someone else.

In the short-term, this is worse than the attacks on Singal. His detractors have been exposed as gruesome perverts and enthusiastic liars whereas he has a longstanding reputation as a serious journalist and for being both "moderate" and courteous.

In the longer-term, the damage will be to his reputation not yours. These actions expose his hypocrisy, lack of journalistic standards and brazen cowardice.

I do not know anything about Katie Herzog but, on this showing, I would not trust anything that she has to say on any subject.

You come out of this with clean hands and a good conscience, Graham.

Your courage, unfailing support, good humour, satirical skills, good humour, tenacious research and eloquence in both speech and text have earned you the respect and gratitude of innumerable people the world over.

I think more than anything we would all love to give you a damned good hug right now!

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I cannot overstate how thankful I am for your work.

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Only a wilful grifter-chancer or grifter-enabler would not get what you QEDed.

Wet-quilt twonks.

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My list of craven cowards keeps on getting longer by the day. I've never known such a bunch of snivelling, lying, self-serving arseholes in my entire life. Just let them dare deny anything when this whole shit show crumbles around their ears.

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<<mic drop>> 👏👏

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I don't believe for a second they don't "get" what you're highlighting with your (brilliant 😉) spoofs.

Maybe a member of Generation Z who was groomed and indoctrinated with Queer Theory early on is *genuinely* confused but grown-ass adults? No chance. They wouldn't how to act in good faith; that's why never even bother trying to do so 😜

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You're better than both of them, Graham. Katie Hurts Hogs might just as well have sent you that offensive meme (that we all get) depicting an anime character aiming a gun point blank in your face and telling you to eff *ff, for all her disparaging viewpoints amount to. I personally luvved the HER hoax - some levity to point out what lesbians, and society overall, have to put up with from the queer community these days. The best clowning gig I've seen lately. Virtual hug and clink of beer steins - CHEERS!

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