How interesting that Alan and his friend here assume I am Graham's 'minion' and have been instructed to write this piece. It speaks volumes to their view of women and our relationship to and with men. I'm an independent self-employed woman in my 50s and I am nobody's minion! I have been a feminist campaigner / activist for over 30 years and take instruction from no man in my feminism! Alan and his friend just can't conceive that I might write what I want for this site, that a man might actually respect a woman's expertise and experience rather than dictate to her like a 'minion'. I think with every spiteful comment and insult about Graham, Alan just reveals more & more about himself.


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Well said JL. We hear this all the time dont we - That Glinner is ‘King of the Terfs’ and that he is our glorious leader who puts all our Terfy thoughts in our girly heads. It’s true that this illustrates time and time again that people like Alan think women simply don’t have the capacity to even think original thoughts of their own, let alone take any action.

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Thank you, Slapdash. It gives them away every time, doesn't it??

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Oct 2, 2021
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This is somewhat disingenuous. If I went to Whitby at Halloween dressed like a goth I could hardly complain if someone took a photo of me captioned, “Goth at Whitby on Halloween.”

I assume Felix is now aware of the obvious conclusions that would be drawn from dressing in what look like adult baby clothes plus sexualised badges at the type of event frequented by men wearing adult baby clothes and sexualised badges to signal that they are proud to be adult baby fetishists.

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Perfectly put! "I wasn't dressed as a High Court judge I was judge, I was just wearing a long red robe and a horsehair wig..." I do have sympathy with Felix. So many vulnerable people with a genuine dysphoria are being used as shields and pawns by the fetishists and the gender tourists.

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Oct 3, 2021
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You are an unrepentant fucking concern troll.

Felix is clearly dressed like a child. This is an obvious fetish shared by other adult baby fetishists and that makes Felix libel-proof.

Jesus, the neck on you!

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I won’t be lectured to by someone who makes humour out of femicide. Thank you

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I'm afraid demanding people retract fair statements on a repeated loop won't make that happen. Irl men some men abuse and terrorise their targets into compliance. That won't work here. As "do what I tell you" copy paste is all you have, I feel you wasted your money. But thanks on behalf of all decent people for helping to fund Graham as he defends thehuman rights of women, children and the LGB.

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Well, I've seen plenty of men wearing pink shirts and none of them would be caught dead in those clothes which look like something one might dress a toddler in. Why nitpick? People nitpick because they have no legitimate gripes, just nitpicks. I've lived for a long time with a nitpicker who uses this technique -- doesn't work -- to avoid serious issues.

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“Alright Great……” ? Translation - “yes, yes little lady, that’s nice dear. Anyway, onto my spat with the men…..”

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He/she looked liked they were on the stage in baby style clothing. People judge by appearances.

The first impression when you look at them is what the ! are they wearing

and jumping up to a stage and then down again is not a good look for saying you have mobility problems.

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He’s not dressed as a baby? Really? Okay - if you say so…

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She. She's a woman who's had surgery and drugs to larp as a man larping as a toddler..

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Fuck you!

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Oct 2, 2021
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He tried to tell me to take my comment down:


I told him to cope, seethe and dilate.

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I hit reply too fast edited and reposted. Wish there was a 30 second edit function.

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That's fine.

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Driscoll has screenshot and shared my observation about Felix, an observation which I hold to be both sad and true, but one which I would never have sent directly to her. Funny how 'trans allies' like him are fine with hurting people they pretend to defend if it allows them to score points against their real target.

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Oct 2, 2021
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you're a cruel piece of garbage, Driscoll.

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Oct 2, 2021
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talk about projection!

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man, I guess this is what could have happened to all of us if we failed at the one thing we set out to do.

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There, but for the Grace of God...

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Oct 2, 2021
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Level IMAX.

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Oh stop it. Graham plays the game with a straight bat...you all get outplayed by him …. then start crying.

Have some dignity now Alan.

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"You don't exactly show up here with clean hands, Alan.

Something something the plank in your own something something..."

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Ableism? Ableism? I can't stand this word being used by someone who can walk!!!!!

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Same here, Susan. My late mother was disabled. She adored Graham & his work and would've told Alan here to piss RIGHT off.

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Then let Felix fucking prove otherwise!

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Excellent, as ever JL. Thank you for plunging into the abyssal depths of deranged and duplicitous depravity on our behalf.

And the adult baby stuff was pretty bad too.

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A thank you so much, Moley! Your kind words are always much appreciated. (Suffice to say Graham owes me a VERY large gin for having to sit through Driscoll's so-called 'comedy'!)

