I just want to remind everyone of Sonia Poulton's documentary about the Challoners just over a year ago, plus the political parties and charities' complicity in all of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHk_tdn-ga0

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That film was both horrifying and brilliant someone should send it to metrouk

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That's a fabulous documentary and deserves a lot more coverage.

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will watch, thank you.

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Shared, thanks.

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Reddit users seem to have a strong free speech attitude- used historically, I believe, to justify child porn too. But hiding someone’s past association with abusers (to put it as mildly as I can) looks like a step too far. Finally.

Off topic: has anyone seen today’s Guardian article about the campaign protesting femenicide in France? Third from last para they mention that the founder of the campaign was ditched after writing an article about “the *idea* of biological sex” when “death threats were received”. No mention of who from - squirrels? Space aliens? - or the actual violence at the recent protest in Paris. A campaign all about naming violence against women, and the Graun can’t name the violence against its founder.

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You’d think if they had a strong free speech mentality they would have been upset with how ban-happy Reddit has become lately.

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What I don't get is Reddit is prepping to go public. So why hire someone who's horrible history is not hard to find? Seems like one doesn't need to be psychic to see this backfiring.

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I think people have had enough of all the enabling. Parliament here debating mandatory notification to schools of sex offenders being housed within 5 kms of schools or nearest schools tonight, coincidentally and for those of us who thought that would be a given and knowing Probation Services are crap and overworked. Labour and Greens opposed. Some are even arguing it’s back on Mother’s again to monitor numerous children’s locations at all times (yes the one that supports drag queen time for children in libraries and calls other women TERFS). A cop out for Government obligations to safety in communities and back onto ... yes...women to be able to and responsible and know what happens 24/7 in communities by very cunning criminals. Another abrogation of Government duties ...a cop out. State of some of these liberals incoherent arguments based on feels. I’m ecstatic to hear Reddit moderators at least are drawing a line in the sand and demanding some standards.Governments also should start doing the jobs they’re paid to do instead of all the “Richard” pandering they traditionally do.

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It is extraordinary that Challenor has so easily made inroads into mainstream political parties. Challenor also worked for Elizabeth Warren's campaign but any trace of this seems to have been erased.

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This could get really interesting. It's not as if we've been saying he was a wrong 'un for years or anything......

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At the very least it is peakaimee (oh, no, that sounds like a cute furry animal type thing it might get her going)

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sorry, him

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I get confused

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Join the club :D

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Brilliant and about time.

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Please let this be true. The Peakening! lol.

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It was a curious evening yesterday. Having known about this situation for a while now , I decided to post about it on certain subreddit quite openly. Granted is was a throw away account, what was saying news to some. One of my posts last two hours , had hundreds of upvotes , comments and was gilded with awards. It was then deleted by mods and I was perm banned.

To wake up and see what happened. To see the work you ,Arty and helen have put in to be finally vindicated was a beautiful moment.

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Looks like Aimee's been responding to some comments on Reddit and then deleting

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Not to rain on this parade but - given that Aimee could arguably "pass", in photos, as a (BMI & aesthetically-challenged) young woman, the blanket female pronouns and no mention of his trans identity -  I wonder if this isn't just misogynistic #Gamergate rebooted. Do these guys going on strike realise that the "she/her" they want rid of is actually a *he* and a Teflon *T*? Will that make any difference? Just sayin'.

Also, those who ARE aware that Aimee's a TIM are otherwise fully supportive of his ilk eg "You can also donate to Mermaids, if you want to help trans people without showing support for child rape."

Hasta 4pm 👏💪👊

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As of yesterday he's gone from Reddit. So that was quite a peak. Well done.

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"The State of Reddit" by The State Media, 2 July 2020

"We’re here today to talk about Reddit, specifically their decision to ban the Gendercritical subreddit from their website."


"The State of Reddit"

"The State Media look into Reddit's decision to ban the Gendercritical subreddit from their website, a forum made up of 65,000 subscribers (the vast majority of whom were women wanting to discuss feminist issues that affected them as women) followed with Reddit's strangely titled ‘Remember The Human’ announcement."


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Graham and partners in thought-crime, I just want to say a huge thank you that your relentless pursuit of truth and sanity is finally beginning to pay dividends. Pour yourselves a nice drink this weekend - you deserve it.

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