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We all owe you a gin or two JL!

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Bless you, mate! I shall look forward to collecting!

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Now I know what to ask for when I sit through something tedious and obnoxious!

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Oh I find a large G&T the perfect accompaniment to SO many situations!

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Can a brother get a beverage warning over here?!?

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Apologies.... Just demonstrating a real joke to the subject of the piece! 🙃

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Once again I want to thank Twatter for banning Graham, which was the catalyst for this fantastic resource, which helps decent people organise and share information, and ensures Graham is paid for his hard work defending women, children and LGB human rights.

This must be the most widely read and shared Substack to have ever existed.

And as a bonus Graham's obsessive stalkers keep purchasing subscriptions to comment on his and his guest's factual, well researched posts.

Best outcome ever. 😅🤩🙃

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I agree. There something about getting kicked off twitter which permits people more time to do more quality work.

After I got kicked off for saying a man can’t be a woman I’ve read more, wrote more and have joined more actual groups dealing with issues I champion.

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There's a 41% chance Alan will finally have a moment of self realization.

(See, I can do comedy too)

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Unlike Alan, that actually made me laugh!

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Thank you, I'll be here all week.

Remember to tip your waitresses and bartenders.

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Always do! (Cos I used to be one!)

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So was I!

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Always do because when I was a teenager I said I'll never wait tables or cashier, two of the hardest jobs in the world!

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I hope he does. Louis CK made jokes about the stuff we later found out he was doing all along (shiver).

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Write what you know, that's the advice given to writers who are struggling creatively. Who knew.

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Goodness me, anti women's rights campaigners really do hang on Graham's every word. So many hysterics and testerics attributed to the truthful words of a man they keep claiming isn't relevant.

Yet they screenshot everything he says and go straight to shrieking tantrums in nanoseconds. They must just hover over this site like deranged vultures 😅

And none of them ever seem to realise that their inability to control their emotions will not prevent decent people telling the truth. You can't enforce silence with tantrums. Learn to control yourselves, you won't be controlling us.

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I've come across this charmless, unfunny man before. Couldn't be more obvious he really hates women - many a true word said in jest and all that.

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He's alluded to his wife having left him.

With his charming, rapier style wit I wonder why she'd give up such a delicious catch as him.

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Yeah, I can't imagine this being a non-starter for anything.

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And now I don’t know what to do or think…On the one hand I stand with JL, Glinner and y’all in the condemnation of this massive tool attacking BevJ and the LGBA…but equally I can’t agree with (some) of your criticisms. The Korean torture porn thing was a reference to Squid-Game on Netflix. It was a completely legitimate thing to say about it and the ridiculous position of finding yourself watching it during a lockdown on Netflix. It’s quite a good series and I would say culturally adjacent to Black Mirror. I also find myself disagreeing with you about the peanuts thing. The subject and the object of ’a line’ are two very different things and we can’t snowflake about ‘comedy’ too quickly as without it there would be no comedy.

But, but, I then agree about the Lost Prophets thing. Using at as the basis of humour is not appropriate. But then again, I respect his right to do. I don’t like Doug Stanhope’s roasting of terminal cancer sufferers. And actually walked out of his gig when he was roasting a lady in the audience. But I respect his right to do it. Her right to glory in the roasting. AND understand it is my difficulty with the subject that is the problem there.

I love this site and all the important work Glinner and everyone is doing. But we can’t lose sight of all of the issues that come out of it. And can’t end up sacrificing an important part of comedy to do so. However bad that ‘comedy’ is, we have to respect it.

I think?

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Oh I agree with you, Tom. I think any subject is fair game for comedy (or, indeed, any form of artistic expression). As Jo Godwin so wisely said, “A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.” The same is true of comedy.

And, though I've never seen it, I know about the Netflix thing. My point about Driscoll's comment is that he happily uses topics for sources of his 'comedy' (I use the term very loosely in his case) which include femicide, child rape, the deliberate confusion of torture porn with a Netflix series etc... but then opines so earnestly when virtue-signalling to his audience what a wonderful LGB ally he is... “Bigotry is one of the things I get too angry to be funny about”. But killing prostitutes is hilarious??

It's particularly repulsive when we see his attempts to defame and denigrate GENUINE LGB campaigners. As I said in the piece, if he REALLY gave a toss about LGB people he'd be horrified at the movement being overrun by heterosexual people, by young lesbians being groomed into accepting male partners, by vulnerable gender non-conforming kids (many of whom will grow up to LGB) having their healthy bodies ruined with hormones, by straight men like Bunce and Drummond representing the LGB community... Instead he chooses to pour venom on the people trying to defend and uphold the rights of those same-sex attracted, including Graham of whom, I believe, he is insanely jealous. (But I know you know this!)

Thanks for your kind words - nice to be appreciated! - and your comment which gave me a chance to clarify my position! All the best.

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Oct 3, 2021
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Well if he doesn't want people to think he's watching Korean torture porn, best not to say it. Nobody's telling him not to make such jokes or cancelling him for doing so. I know nothing at all about him have never heard his name before this thread so fairly assumed he meant it. And still didn't go after him for it. Relieved to know there was an explanation which isn't, for once, grotesque. But nobody's fault if they read his tweet and assume he's serious.

If he's going to try to police others he'd better get used to people noticing him too. When you consider the admitted behaviour of other Tras, biting women's faces etc, it's a fair mistake to make.

Glad to hear there's a rational reason for such an ugly tweet, for once.

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So many TRAs with severe sexual dysfunction and terrifying rage towards women.

Almost like it's not a glitch, it's a feature.

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I'm not sure why his audience were laughing, unless it was their own embarrassment at having taken it upon themselves to watch a supposed comedian be number of things apart from funny. Either that or they were like-minded 'liberals' feeling legitimised enough to have a burst of relief in public.

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I went to an atrocious theatre piece my massage therapist participated in. People were laughing and I figured they were all on some sort of drug.

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Can I just say Graham, I’m LOVING that I have a paid up sub right now. The comments section alone are worth the money today.

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Spread the word!

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We do have a history with this guy.

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From video above, he's neither funny nor smart. And he clearly has no concept of 30 seconds.

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"For the record, after releasing this I heard from several survivors expressing gratitude that someone was able to tackle this subject with empathy and nuance, echoing my belief that comedy can be a massive force for healing trauma when done correctly and compassionately."

Of all the things that never happened to The Knob, this never happened the most.

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I should say that these several survivors weren't talking about him.

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I didn't get past the 'I'll read this to you'. Not just as a result of his lame dribbling on material but because he has the charisma of an old sponge. I knew lots of boys like this when I was young. Thought they were funny because they could quote Monty Python and Pete and Dud.

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This has exactly the same vibe as an abuser who goes seeking sympathy from all your mutual friends after an outburst so that you can't get support if you try and share your experience.

Its just preemptive damage control for all the hypersexualized "girl talk" and pornified concept of womanhood, which they will also claim is because they "missed out" for so many years, so actually it's not offensive or disrespectful. But it fucking is.

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I would love to know why this man, an admitted Trans Rights Activist, is willingly giving money to an evil TERF like Graham Linehan!

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What a sad excuse for a man.

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Does he self-identify as being funny? We all know how that goes.

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Proper LOL!

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"It's funny how much more those people would hate me if they even had the attention span to do proper research. 'Airline Peanuts' is a 20 minute routine about the concept of forgiveness and whether it applies to Ian Watkins of Lostprophets and his sexual abuse of babies."

The Knob wonders why people call him a nonce.

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Not a subject for a comedy routine.

Ian Watkins: Lostprophets singer 'boasted he'd raped five-year-old American girl'

"An ex-girlfriend of the paedophile former rock star says he would have gone on to murder"

"He also confessed how his favourite film was an eastern European film which shows a newborn baby being raped."


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Paedophilia is never funny but The Knob thinks it High Art.

I've watched his video. I used to do stand-up comedy back in the 90s, back when I used to perform in front of crackheads, pimps and prostitutes, sailors and longshoreman in places I can only generously describe as "a bucket of blood" and "bring your own bullets".

I can totally tell nobody was digging his jokes. When you try out material you tell your joke, step back and gauge the room. If your jokes aren't going over you don't double down on the same failed joke.

You move on to other material.

The Knob isn't that sentient. He thinks if you throw enough shit, especially the same shit, against the way something has to stick eventually.

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"Airline Peanuts" is not really funny, because they are no longer allowed on planes due too the risk of allergy symptoms and anaphylactic shock to people sensitive to them. I think some people have been made really unwell as a result of peanuts on aeroplanes, despite being several rows away - the ventilation spreads the allergen around. So yeah, not a great title.

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So his show is named after a toxic, potentially fatal & outdated phenomenon.

Hmm: is that deep self-knowledge?

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That is so true. My daughter's allergic to nuts. The airline announced it was a nut-free flight. Didn't stop the fucking entitled man next to her from eating a packet. She had to move seats.

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Good grief? That’s putting her life at risk!

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Never question someone's human right to eat nuts on a plane.

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"... due to..." Slight tremor and failed auto correct!

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